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Zamboni Man

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Posts posted by Zamboni Man

  1. But the best part was having their comments go from "Our offense is on a roll - we're gonna kick you guys" and "Kitna is the best backup in the league" to such gems as "I'd rather watch man-on-man sex than watch any more of this game" or "This is the worst game I've ever been to" or calling Kitna Stevestojan-na.



  2. There's more you can do, no touch icing to speed up the game aswell. Change the offside rule to go back like in the good ol days.


    For the most part I like no touch icing, however it does suck when there are two guys inside the blueline racing for the puck and they blow it dead anyways. I'd like if they called no touch icing unless there is an actual chance for a play on the puck. Brining back the tag up offsides rule would be great.

  3. What I like about McGahee the most is that the guy can actually pick up the blitz. Hasn't everybody who's had a similar injury to McGahee said that it takes at least 3 years to get back to 100%? I'd venture to say that McGahee's injury was by the far the worst knee injury I've seen somebody come back from. With that injury, defenses stacking 8 in the box and blitzing to try and shut down Bledsoe, I'm impressed enough to leave him as our #1 horse in the backfield because of the level of play he's brought to the table this season.

  4. And this is exactly why its NOT more popular.


    Jesus...all you need is Hogan and Nash to show up and paint NWO on Wayne Cashman's back to complete that scene. When your sport is closer to pro wrestling than other sports, youve got yourself a problem.



    Hockey used to be more popular than basketball and was the 3rd biggest sport in the US. That was prior to Bettman, his instigator rule, over expansion and of course the start of the worst officiating in professional sports, outside of professional wrestling. The Sabres did sell out all their games for a long time back in the 70's thanks to the French Connection and tough guys like Korab and Schoenfeld. It takes a mix of both offense and toughness to sell tickets imo. People buy tickets for hockey games to see those two things as far as I know. The biggest problem with hockey is that it doesn't look nearly as good on tv as it does in person.

  5. If they are serious about creating a viable entity, those rules would

    1. institute a salary cap,

    2. force the owners to accept revenue sharing,

    3. eliminate guaranteed contracts

    4. adopt a more liberal free agency system

    5. change the rules to open up the game for more skating and scoring

    a. eliminate center red line

    b. shrink center ice area and increase area behind the nets

    c. downscale the padding and equipment and outlaw fighting & cheap shots

    d. striclty enforce the slashing, hooking, & iunterference type penalties designed to slow down the skaters.

    e. adopt a penalty shot format after a 5 minute overtime


    I don't think that totally outlawing fighting would be a good thing, hockey was in it's prime back in the late 70's, early 80's. It was b/c of the perfect combination of scoring, open play and a few fights mixed in there. Think about it, how many old time Sabres fans have a favorite memory of Jim Schoenfeld putting Wayne Cashman through the zamboni entrance @ the Aud and pummelling him on the concrete? Call the rules they have on the books, ditch the stupid instigator rule and you will see cheap shots disappear. Nobody has to worry about reprecussions for a cheap shot b/c the enforcers who used to take care of stuff like that have their hands tied with the threat of suspension for starting a fight. Other than that I'd like to see those rules put in place, especially down sizing the equipment, and if they don't downsize the goalie equipment, get rid of the regulation on the curve of a stickblade and make the net a little bigger.

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