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Zamboni Man

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Posts posted by Zamboni Man

  1. A cool idea to help out with tv ratings would be to reinvent that Fox puck that glowed. The way fox used it, it really sucked and was a joke. I'm not saying it should be a laser, but just add a darker black halo around it like hockey video games use. Keep it subtle and I think it would look pretty good and help the casual fan who "can't see the puck" with that problem.


    I'm interested to see how this blue ice looks.

  2. If all the games are selling out, then it doesn't matter what kind of "pathetic shape" the city of Buffalo is in financially. As long as the tickets sell, the Bills will be in Buffalo.


    A new stadium could be a very good thing for Buffalo, if they do two things. 1) Make it have a retractable roof and 2) Put it on the lake and use some of that old Bethlehem Steel and NFTA brownfield property. A lot of people in OP would feel the pinch from the Bills stadium moving towards the city, which would suck, but it's the Buffalo Bills not the Buffalo Bills of Orchard Park. If the politicians up there could get their heads out of the sand and come up with a plan to fund a new stadium, it would work out really nice. Not only would the Bills get a new stadium, but it would give downtown the convention center that we've been hearing they need for as long as I could remember and could possibly put Buffalo on the list to host the Super Bowl. Not to mention put some of that waterfront to use. Personally if the city ever did host the Super Bowl and media slammed us like they did Jacksonville, that'd be fine by me just as long as they're spending the $$$$ while they're doing it.

  3. I loved Jason however after Jason X I don't think I ever want to see another Jason movie ever again regardless of who's directing it. I just can't get that horrible film out of my bleeding mind. Just let jason die already. It's not worth rehashing. The films were cool, but enough is enough already.


    Jason X was horrible. What's really funny about it was that there was a Jason Goes To Space skit on Mad TV a few years before Jason X actually came out. :lol:

  4. I was listening to "Moving the Chains" last night and Glen Parker was one of the hosts. Anyways, they were saying how Holcomb was a "bad apple" in the locker room in Cleveland with both Couch and Garcia. However, they said Mularkey won't allow something like that in his locker room and that Holcomb hasn't earned the right to be a bad apple since he's not starter material, hasn't ever won anything and never put up the big numbers when it mattered. Pretty funny listening to 6 guys sit there and rip on what the guy did in Cleveland.

  5. Agreed....


    Wont the fins ever learn?  Spending all their money on defense while their offense continues to suffer.....



    It's ok by me. :devil: Kevin Carter didn't do much of anything in Tennessee next to Kearse, so I'm not to worried about him doing anything next to Taylor or Holliday. I'll worry about the Fish when they get a qb who doesn't cry or get hurt from a butt slap and a rb who doesn't retire to try out for the next Cheech and Chong movie. :P

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