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  1. At the moment i agree with the D's and C's. But this pick seems to be trying to draft all guys who would be top 15 if they stayed in school a year later. That doesnt work for round 7 guys but most round seveners never get any worth. I want to see what these players look like in a year before you give it a real grade. For this season its a D-. But for the long run these may be some great picks.
  2. How many of these guys are going to still be on this team in the next few seasons?
  3. Well players whose fathers played are usually smart. SI.com says he's a good pass blocker and we all no Losman needs that. But hes not a run blocker and we are a running team.
  4. We could probably give him a really small contract cause no one else is gonna sign him. then train him for a year and see what happens. Maybe put some clause in his contract about behavior and drugs.
  5. im also glad about the future picks, but some help for this season wouild be nice
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