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Posts posted by Mooshocker

  1. Revisionist history. I'd love to see where JP would be with Schonert, a stable Front Office, an OLine, a better than average defense, and some weapons around him.


    Trent looked pretty "JP like" for the first 3 quarters last week.




    Let me tell you all once again where JP would be with Schonert, a stable front office, an o-line, a better than average defense and some weapson around him:




    Get it straight....................................all the physical talents in the world will NOT take the place of what is between his ears which is very little.

  2. JP does not even come close to managing the offense, the game clock or their defense. I have said it before and will continue, arm strength, good wheels does not make a winning QB. It takes brains and the ability to keep it in front of you.


    HOw many long bombs to Evans would we have seen within the last two minutes of this game.

  3. "J.P. struggles more with that aspect of the game. You win with those [intrinsic qualities]. You can have all the athletic ability in the world and the strongest arm in the world and great escapability, but if you don't understand the game and what the defense is giving you and know your guys, you won't be successful." - Mark Kelso


    In summary, it is what I have been saying since last season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Hochuli has clearly been one of the NFL's most respected and consistent referees for years now. The guy blows one call, albiet in a very large spot, that helps lead to a different outcome in a game and now he has to receive hate mail and face public humliation like this? Not to mention, although he did make the incorrect call, this could have been nulified if the league didn't have the ridiculous rule that says you can never use instant replay to review a play like this particular one that was blown dead. The guy is obviously sympathetic for what he did, and is even responding to these idiots e-mails. Am I the only one who thinks that a lot of people, especially hundreds of these San Diego fans, are going a little overboard. Hey, stop the Broncos on one, just one, of the SAME two plays they ran BACK-TO-BACK to score the touchdown and then take the lead with the 2 pt conversion, and San Diego goes home with the win anyways.



    Rest assured, if it were our beloved Bills instead of the Chargers, this board would be EXPLODING on Hochuli!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ...regarding my take on JP Losman. I was "crazy" enough to suggest that it was not JP's arm, feet or overall athletic ability that would be his downfall not only here in Buffalo but throughout the NFL. It is his absolute lack of football smarts. His inability to read a defense, rely on his line to block for him, anticipate his receivers (other than the fly or deep post by Lee) and not being able to recognize a defensive scheme prior to going under center.


    It was suggested that I was not open to JP's abilities and that I was just a Trent lover. I must say, from the moment I saw Trent play in person (at home versus the Jets), I knew we were on to a very special QB. Whatever we THOUGHT he lacked in skill, he more than made up with his brains.


    Now, in a new season, we can clearly see by yesterdays game what football smarts affords you. Calm, cool and collected QBing. Reading the defense and anticipating. Extracting all he could out of each play called and knowing what his limits were (accepting the sack late in the game versus a very JP like move by throwing it up there). We all know Montana had them (smarts), Boomer had them, Simms had them and more recently, Brady and Kerry Collins.


    Football smarts. Using the team around you and keeping your feet planted. Now, one final chance for JP to exercise smarts.....RE-SIGN WITH BUFFALO, ACCEPT YOUR POSITION ON THIS TEAM AND IN THIS LEAGUE AND ENJOY MUCH SUCCESS!!!!

  6. probably played himself into a roster casualty after fumbling for the third time in three games last night versus Detroit.



    OOOOOOPS - I meant D. Wright......I feel like the guy who mistook Ryan Denney for Bryant McKinney.....sorry.....

  7. ...that the Orioles and Twins play tonight at 7:05 p.m. followed by the Angles and the Rangers at 10:00. I'll update you with other reports as they scroll.


    PS - NFL news coming in about three minutes...hold on....ok...Cards sign Mike Gandy...phew, glad I can type fast. <_<

  8. First, a great big congrats to JP AND, contrary to AnthonyF (?), Steve Fairchild and the ENTIRE offensive coaching staff for identifying the abilties of this offense and excentuating said abilities.


    I have posted only a couple of times, however, have been a Bills fan for many, many years. Not since the Kelly days have I had so much to look forward to. A solid, young, athletic quarterback, a spunky, great handed wide receiver, a young, yet intelligant offensive line and a running back that if he listens to Marv, just might make somthing of himself in this league.


    A couple of LB's, a couple of O and D linemen (one each of which should be a mid-grade veteran), a really tall, lanky WR and we are on to something.

  9. As I said a couple of weeks ago (within my very first post)....this line, if it stays healthy, is young enough, talented enough and athletic enough to be one of the best lines in Buffalo history. Right it down. Even the likes of Wolford, Fina, Ballard, Hull did NOT have the athletic upside these youngsters do.


    The line needs depth! The line needs time! The very same can be said about our defensive line. Depth and time!


    Great win! Great team effort! Great coaching! If only we would have kept Bledsoe, we probably could've won 38-13...oh well!

  10. I have been reading TSW for about one year now and have to say how informative and entertaining it has been.


    I have been hesitant to post a thread because each time I come up with a thought or an idea, I find another individual has already posted it..lol.


    That said....I am going to jump in and start taking an active position on this site.


    I really like our offensive line. In fact, I think it is about the most talented line we have fielded in about eight years. Fowler seems to play above his physical abilities; Peters will only continue to get better with time; Gandy is obviously much more comfortable at LG; Preston is young, phsycial and along with Gandy and Pennington, will only become more efficient and "stable" as time goes on.


    Should this line stay together for the remainder of the season, offseason and right into 2007, I would assume a substantial increase in offensive success based upon that factor alone.


    JP seems to have a lot of the tools necessary to win. Very strong, accurate arm. Upfield vision. Busy, yet not wasteful footwork, size and of course, mobility. I can recall critiquing JimBo during his first two or three years in the NFL and noticed how he struggled reading NFL defenses versus his USFL days at times. I even questioned his ability to make the transition. He seemed to rely too much on his cannon arm and "tough guy" attitude. Putting the ball "in there" too often. Remember.....


    I truly believe JP will become the type of quarterback who pull's success from a variety of places at different points of a game. His own skills. His ends. His RB's and his WR's. What I mean is JP will not be one dimensional. He will learn to excentuate what is working. He will learn how to read defenses and he will comit himself to taking his game to higher and higher levels. The kid has got it....he just needs to find it and nurture it...just like JimBo and a guy in Green Bay who Glanville said would never make it in the NFL.


    Well, I am done for now. It was fun putting my thought on paper and hopefully my misspellings and other errors don't outweigh the message I was trying to convey. Thanks everyone. I look forward to your replies.

  11. First, let me introduce myself as a lifelong Bills fan, longtime reader of TBD and finally, a confused member of this conversation. Why is it, whenever someone gets cut, traded, released, etc., we as "fans" jump in the middle of their *^&% and begin nitpicking everything little thing about them...aka, a picture of them on a national website as a potential "winner" in this league.


    How many of us would have killed to have had Drew back last year. Just wondering? Now that he is gone, he is the worst thing that ever stepped foot in the Ralph!?!?

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