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Posts posted by Mooshocker

  1. First, if anyone believes that Russ Brandon has NOT already been calling the shots for the past three years, you are crazy! His relationship with Ralph since 2008 has very simply been...."Mr. Wilson, we believe Chan Gailey is the absolute best available candidate for our next HC! We are prepared to offer him XYZ contract". Ralph's reply...."what did you say...I can't hear a thing....whatever.....go ahead...I'm exhausted"


    Sooooooo, my point? Simple: Nothing is going to change, proof one this morning. Doug Marrone? Are you kidding me. Cheap, yes. Figure Head, yes. Puppet, yes. Experienced, accomplished, well respected, feared........NO WAY.


    Typical move from a typical non-qualified CEO. TYPICAL. Mark my words....three years from now, Doug will be gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I can't belive this............

  2. I believe we lost a couple of really great coaches that proved their value on the field via those they coached:


    1. Pete Metzlaars - consider the year Chandler had and the improved play of Lee;


    2. Joe Desallendres (sp) - once again, making something out of a beat up O-line;


    3. George Catavloas - year after year he coached up some pretty good CB play...even got a little improvement out of McDropsy

  3. why would we sign this scrub who was cut with no nfl experience. must be cheap or is he just practice squad fodder



    Funny, I recall the same things being said about a no name, NFLE'er named Fred Jackson. Mellow out and stop the distrust. No matter what the reason, in Buddy we trust.

  4. As a member of the Avon Rotary Club, I have been asked to spread the word to each and every contact I have. We are accepting donations to send more Shelter Boxes to Haiti. Each Shelter Box contains a tent to house 10 adults; water purifying tablets, cooking utensils, first aid supplies, etc. Each Shelter Box costs $1,000.00 to assemble and ship. They are sent all over the world when the need calls...i.e., New Orleans (Katrina); NYC (World Trade Center Disaster); etc.


    If you could spare any amount of money, please send it to Avon Rotary Club, P.O. Box 1, Avon, NY 14414 (put Shelter Box in the memo). 100% of the money will be used for Shelter Boxes. Thus far we have purchased two from our own general account per an emergency board meeting this past week. At this point, we are looking for any and all donations to purchase more.


    These Shelter Boxes provide direct and immediate assistance to actual victims. No middle man, no giant corporate interference, just shelter and the ability to maintain a safe quality of life while other aide arrives.


    Please consider this Bills Fans! Remember when we were "Talkin Proud"....lets "act proud" and help these human beings out! Thanks a ton!

  5. QB:


    Edwards; Fitzy; Brohm - I can't wait to see what earned Brohm a 2nd round pick and Fitzy can be my back up anytime. Edwards is yet another product of poor coaching and coordinating.




    Jackson and Lynch are still two of the better tandums in the league. With a healthy OL, they will be better.


    OL: Wood, Levitre, Hangartner, Butler, Bell are not bad IF healthy. Trust me, with more time to gell, they can be a better than average line. Throw in Incognito, Meridith and Scott, we aren't exactly thin.


    WR: Evans, Jackson and Hardy. With Owens, Parrish and Reed going, we need to address this position.


    TE: Nelson and Shouman are better than average starters. Fine, Stupar need to stay healthy. Big names do not make big players.


    DL: Stroud, Williams, Maybin, Schoble (he will be back), Kelsay, Denny and McCargo are not enough. Kelsay, Denny and McCargo are gone. We need to address this position.


    CB: McGee, McKelvin, Corner, Florence, Youboty...what more could we ask for?


    S: Whitner, Byrd, Wilson, Scott...again, very under appreciated


    LB: Mitchell, Poz, Harris, Ellison, Palmer...look for one of the youngsters to step up

  6. I will say this...I honestly believe, as does everyone else on this board, that I am the biggest Bills fan ever! I have physically and verbally fought for their honor. I remember losing excitement over touchdowns because there were so many of them and I remember sitting, stairing at the T.V. in total disbelief in what I was seeing, no emotion, nothing.


    I have joked with family and friends about becoming a fan of another team, however, as many have written, being a Bills fan is not a "fad", it is in your blood. You can't deny it nor can you ignore it! You scour the news, internet, newspapers and any other venue to obtain information. You get excited about a certain player or opportunity and you research all you can about him. Finally, your weeks efficiency and mood actually depends on whether or not you Bills won on Sunday!


    There will come a time when we are winners again! We will hear ESPN and other networks focus on our play and team and we will remember these days as the storm before the calm.


    Listen, there is no where to go but up!

  7. Meeting setup this coming Wednesday in Detroit (Ralphs office). Some suggest he learned a lot about personnel moves and seems set to take the next step in his career.


    I for one like this move. Matt was totally underutilized in Detroit. His hands were tied from the beginning and he was never really able to leave his personal stamp on the team.


    Let's hope!

  8. Amazing. I was yelling at the TV and my two uncles to "let them score". Save the time outs, save some time on the clock and worse case scenario, send it into OT with a field goal. Ray Charles could have seen that!


    On the bright side, I honestly Billieve that a new head coach in the likes of Gruden, Shanahan, Cower or Holmgren will provide enough guidance, leadership and foresight to right this ship.

  9. How about Steve DeBerg. He was one tough dude! The pinky finger with the steel rod poking out the end of it?!?!?!?!?! Ouch!!!!!!




    PS - Regarding the Steve McNair "joke". I pray that you never lose a loved one to such a horrible crime, leaving your spouse to learn of the "behind the scenes" activities, only to have someone in a chat room make fun of the situation. Go ahead and find the phone number to Steve's wife, give her a call, ask to speak with their four boys and share your "funny joke" with them. I am certain they would appreciate it.

  10. God i hope he goes to Carolina. And Jake picks up where he left off in the playoffs. J.P comes in. The Falcons are my second favorite team. I would love to see J.P behind center. Would laugh the whole time he ate the ball and got his head knocked off.



    Let me just say, JP Losman simply has very little football brain cells. He cannot disect a defense the way an NFL QB must in this day and age. He simply does not have it. He has the arm and the legs and the speed, but no brains. TE on the other hand, much like Montana, may not be the strongest or the fastest, but man do his brains make up big time for his physical limitations.

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