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Everything posted by Booster4324

  1. Only someone still had to purchase said widget. Success does not happen in a vacuum.
  2. Thanks for proving my point. You are a racist and even if everyone labels you one, you think you are right.
  3. Go Palin, 2nd term for Obama - kook Go Bachmann, 2nd term for Obama - kook Go Paul, 2nd term for Obama - kook (Although I like some of his stuff) I do not know much about Cain, but really how did the other three even get elected to anything?
  4. I doubt you are introspective enough to have the simple fact that everyone here detests you make you examine your life. Carry on.
  5. I was under the impression that they didn't mess with their funds till August, but I may have misread that. If the government took the funds in April, then yeah, I see your point. My bad for skimming the article.
  6. It has already been pointed out multiple times that the majority do not get scholarships. So you are disingenuous, or an ...
  7. In a case like this (Troy Davis), most of us know how you feel Dave. The evidence matters little as far as you are concerned. Edit - Oh and he is dead now. So that should make some happy.
  8. The big issue here is how much money as a percentage was paid out to a select few. In comparison banks, invest the majority of the money.
  9. Could I get a show of hands from those who think President Obama is doing a good job?
  10. So they all get scholarships? I didn't know that...
  11. So Obama still has a shot for your vote?
  12. Did you work for Deloitte & Touche? Or were you just affiliated with them?
  13. I think it refers to the Babylonians. Jews had been persecuted by them?
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