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Everything posted by Nipsey

  1. Wow this interview is terribad. This chick is a c u next Tuesday. Lets see if she is still excited about the snow in March.
  2. Rob Royal with Cheese. ...and its not even close. This man is a clown with shoulder pads and I hope he chokes on his rubber chicken.
  3. Royal couldn't hold Harmon's jock. He'd fumble that too.
  4. The segment today on Gameday was shorter than the YouTube one posted.
  5. I voted for Terrance too of course. But the Revis play is so sick it should win easily.
  6. Fox never has the crowd audio turned up very loud at all. Its makes the Fox games boring. Compare it to CBS its night and day.
  7. How can it be tampering if the dude is retired and has NOT filed for reinstatement yet? Can someone explain this to me?
  8. Youtube Link http://youtube.com/watch?v=uHqc2xd7Qmw
  9. Promo said he will tell who he cant wait to cover in the nfl and if he is ready for the cold winters. http://youtube.com/watch?v=uHqc2xd7Qmw
  10. This interview made me remember how much I liked Takeo. I would love to email him to let him know how much i appreciated watching him play and wish him well in Philly. Anyone know his email add or something?
  11. what does this say about Nate? Why was our #1 CB not covering their #1 WR? and Big ups to McGee for keeping chambers in check all day.
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