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Bills Fan in MD

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Posts posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. 1 hour ago, apuszczalowski said:

    Or they really need to publically start talking up Dennison and saying how great he is hoping one of the teams looking get fooled and steal him away....



    I like it!  There was an entire Curb Your Enthusiasm episode this year devoted to foisting an employee who you'd like to fire onto some poor sap!



  2. 19 minutes ago, RuntheDamnBall said:

    Great.  Since you're levying this charge, I'd like to see all the data that supports the hypothesis that this applies to Baltimore public schools at large and to Maybin's school in particular.


    Also, I'm remembering why I dropped off from spending much time here.

    I'm in the same boat, and now I'm even questioning why I even started the OP, which I thought was a just a neat story about someone finding their calling and trying to do some good in the world.  At the end of the day, the "I've got mine, and if you don't    have yours it's your own fault" attitude is nothing new, but I'm not sure how or why it needed to take over a thread on what was otherwise just a nice story.

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  3. I had forgotten about the negated interception.  It's been so long since the breaks came our way that it's tough to process more than one at a time!


    My favorite memory as a Bills fan is still being in Rich Stadium for the 51-3 blowout of the Raiders in the 1991 AFC championship, but this is quickly creeping up the list.

  4. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/01/04/ex-linebacker-turned-teacher-aaron-maybin-trying-help-heat-baltimore-schools


    Hint: he's an elementary school teacher in Baltimore city schools who is now fighting to get the heat back on in Baltimore schools in the dead of winter.  This is a really cool story.  I'm as guilty as anyone for knocking the guy's on-field performance, but he never asked to be undersized for his position, and I give him all the credit in the world for finding a profession that he loves, while also giving back to his home town.

  5. This is one of the reasons why I find it harder and harder to stay a football fan each year.  I know there are major injuries in every sport, including ACL tears, but the regularity in which they happen in the NFL makes it really difficult to invest much in the game.


    I don't really pay the Eagles much heed, but this is one of the most exciting young players on one of the most exciting teams in the league.  

  6. 2 hours ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Not practicing today, but is considered day-to-day with knee

    I guess that means there isn't any fear of structural damage.  Otherwise, that update would have suggested that the team is waiting on the results of an MRI, or even waiting to have the scan in the first place.  Sounds like good news in the long run.

  7. i think we are in the minority but im VERY happy

    I'm fine with it as well. The FO clearly views this as addition by subtraction, which is a legitimate position for them to take. And they'll eventually be proven either right or wrong. That, plus some cap relief, are the keys to the deal. The draft pick was a throw in, which was probably as good as they were going to get for a lazy, out of shape player who is one positive test away from a 10 game suspension.

  8. The guy has been suspended multiple times by the team and the league and he isn't living up to his big contract. He shows up to camp overweight and out of shape.


    There is nothing irrational about the dislike for the guy.

    Does he lose a season for the next positive test, or is that not how it works?

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