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Bills Fan in MD

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Posts posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. I was thinking of posting something similar, but not sure you can pin it all on the roster. There's definitely talent on this team, but the whole thing seems oddly constructed. There's also serious issues with the coaching, and I'm starting to wonder if the medical staff is even close to being up to par..


    I'm not sure I would say that the roster is in the bottom tier of the league, but when you grade the entire organization from top to bottom, I'm not sure anyone other than Cleveland is worse.


    It could be a really ugly year.




    I'm also fine with the current format, but like I mentioned earlier it's all about driving the revenue train as fast and as far as possible. It's inevitable.


    If you analyze any issue by asking what will drive the revenue trainer as fast and as far as possible, you can predict 100% of Roger Goodell's decisions. I was going to try and say that in a snarkier way, but is really is true. :rolleyes:


    I think that over his career, his motivation and career aspirations are abundantly clear. It's also clear that he's not the kind of guy you want in a locker room or on the field in the ultimate team game.


    I really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it's become pretty clear for the last few months that this move may very well be a case of addition by subtraction.

  4. Don't forget about his homophobic tendencies either. I like the phrase in the article about being the moral compass of the NFL- or acts like he is.

    The only thing I would argue with is your use of the word "tendencies." He is flat out homophobic and awful -- no qualifications needed. I only left that out because I wanted to focus on his overall act as an annoying. moralizing scold.

  5. I'm not sure I buy it. If the Bills decide to let Rex go after this year, I think they put a lot of emphasis on the intangibles. By that, I mean looking at the entire package (i.e., discipline, organizational skills, etc.), as opposed to zeroing in on a guy who is known to be particularly good/innovative on one side of the ball. That's not to say that it won't be a coordinator, but I've never heard anything specific (good or bad) as it relates to Roman's leadership abilities.

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