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Bills Fan in MD

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Posts posted by Bills Fan in MD

  1. Someone posted on twitter that the Bills have until 4/24 to present the offer sheet. If true, and they are just waiting for the fish to be forced to sign other guys who will take up cap space as they have several other needs, they must be pretty confident that Clay isn't going to sign there long term.

    Sucks for us as impatient fans, but if the Bills are indeed milking the clock to try and work it to their advantage I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Whaley and his team are paid to know how to work the system, so if that's the strategy I'm good. I'd obviously like to know the answer sooner, but I'm ultimately relieved if it is accurate that our side is dictating the timing and not being played by the Dolphins, Clay, or anyone else.


    And either way, Whaley has a back-up plan. That's his job and it would be GM malpractice (assuming there is such a thing) for him not to have one.

  2. Other than seeing and hearing his name during the small number of Dolphins games I watch each year (i.e., two games against the Bills and an occasional featured game), I don't think I spent even 10 seconds of my life thinking about Charles Clay prior to this offseason. Yet, I've spent the past few days checking every site I know on a routine basis trying to get an update on his status, thought process, etc.


    Free agency is a really weird time of year. . .

  3. If and when this team does finally make the playoffs, there are going to be some seriously pumped up players on the field. I'm in the camp who doesn't think we should keep Freddie just for sentimental purposes, but it would be really sweet to see him play in his first playoff game. Kyle Williams hasn't been there either, nor have Mario, Wood, Dareus and a vast majority of fan favorites.

  4. @AdamSchefter: Saints are giving RB C.J. Spiller a 4-year, $18 million deal that includes $9 million guaranteed, per source. Last year of deal can void.

    In terms of annual salary, isn't that what he supposedly turned down from the Bills? Not sure about guarantees, options, etc.

  5. Reading the tea leaves a bit, Miami is going to be in some trouble cap-wise next year. They've already got $128M committed to 36 players, and that's not counting Jordan Cameron. Now, in order to fit Cameron under this year's cap, his cap number has to be $6M or less (that's without creating room to sign draft picks), which means his cap number next year will be approx. $9M (at least).




    That means that they're at $137M for 37 players. Now, they will probably cut Dannell Ellerbe (likely post June 1st designation), which means his dead money will be reduced from $7M down to $3.5Mish, and they can probably restructure Mike Wallace to bring his number down from $13M, but that would kick a very large can into 2017 (cap number would be about $20M and nearly half of it would be bonus money).


    So realistically, we're talking about Miami being at $130M+ for 37 players, and still having to address the contracts of Olivier Vernon and Mike Pouncey.

    Seeing that $28.5 million cap number for Suh in 2016 is HILARIOUS. I assume that they have a plan to restructure it at some point, but that's probably not something you want hanging out there unresolved.


    Kiko comes in and makes this defense better. Right now we have stayed the same from last year...pre draft of course. The jets and phins both improved their defense greatly...I'd say Miami is slightly behind us right now defensively but not by much and the jets I think have the best defense in the league and could get better should they go defense with that number 6 pick. We could have signed Murray and he could have a similar impact as shady. we will see.

    Really? In the entire NFL?

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