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Posts posted by NorthWesternBill


    Sept. 16 @ Pittsburgh Steelers - LOSS

    Sept. 23 @ New England Patriots -LOSS

    Sept. 30 NEW YORK JETS - WIN



    Oct. 28 @ New York Jets WIN


    Nov. 11 @ Miami Dolphins WIN


    Nov. 25 @ Jacksonville Jaguars LOSS

    Dec. 2 @ Washington Redskins WIN


    Dec. 16 @ Cleveland Browns WIN


    Dec. 30 @ Philadelphia Eagles LOSS


    11-5 !!!!! GO BILLS!!!

  2. I know it has been of much debate considering the possible bias in the news media concerning the bills. It may be of interest to watch this particular state of the franchise. Are Buffalo and Houston both considered the same in terms of small market, non national favorite type? It's on right now so if anyone can watch it keeping this in mind perhaps we will find some perspective? Pretend your a Texans fan watching the segment and let's see if bias plays any part.

  3. You follow the team close. You may be on board with what Marv is doing. You may agree with the direction of the team and the addition by subtraction of the old vets. And you may be right. I believe that, too. But seriously, take a step back. If you were a Seahawk fan, and followed the Bills only peripherally. And you saw that they lost Nate Clements, Fletch, McGahee (who is highly regarded around the league) and TKO, and they replaced them with Derrick Dockery, Langston Walker who was mediocre at best, and Darwin Walker who is not even going to start, you would think the Bills suck, and what the hell are they thinking? They have no RB and no LB and no CB coming off a 7-9 season with an average defense and a pitiful offense.



    You are so wrong.. I just saw philly and dallas on nfl replay today and walkers name kept coming up on tackle's , sacks, hurried plays... etc. to say that he won't even start is just an unfair prediction of yours.

  4. Allowing Nate to avoid the franchise tag was a pretty dumb move and shows how inexperienced Marv is as a GM...


    I too am worried that AJ Smith will take advantage of Marv's lack of experience as a front office executive.


    Yawn.... I'm going to save this one on my comp just so that I can pull the trigger on calling you out when we are just as good if not better this year as the last. Since you "know" so well that this shows "lack of experience". Why don't you tell us all something else miraculous that you "know" that the sane world does not?

  5. I find it bothersome that some people on this board are willing to brand levy "the worst gm in nfl history" after just one season, and half of an off season. Regardless of how or what we give up to obtain any player, if we win more games than the previous year than these certain people on the board look like absolute jackarses. So go ahead, put your neck out there and make these calls, but don't be unwilling to discuss where you went wrong if we don't plunge back down to 2-5 wins.( ok to be fair, 2-6 wins). I am not making any predictions, I am merely asking for well thought out posts without the childish gloom.

  6. So then trading Spikes guarantees that the Bills draft Willis ... or Okoye ... or Hall ... or ... wait a second :D


    Are you on a witch hunt or something??? You really don't want willis? I know what he meant and its kinda obvious that if willis is not there than we wont take him, and you are the one who baited him into giving you names of people we could draft if the one he said before was not there, so wtf is your point?? do you feel better now?? did your wife yell at you last night and you decide to take the fight onto tbd??

  7. I know I've read/heard about it in multiple places. I think Dan Silleo brought it up first, then LaDuca.


    And NorwesterBill...I happen to know that Bills higher ups visit this site regurlarly. I wonder why?


    hey don't get me wrong.. I come here to read opinions/ news reports for a reason. I value the opinion of the people who frequent this board. I just have a hard time swallowing this whole marv doesnt know whats going on business. I find it highly unlikely that something that critical would be overlooked by the somebody who as far as I can tell is very intelligent. IF somehow we lose a player in this fashion, I would put money on the fact that it was a calculated move.

  8. This thread is basicly a lie from what i can tell, they signed wes welker, had donte stallworth in to visit, and I STILL see nothing about this anywhere but here. The fact that this topic has 4 pages is crazy. I know my opinion does not mean anything but I wish people would not post crap like this.

  9. Aint Happening, he will be a Houston Texan. The guy is an unbelievable talent and I dont see hom dropping past #5.


    This puzzles me beyond anything...I agree wth you that Peterson will not fall past five, and that the texans probably do need a solid RB... but how bad is that staff gonna feel, and how much sh$t are they gonna take, after passing on reggie bush last year, then drafting a RB with their first pick this year???? Just seems so upside down, they will NEVER live it down.

    As far as us drafting a RB it would be a bit frustrating since all I wanted for christmas was two dominant lines. I just get the feeling that with stability in the trenches this team could do very well. However, there would be a lil bit of sweet aftertaste if they do draft RB early since rookie RBs seem to be able to perform right away and also because Willis will have a fire lit under his rear end which tends to make him play at his potential(high) level. :w00t:

  10. Is it just me, or has the holiday season made the minds our our opponent's fanbase just a little bit brighter? Or perhaps it's just the dignity of the folks in MD? Whatever the reason, getting over the fact that we are NOT gonna be in the playoffs has been much easier without the middle school type slander we had to endure when "mr. Lights Out" or "Vince from heaven above" came to town. These boards at times were unbearable, but that was then. A pleasure to take in, and enough silence to allow me to become excited about our game tomorrow.


    Happy holidays, when in doubt call a cab, and most definitley GO M'FING BILLS!!!!!



  11. A really funny part, When Jamie dukes asks TKO about JP and his improvment TKO responds "yeh that crow sandwich tastes good huh?" !!!!


    Also, at the end both host agreed that TKO " always says it how it is" , so they kinda admit they chomped the crow sandwich right down!

  12. Somehow the football Gods have shined on me as the game will be broadcast 2,700 miles west in Oregon!



    Reunited and it feels so good! I am sooo stoked I can actually get this game on my dvr and it's not preseason, or pats NFL replay where we lost and tons of non calls against buffalo, or even the horrible loss to chicago which I am thinking about deleting.... An actual bills game that is meaningful and won't suck........(shiver)



    See yah tomorrow cantankerous!

  13. I feel like this is a gimmick almost, Let me explain...



    Suppose peters did bruise a bone and it is causing him pain. In cryptic coachspeak, Juron plays along with the whole deal, even though he knows peters will play. "If he doesnt play we would have to do some shifting around and I hope we don't have to do that". Get Saban to consider changing his gameplan slightly on the defensive side. At the very least get him wasting time thinking about doing that. Either way coming out up front like this and admitting that "shifting" is seriously bad news for this team( even though my mom could tell you that), it seems like a plot!!! SNEAKY BILLS!!!! I just hope that Peters does play, no cookie will restore my faith in gandy the LT( ala mallrats). :thumbsup:

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