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Posts posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. No, hardy didn't get nearly the 64 yards I had given him viable credit for, but I tried to put my money where my mouth is and put him in my fantasy lineup just prior to game time. Not that he didn't have his opportunities to prove me right, but proved instead how valuable experience can be.

  2. Hardy....on pace for 64 yards on the season.


    Ryan Denney....on pace for 101 yards on the season.


    Suuuuuuuure, pace. Doesn't pace imply a steady accumulation? So you are saying that we will fake a FG every 3 games( all thrown to Denney of course), and that Roscoe's absence and Hardy's acquisition of experience will have no effect on his "pace"?


    Hardy could very easily get 64 yards THIS sunday.....

  3. So that link took me to the top 5 radio calls... anyway if you watch that clip, when the bears block the field goal I swear one of the announcers screams the F word quite clearly and loud. Can anybody else confirm or deny?




    EDIT: video is the week 2 sounds check, time appx 35 seconds into the video. Could be saying blocked I guess but man does it sound like four letters not seven.

  4. Love the story... I signed up for a sportsbook account today and made 3 bets



    Picked miami to win $10- lost


    picked BUFFALO to win $10 WON


    picked chicago to win (3.75:1 but only 5 dollars down) WON


    put in 20 bucks have 39 on the account now. 2 for 3 ain't bad

  5. You ever wonder why it is in the movies, when the hero fails and goes into a slump, cutting off his ties to the people who once had faith in him, during that part of the movie is normally when beards grow and the disgruntled scruffy image of the hero is given to us? It's because thats what heroes do when they are down n out. Yah well JP has a beard now and I'm sorry to report that it tends to lend itself to this image.


    I would say that JP's expectations are f***ing with his persona.

  6. Edwards will prove again Thrusday that is nothing more than a bus driver QB. Edwards is steady and poised but by no means is a spark or a QB who will ever end up on the top of a stat board. My question is can we win with a QB whose skills are his ability or inability to make big plays? Can we win with our weapons, Evans, Hardy, Lynch & Taylor with the coach telling Edwards which way he needs to steer the bus. Trent just don't get crazy and believe that you are a real NFL QB. Stay the course turn right when we say its ok and dont hit the gas.


    The problem with a statement like this is that you didn't specify what you mean by stat board, and so if Edwards happens to lead the league in passing for week x you would see his name at the top of a stat board for week x. It's possible you don't even think he could lead passing for one week, I just would like to know to a little more clearly what you are saying.

  7. Several pizza joints.....


    Did roofing tear off for about 8 months ( Not the greatest job).


    Sold high end stereos for a 7 month period( Rotel, Marantz, Denon, B&W)


    Worked at a yacht club on the Columbia river replacing "stringers" on floating boat houses ( The cross sections which hold the logs under the houses together).


    Got back into school at 22.


    So 18k in grants and 9k in loans later...


    Environmental Science major at U of Oregon (entering senior year).....Didn't work during the last two school years but this summer I had a job at the Olympic trials which was pretty cool! :lol:

  8. So I casually check out BB.com (which I rarely do) and the very top thread which has been designated as sticky is "Losman showing out Edwards".


    Does this seem a bit awkward to anybody else? I just don't feel that I saw a head to head type competition last night, from which any concrete conclusions could be made. If this thread would have been posted on TSW, the voice of reason would be heard immediately to quell the would be 18 pages of worthless unrest that has seated itself as the most important thread at BB.com. As noted by other users at BB.com, "showing out" reminds me of a recognizable phrase yet doesn't communicate as one. Is that what I should expect from the official website of the Bills? Is my time spent there really that worthless?

  9. Now I know that one half of a preseason game does not a season make, but I am not impressed with any facet of the Bills except for our pass protection, that seems to of improved. But the rest of the game has stayed the same. Poor run blocking combined with poor field vision of the backs ='s a 2 yard per carry avg. TE looked shakey and JP looked like, well , JP, with high passes and low passes. All of us here at TSW forgot all about the self-inflicted gun shot wounds to the feet via technical penalties. Sad to say I see a long season. As I am typing this the Bills D intercepted a pass and JP hit Hardy for a TD :lol: so thats good but I still think we will fallshort this year <_< . As I am a Bills fan , however, I will remain cautiously optimistic. Two-point conv. is good :unsure:


    My exposure to your comments tonight has been a very disappointing one, jumping to negative conclusions and/or insulting other members. I suppose it's a good way to deter people from taking you seriously...

  10. Here we go. You do realize that JP's completion rate for the past couple seasons is better than Trent's, even for short passes. Look it up.


    Sometimes numbers are deceiving- both qb's have their pro's and cons- Edwards just hasn't used up his trial period yet.

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