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Posts posted by NorthWesternBill

  1. Ok so we all have diffrent opinions on her as far as the US gov't goes... BUT the real thoughts that should be provoked include ;


    Is she capable? Is a security advisor more qualified than a lawyer?


    Would more women in this country start to love football? (or hate it less!!?)


    To me this would solidify that her gender/ race had nothing to do with the hiring and we can do away with affirmative action...

  2. OK first this:



    "Rice says she is a deeply religious woman from the South who believes in democracy and football. In fact, she loves the sport so much, she used to work out with the Stanford football team and has said she would like to be the NFL commissioner someday. "





    Then this:


    "SMILEY: All right. So, OK, if not governor of California in a couple of years, how are your plans coming for your role as NFL commissioner? "


    "Dr. RICE: I'm still waiting. Now I told Paul Tagliabue I didn't want the job till he retired, so I'm willing to wait. "


    The Tavis Smiley Show: June 13, 2003




    So, if she becomes the commissioner... this is a sure sign they will be dropping bombs on the CBA in six years...



  3. So which was it?



    "Nall recently went on a fishing trip with Favre and if he thought the team’s star No. 1 quarterback was going to retire, he might have been reluctant to find another job."

    - appleton post




    "If Nall, who is close friends with Favre and recently went on a hunting trip with him, thought Favre was going to retire he might not have been so eager to find a job somewhere else."

    - JS online

  4. "You think maybe it has something to do with Moulds be quiet after Tuesday? "


    I sure hope so.. if that's the case then I would be excited. Moulds with a good outlook on training camp and the new season is what we want.


    Best case scenario:

    Spring magic causes JP and EMO to make up and start to emulate the bills new rhythmatic receiveing reflex repititions.

  5. I'm not sure Aiken or Smith are under contract.  That leaves Moulds, Evans, Reed, Parrish, and Davis.  We will carry probably 6 or 7 depending ST's and depth needs.  So right now even if Smith and Aiken are under contract we basically just have the bases covered.  Moulds is going nowhere if that is all the moves for WR.



    True. I'm still a little bit concerned about the relations between Eric and the buffalo bills organization. What happens if at the end of training camp, marv/jauron place JP as starting QB and moulds is still with us? If anything JP should forget any beef and just be respectful to the veteran whilst he still plays in buffalo. I am not sure if JP is capable of that. How much does Eric moulds like marv and the organization at this point? I would really like to see Eric in buffalo and content with whatever agreement could be made. He is a good player and i think that veterans(happy ones) on your reciveing corps can have a synergetic impact .

  6. hmmmmm



    Well, either moulds will be gone, or they have decided that parrish is simply fatty mass on the monumental muscle I call the bills! ( and shouldn't really play unless he HAS to.)


    P.S ,

    What kind of effort do you think moulds would give next season if he was kept on the team, after all this uncertainty and time passing when moulds probably could go sign with a "contender"?

  7. Hello everyone, first post, long time reader.


    I am glad to see some optimism on this forum, as such is rare for most of my daily stadium wall reading. I have nothing against those who post negative and angry statements regarding our beloved buffalo bills, to me it is more their love for the game and this team that brings out the emotion. Call it constructive criticism. I was born and raised in Salem, OR. My father attended the state university in buffalo, and given the lack of a close to home nfl franchise I latched onto the bills at a young age.


    There is my history, (for all intensive purposes) and here comes my point.


    Is there one person who did not have excitement in the Miami game when Lee Evans caught three TD passes in the in first quarter? Or how about when we actually beat KC? Yes we lost ended up with a loss to Miami and it was gut wrenching. Yes the KC bliss was short lived and not an impact in any way on the NFL or the league's view of the bills. But it was the press and other NFL fans nay- saying that made these events so energizing to a fan such as myself. I could actually SEE the bills making plays! Short bursts and short lived but WOW!


    That being said, The struggle we all claim to hate actually has it's positives.


    Hungry = more appreciation for that meal.

    Dead broke = more appreciation for that scrill.


    The "I told you so" is a dish just waiting to be served by (hopefully) millions of bills fans everywhere. If I could adequately describe the feeling in my veins as I watched the bills murder the Seahawks on November 28th, 2005, Goosebumps would soon follow.


    Thank you for reading if you did, and here's to a more positive outlook on a good, bad, or even scattered 2006 season!

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