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Sketch Soland

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Posts posted by Sketch Soland

  1. I get it. You are one of those Rush Limbaugh robots. *BOUNCE! MOTHER !@#$ER MOTHER !@#$ER MOTHER !@#$ER !@#$ER BOUNCE!* I don't listen to him much but am having the Bently's entertainment console upgraded so could only get AM today. He was saying the EXACT same thing you are. You are just parroting Rush. Try to think for yourself.



  2. There are no prune tree's.


    It's a known fact that prune's are harvested from wilted crotch-gardens transplanted here in south Florida by elderly-aged, ex-northern plumsnackers.


    Ah.... I see the misunderstanding. So there are no prune trees on earth? I see. They are grown in Florida, then, by a different method. The crotch-garden method does not sound as palatable for child's play, though. Would that be a fair assumption?

  3. I have a strong dislike for prune juice.


    How do you get prune juice in the first place? Ever seen a prune tree?


    Prunes grow while on Nordland. Children flock to Prune groves and skip merrily through the Prune Trees. Sometimes the Prune Trees get a little frisky and stretch out a branch and do the marilyn monroe thing to the girls skirts. But the trees are harmless.

  4. How can you say this about Hillary and in the same post say you really like Bill. Do you really think she's any different from her husband? I think she learned her slimeball tactics from one of the best.


    I would say they've learned a lot from each other.


    One thing is for sure: Bill Clinton was and is, without a doubt, one of the most talented politicians of his generation. The man just has the gift.


    Which puts him pretty high on the "people whose life I'd like to snuff out" list.

  5. What is the reasoning or purpose for her saying "it clear won't count" as an answer to the question "if you value the DNC calendar, why don't you pull out" if she really meant "it clearly should count".


    I really liked Bill Clinton, and still do despite his major personality defects. And I like a lot of the stances that Hillary has taken as well as programs. I love the idea of a woman being President, too. It's a disgrace we haven't had one yet from either party. I think she's extremely smart in a lot of ways. But I simply don't believe a word she says, even when she's being honest. Because she is one of the most disingenuous people in the public eye. Even Bill wasn't nearly as bad as this and he was horrible. At least Bill has the talent to make a lot of his crap appear as if he is not politicking. She doesn't have that talent, and she often, if not regularly, just comes across, and is, full of crap. All politicians are to some extent, sure. Obama, too. But she says things you know for sure she doesn't believe, and doesn't even look like she means it. That's a major problem, and why she isn't going to win.


    Can't wait to hear the preprogrammed Pasta Joe response.



  6. Sketch, they got one of those old fashioned toilets in the bathroom, you know the one with the chain hangin down. I could have one of my men a gun up behind the tank where no one will think to look. You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and get the gun. You come back out you shoot him once. Then you just let your hand drop to your side and the gun slip out. Everyone will still think you've got it. They're gonna be staring at your face, Sketch. So walk out of the place real fast, but you don't run. Don't look nobody directly in the eye, don't don't look away either. They're gonna be scared of you, believe me, so don't worry about nothing.




    I don't know. Did you ask Clemenza about this plan?

  7. I'm tellin ya, people are just apechit about spending Ralph's money. Peters wit peter was approaching awesome. Shouldn't we wait until we find out a bit more about how Peters witout will do?


    Exactly. Its like the old afourism:


    "Never pluck a may schooner from the hinterlands of antelope carcasses".


    This should be kept in mind visa vee Peters.

  8. Let me get this straight TossIt...you are all for giving several millions of US dollars to Jason Peters even though he's in North Korea at this very moment?


    Yeah, you would also think people would want to wait to see how the sex change operation goes before tossing more money at him/her.... :D

  9. If they are collecting and die before they are 66, 100% of funeral expenses up to $25,000 are paid.


    Every year after 66 the % goes down by 10. So at 75 if someone dies they can still get $2500. At 76, they get nothing. This is a bargain old people will jump on. Hopefully we can reduce life expectancy by 8 years or so. I haven't done a statistical model yet.




    I would not rebate all SS payments extracted from an individual because they are dead and dead people can't spend money. You may be aware that many of the kids of people 66 and up are hippies. Giving it to hippies is useless as has been proven over and over again. Outside of Grateful Dead concerts, not a single sector of the economy benefits.


    This is not the only part of the plan. The coupons and stuff are also important. I am aware not everyone would die to get these benefits but it is a start.



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