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Sketch Soland

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Posts posted by Sketch Soland

  1. Of course you do! They come from a Unicorn's patooty. Any candymaker will tell you that if you plug a unicorn's tookus, the magic that usually comes out of there in the form of rainbows gets diverted to the patooty… giving us Twizzlers. It's the patooty magic that makes 'em good. Scientifically speaking, of course.


    WOW! ScIENcE is dee hammer! :D

  2. I have never really cared all that much for Twizzlers as they have always seemed stale and flavorless to me.


    However, one of my coworkers has a container of Twizzlers labelled "factory fresh" that has been placed in a common area. I have sampled these and have found them to be significantly superior in all regards to all the Twizzlers I have tried before. They are much much softer and I can actually identify a pleasant strawberry flavor.


    That is all for now.


    I like dee TWIzzLes! :D

  3. Doesn't mean I support him, any more than I supported Bush. Could mean that McCain scares me as much as Kerry did.

    Hell, I'd willingly abstain...except too many of you bozos here think that you're required to vote to participate in political discussions.


    Why does it matter what we think? :D


    Tom, you seemed to indicate support for Obama in some way. I was just probing your reasons for that support (in whatever way that means), considering that my understanding of your political inclinations was that you had no great love for either party or their candidates.


    Vote for yourself or a 3rd parTy


    More votes that don't go to the big 2 the better


    This sounds like good advice to me.


    I think the question that I would ask now is: why would you ever vote for someone that you didn't support? (i.e. Obama, in this case)

  4. No, actually I was saying that it's disingenious to complain the specific way someone wants to waste your money when it's pretty much all waste. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...give me a candidate that'll cut the federal budget, start paying off the federal debt, and veto everything that comes out of Congress, and I'll support that candidate. Until then, they're all shades of the same leporous grey.


    So how could you support Obama in any way, when he certainly would not do any of that, being of the socialist bent that he is?

  5. So he's a socialist. Show me a candidate that won't take my money and waste it, and I'll vote for that one.


    So are you saying Obama won't take your money and waste it? Or are you saying all the major party candidates will waste your money, so vote for the one that orates "unity" rather than some other rhetoric, even though there's no logical or empirical reason why orating on the nebulous concept of "unity" makes the rhetoric any different?

  6. #1 it was moo juice.

    #2 Who hasn't at one time or another?


    Nice try. The old "hey I'll play along game". Not going to work here. The board will know of thy seedy and sordid ways :D


    I'm trying to add to my George Washington and Alexander Hamilton picture's in green collection. :D Moron!


    O RLY? So Momma Dan doesn't need the 50 K now, hmm?


    LOOKIE HERE BOYS! I think we got a regular Hillary Clinton here! :P

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