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D' men

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Everything posted by D' men

  1. He would pick Buffalo over the Texans because the Bills have more talented players on defense.
  2. KUBIAK!!!! Why on earth would he choose the Texans over the Bills! That would be crazy!
  3. I don't think an sports analyzer would just blowing smoke 'cause there has been no announcement.
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/blog/index?name=clayton_john Bates might not take Bills' offer: Don't be surprised if Jim Bates turns down the Bills offer to be defensive coordinator. Even though he has two years of money coming from the Packers, Bates may not be happy with the money the Bills are offering. The Bills' job is the last defensive coordinator job available, so the option for Bates is to sit out a year and wait unless he wants to coach a position. OH NO!!!!!! Say it isn't so!!!!! And Rotonews just reported he won't come to Buffalo. Oh great, more bad news!
  5. Compicated negotiations?! It should be a no-brainer situation to hire him. Just slap down 1 million bucks in front of him and then he'll join for sure.
  6. He says he will be better than ever. I guess well just have to wait and see.
  7. http://insider.espn.go.com/espn/blog/index...%3dclayton_john "Bates considers offer from Bills: The Bills have offered former Packers defensive coordinator Jim Bates their defensive coordinator job. He is going to take Wednesday night to think about it, but the Bills have the last defensive coordinator job available. The Texans are expected to hire Frank Bush and Richard Smith as co-defensive coordinators, and once that deal is done, the Bills are the last chance for a coach to land a defensive coordinator job. For the moment, Bates' decision is whether to take the Bills offer or sit out the season under the Packers paycheck. " Ok well, it's been a whole day and so far i've heard nothing about him being hired.
  8. It's good and bad. Good that we can have a fresh start and bad because he used to be a good DC. I wonder what happened. I mean you got to feel a little sorry for him.
  9. Well Ricky is back. That's what worries me. He used to run all over our defense.
  10. Bates thinking about his options and Schneck selected to the pro bowl. All seems quiet in Buffalo today.
  11. We need a tough coach. One that motivates these player to get off their butt and pratice hard and play hard. Look a Bill Cowher he yells at his players SOOO much and that help the players play hard. They probably player harder, because they don't want to get another face full of spit. I like this guy!! Good move Jauron!
  12. Bring him back! We need to get another DT next to "Big Sam" and Washington will be the best choice. I mean, isn't he bigger than Pat Williams. Good choice either way! "Mount Washington" I like the sound of that.
  13. Good first hire, good personality, very confident (confidence is what this team needs most), and he can and is ready to take criticism. I like this guy!!!! He's not like the other coaches we've had, since Marv left in 97.
  14. So far I haven't heard anything about who the Bills are going after for their OC. But I like othesr here have heard that the Bills are looking at Henderson to replace Gray at DC. I hope it happens. This will help us out for the game next year against the Jets.
  15. I say Caldwell! He would bring a nice balanced offense to the Bills. He's from the Colts and they did go 13-3.
  16. I'm not saying we shouldn't critize the team. But sometimes it gets a little out of hand.
  17. Look i'm new here and I noticed that many of you support Jauron. Personally I support him too. I think that as fans of the Bills we must support our HC through the good and bad times that the team may be facing. This is why we've had so many different HC's after Levy. The fans hate the HC after 2 years. We need to support the coach longer than that. Look it's going to take a year or two for this team to rebuild. Look at what happened to Seattle. It took them several years to have a good team. I believe that it will be several years before Buffalo has a good team once more. IT'S GOING TO TAKE TIME!! I'm 16 and even I'm beginning to notice why we bills fans don't get respect around the league. WE HAVE NO PATIENCE FOR THIS TEAM AND THE HC. As soon as we get a new coach we expect them to take us to the "promised land" or the playoffs in their first year here, but in reality it's not like that. We need to be more patience and support our coach for once. We shouldn't criticize our HC so much in there 1st or 2nd year here. That's why this team doesn't get any respect around the NFL. We criticize everone on this team way too much. We need to support Jauron. There will be tough times in these next few years for Buffalo, but I believe as a fan that we need to support whatever decision this team makes. It may not be one that we approve on, but if the owner and the players support the decision then we as the fans should support it too. If we can do this, then finally this team might be heading to a playoff berth.
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