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Posts posted by BUFFALOTONE

  1. 1 minute ago, IDBillzFan said:


    Ask him why CA and NY are releasing prisoners if masks work.


    That usually makes him disappear for a day or two.

    IDC about the political nonsense. But a large majority of the population is wearing them. 

    1 minute ago, LB3 said:

    The panic porn has shown a ton of people to how awful the media is these days. You commented on an article in the OTW thread. It was about the 28 year old teacher who died with Covid. I had written a similar response, but ended up not posting it. That article was as incendiary as it was misleading and it was by design. The sad part is how many people read that and just think we need to close all schools and lockdown the country. The dismissal of the harm caused by the lockdowns has been disgusting. 

    What did she die of then? Just curious as I read the same article where it said 6 teachers have died since resuming school. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Tiberius said:

    Now they say wear them. What's so hard about that? They have been wearing them for months. You learn and act on that. 


    You think they are lying or just confused? 

    Already contesting an election that has not taken place. Not hard to see who is losing 

    If we have been wearing them for months as you say and the virus continues to spread are the masks really doing that much at this point??

  3. 22 hours ago, Alphadawg7 said:

    Sorry, but if you don’t get a mani-pedi you’re really missing out.  I’m 6’4 and i go every three weeks.  It’s amazing, and honestly I didn’t go until I was 32 and then was pissed I had been missing out on this my whole adult life.  

    It you’re a man whose comfortable with their manhood, there is no reason to not go or be embarrassed about going.  

    That being said, I seriously doubt they would ever bring Dareus back after dumping him for a case of natural light 2 years ago.  

    What does your height have to do with getting a mani/pedi? 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  4. 1 hour ago, BeerLeagueHockey said:

    It is funny and really DUMB.  I keep reading it typically takes a few days to classify and report out all the covideaths.  But what I don’t understand is wouldn’t the death show up at the date & time when the human expires, you know like they write on every death certificate?  This either implies that the deaths are categorized when someone makes the decision, or people literally decide to not die on the weekend (not true). Why not backfill last Saturday with the real data!  

    As a reliability engineer (if I was one), I would think the actual date and time of an occurrence would override the “decision” of an engineer when a piece of equipment failed. Let me track all the bearing failures in my fleet for when I review and classify that bearing indeed fail. Lots of bad bearings on Tuesday morning.

    Holy cow I’ve been saying this for 4 weeks... I can only speak of FL and the daily count from the state. They say for example 200 people died of Covid 19 on Aug 20th, then when you open the article it stated this number was taken over several weeks... what does that mean? They count it against the daily amount but it was taken over a months worth of data. I agree with the above, once you pass from it that should be it. This just pumps up the numbers more and more...

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    “Miami-Dade, which has confirmed more cases than any other county in the state, Jackson Health System said it would cancel all nonemergency surgeries starting July 6. The number of COVID-19 patients across Jackson Health's hospitals in North Miami Beach, Miami and South Miami-Dade have doubled over the past two weeks.”


    All Jackson Heath hospitals. Including Jackson Memorial, which canceled its schedule as well.


    You really have no idea what you’re taking about

    Procedures not requiring overnight hospital stays never stopped, but keep thinking you know everything. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:


    So, NYS protective measures helped them get to the other side.....but it's no a model that other states could use (MONTHS later) to prevent getting slammed? 


    That's not a very persuasive argument.



    Jackson Memorial again halted elective surgery on July 6th; many other South Florida hospitals followed suit.  This, as in NYS, resulted in massive losses (twice) to hospitals--hence the layoffs.  Up in Rochester, we have been back to an elective schedule for 3 months and are at over 100% precovid case numbers---yet still the hospital system has not brought back all the furloughed workers.


    Florida did not "shut down as much as anyone" (seriously?).  In fact, your fearless leader, as cases really started their massive summer rise in June proudly proclaimed that they were not shutting down--that this was just a "blip" due to "more testing" (ignoring the increase in positive rate of course).  He plowed on with the reopening despite the incidence increasing, famously crowing about his "safe, smart, step by step" reopening plan.  As the numbers trended up and up he said: "we are not shutting down...we are not rolling back."

    Soon Florida was seeing 10-15,00 cases per day.  He did ban alcohol in bars again.  But restaurants, beaches, stores, etc were open while the numbers went through the roof.


    In late Spring, NYC had seen a decrease in daily deaths to under 100.  As Summer began, and as Florida was entering a massive increase in cases and deaths, NYC remained flat--at under 30 a day--where is remains.  Contrast that to what was allowed to happen in Florida this Summer--and it's predictably bad outcome.


    Protected the most vulnerable....how?  The disease is spreading through the younger positives, who, taking their governor's lead, have done whatever they pleased this summer.  The vast majority of deaths occurred after July 5th.  Who were those patients dying?  The "younger demographic"?  Obviously not.  It was "the most vulnerable".


    All preventable.



    Your breath must smell terrible with all of the BS you just spewed. Jackson Memorial is the largest hospital in MDC. They used this hospital for Covid treatment and housing and used the other parts of JMH for surgeries and emergency issues. It’s a massive hospital system not just one. Stop reading one article and thinking you have the answer...as far as you trashing DeSantis I could honestly care less but IMO he’s done a decent job. No one is afraid to get outside and things are under control and headed in the right direction. Its as if you want the death and destruction. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  7. 2 hours ago, Westside Madness said:


    So, you make a statement stating figures from sources you don't trust, but you only acknowledge that you don't trust these sources when someone states figures that contradict what you posted.


    Got it.


    I have work to do, I have no more time for this childish game. I think my point has been made. Have a great day.

    I didn’t get the 5% figure from the local news but rather a weekly testing report that’s used for Covid tracking and tracing, I will try and link it. I’m not on the internet to be right like you, grow up buddy I’m here for a simple conversation. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Westside Madness said:

    Now you are changing your data. Your OP discussed positivity rates not mortality rates. Don't move the goal posts now...


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalposts#:~:text=Moving the goalposts (or shifting,side an advantage or disadvantage.


    Your basis for supporting fans in the stadium was that the positivity rate for Florida is under 5%. Your were incorrect. Then additionally, in the specific area, Miami-Dade, the positivity rate is almost double that rate. That was bonus material.


    So, this data (of which you don't supply a source), doesn't support your original position as it is a different topic. Just accept that you were wrong and that it is irresponsible for the Miami Dolphins to have 13k fans attend a game in an area that just recently dropped below a 10% positivity rate.

    These are the facts that the Sun Sentinel has been laying out for weeks, the information contradicts itself entirely and has been for months...the info you post is the same skewed source my man. 

  9. Just now, Westside Madness said:


    No one said declining infection rates were not good news. My comment was in response to it being states that Florida was under a 5% infection rate and that was a supporting reason to justify that having 13k fans attend a game in Miami was a good idea.


    Also, grow up and read this:




    Then come back and discuss with the adults.

    I'm pretty sure I stated facts but how is this for confusion and over hype,  read the last sentence Sir...this has been the narrative for the past month. 


    State officials have tallied 602,829 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began, according to reports from the Florida Department of Health.

    As of Sunday, 10,534 have died from the disease, including 72 additional people reported Monday. The total also includes 137 people who live elsewhere but died in Florida.

    The daily total does not reflect deaths that occurred in the past 24 hours, but over recent weeks.



  10. 30 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



    Over 20% of new cases in the past week for Florida were in Miami-Dade--nearly 1000 a day still.


    Those hospitals are laying off staff because they stopped elective surgeries---same as NYS at the height of its pandemic.   Very few hospitals even in NYS were filled with COVID patients at any time.  Your friends in the hospital should be able to tell you all this.


    The COVID situation in Florida, coming months after NYS had taken control of the pandemic, was completely unnecessary as it was avoidable.  You don't get credit for chasing a bear out of your home (after he rips through it) when you knew he was at the door and let him in, Governor...



    Miami Dade has the most dense population in the state so its not surprising, however you're completely wrong on the elective surgeries they only stopped at the beginning of the pandemic from March to May, otherwise they have been open. Furthermore two hospitals in Broward and Dade handle 90% of the Covid cases for their respective counties. Again, these hospitals are not over run and have plenty of hands on deck to help. We are beating it back, the virus made its way south, we were shut down as much as anyone for 2 1/2 months. Mid June and July was tough but we are doing just fine....


    We knew it was at the door? We protected our most vulnerable and did our part, the virus spread due to the younger demographic etc 

    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 28 minutes ago, Westside Madness said:

    'Florida coronavirus: State reports 2,974 new cases, 5.52% positivity rate'




    I believe Friday was the only day it dipped below 5% (4.89%).


    And Miami-Dade specifically, is at 9.5%, almost double. And they are celebrating being under 10% as if its a victory.


    'In Miami-Dade, the new case rate was 9.5%, the third straight day under 10% for the state’s hardest hit county.'




    But hey, dont let facts get in the way of your 'champ' argument...

    So the virus declining isn't good news here? Beats the alternative. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  12. 1 minute ago, RoyBatty is alive said:




    The Press was all excited to announce how terrible Houston was with Covid about 2 months ago.  ICUs are 99% filled to capacity blah blah blah.


    What they neglected to say is most Hospitals in Harris county actively manage how much spare capacity they have in ICUs.  ICUs require more trained people, more equipment, tighter protocal & controls and are super expensive.  When hospitals have a lot of unused ICU capacity they are losing money.  The actively expand and contract ICU capacity all the time but is certainly does get people excited when they hear that ICUs capacity is at 99% which was the goal

    I don't lean one way or the other, but believe directly what I hear from folks on the front lines. My wife's best friend works at Broward Gen, some of the stuff they make them do is head scratching and I will leave it at that. As of two weeks ago they had 80 Covid patients in ICU, two on vents. They retrofitted another floor to accommodate just Covid and its hardly being used...Jackson Mem is a larger hospital and Miami is the epicenter, lots of beds, lots of nurses and there was a flux in July but tapered gradually. Now there numbers are pretty low. Our positivity rate is 4.83%, health experts agreed under 5% you are free to resume normal daily activity, FWIW. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  13. Just now, MAJBobby said:

    Hey Champ.  I live here, sorry if you believe DeSantis

    I believe the nurses and doctors who work at Broward General and Jackson Memorial you know the ones on the front lines. I have friends in both hospitals and they are laying off nurses due to how slow they are. Now these hospitals due to their size are the counties hub for Covid treatment, there are def cases there I won't argue that but its not the triage center they are making it out to be. This is a serious thing if you have serious issues or a weak immune system. I deal with testing clinics daily and this is always the hot topic, if you see alerts from the Sun/Orlando Sentinel about the daily death toll open the link and read it, it states "this information was taken over the course of several weeks" not 24 hour period, ye tthey run the death ticker like the NYSE. Cmon man. 

    Just now, MAJBobby said:

    Nice Assumption you make there 

    He was actually found in vomit with a male prostitute and drugs, what else do you need to know? He went into rehab ...

    • Like (+1) 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, BillStime said:


    1) Wouldn't have completely destroyed our pandemic infrastructure the past 3 years like Trump did

    2) Wouldn't have ignored intelligence like Trump did

    3) Wouldn't have muzzled our leading scientists like Trump did



    How do you know this? Who's to say intelligence was ignored, no one knew the extent of this virus and still doesn't. I'm not pounding my chest for Trump but no one knows the first thing about this virus other than how its transmitted. The info we got from the WHO was the catalyst for disaster and spread. That's where your frustration and anger should be.


    The numbers are extremely flawed, I work with testing companies and review numbers both infected and deaths daily and they are blatantly false. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I agree Trump can have more class and be more Presidential but its simply not his way. After 4 years you'd have thought everyone would have just let it go and moved on.   

  15. 42 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    1,362 Americans died today - is what it is, right Trump voters?


    FL 245
    TX 205
    CA 197
    GA  79
    AZ 66
    SC 54
    MS 42


    Trump is killin us‼️



    I can’t speak for the rest of the states but Florida is way wrong... that number has been taken over multiple weeks not over night. It’s terrible reporting and they have been doing this for over 3 weeks now. It states it plainly in the article that this count is over “multiple weeks”. Take it for what it’s worth. 

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