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Posts posted by Bmwolf21

  1. Nope... Although I noticed that my main DVR was getting really sluggish. I was thinking about just rebooting it, but then the software upgrade came through and it rebooted itself. It's been MUCH quicker since then.


    Maybe your harddrive is starting to have issues...? I replaced the internal drive with a Western Digital Green 1TB drive.


    I agree though, the DirecTV isn't complete junk, but it's nowhere near as nice as the DirecTiVo... Hopefully they'll release those again in the next 6 months - that's the word on the street. :sick:

    It better not be starting to have issues. This is a replacement DVR that we've had for less than six months. I'll be pretty ticked if this one dies and I have to get another one.

  2. I did the red button reset so we'll see if that works. After it finished, the blue light ring stayed off by default, and I had to reset the brightness level with the left/right arrow buttons. Don't know if that means anything or not, but I never had that happen after a reset.

  3. There's an option to "pad recording time." You sure you didn't accidentally select that?

    I assume you're talking about changing the start and stop times, making it start earlier and run later. I don't think that's it. WIth each one I selected the show I wanted, hit info, record, checked the start and stop times, and hit Record It. But even if the options to pad the recording time was changed, I don't think that would have done it. The most my DVR lets you extend the recording is 3 hours. This error went 7 1/2 hours past the end time, with different shows on different channels.


    My guess would be that the station changed their schedule, and put a different show on instead. If they don't tell the TV guide people (don't remember the name of that company - but cable and sat companies pay for the data), then it'll look like you recorded the movie, but you really get whatever was broadcast.

    I feel pretty confident this was not a case of the station changing the channel. The show was scheduled for 9, and it started recording well before. Like the issue above, it's happened a few times on different channels, and I've never had this happen before. So that, coupled with the extended recording times described above, leads me to believe it's a software/firmware issue.


    If you haven't already, then power off the DVR, let it sit for 10 seconds or so, then power it back up. There was a recent OS upgrade a week or so ago (to enable dual tuners - YAY!), and maybe something didn't play nicely in your setup for some reason.

    The issues have all started in the last week, so I think it's probably an issue with the new OS software not playing nice or something. The DVR was off overnight, but I'll give this a shot, and if this doesn't do it maybe hit the red reset button. I wanted to make sure that everything was working OK before the Bills game started. Thanks.

  4. My DirecTV DVR recordings are all screwed up. I'm using the on-screen guide to select things to record, and then it either records something different but puts it under the same name, or the DVR continues recording for several hours past the end of the show. I have no idea what is going on but was wondering if anyone else has run into this before I spend an hour on the phone with DTV tech support. I haven't seen any issues yet with my scheduled "season pass" recordings, just individual one-time recordings.


    As an example - I scheduled one late-night episode of Criminal Minds to record (on A&E) and when I got up the next morning it had recorded 8 1/2 hours. On another I scheduled a movie to record at 9 p.m. and it started recording whatever was on that channel at 730 - but in the Recording List, it showed the original movie's title.

  5. I knew it and was ready for it. My soul is calloused.

    Same here. Watched the last couple minutes with a co-worker, who couldn't believe how calm I was when McKelvin fumbled, and when the P*ts scored, and when the Bills couldn't move the ball on the 2-minute drive. I just looked at him and said "I'm a Bills fan. It ain't like I haven't seen this show before."

  6. I watched the Pens quite a bit, back then. Our recollections differ, I guess.

    Could be. This was well before the advent on the intrawebs or Center Ice, so I only saw him a couple nights a year. He may have not been as much of a perimeter player as I saw in a couple games in Buffalo. I'll have to defer to some of our older posters who have seen more of him to confirm or deny whether the other areas of his game well more well-rounded than 99's.

  7. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting Mario was a banger. But he did throw the occasional check and I can't remember him hiding along the boards while the action was taking place at the other end of the ice.


    EDIT: And Mario did take his share of abuse, as you noted. Wayne was usually left alone by the checkers...and of course, he was hard to hit.

    I don't know, Dean. I saw him play at the Aud a couple times, and I remember after the first game walking out of there shaking my head at how much of a perimeter game he and Jagr played. They were fantastic scorers and playmakers, and played great together. But neither one wanted anything to do with any contact.

    This was probably 15 years ago, so my recollection could be a little hazy, but I don't remember Mario ever being in the thick of it or banging around the net.

  8. Didn't Mario also engage in other aspects of the game, like checking for example? Wayne was simply outstanding, but he was allowed to hide and stay away from much physical action.


    I think Mario was a more complete hockey player, but Gretzky had the better career, to be sure.

    Not that I recall. He was big enough to, but I seem to remember him being a similar finesse scorer. Plus his ailments - cancer twice, a herniated disc, hip problems, and back issues so bad that he had to have people tie his skates and help him get his leg up over the boards to get on the ice, so I don't think he was banging bodies too much. IIRC one of the reasons he retired the first time was the physical pounding he was taking in the clutch-and-grab era.

  9. Relate it to Bruce Smith's induction speech. Every single guy I've talked to who covered him had some not-so-nice things to say about his ego, arrogance, whatever you want to call it ... but in Canton, he was surprisingly gracious, humble, and respectful of the moment. From reading Woj, whose opinion I've come to trust implicitly over the almost 20 years I've been reading his work, it sounds like Jordan was none of the three.

    Good post, Lori.

  10. Still not having seen the speech in its' entirety, I don't think that the speech can diminish Jordan's greatness in the game of basketball. It is not exactly breaking news that he has a big ego...most athletes, even those far less successful and talented than MJ have big egos. Jordan's perspective on his career is not the same as some sports writer...

    I don't think anyone is saying that his speech diminishes his career, but rather that the majority of his speech was unnecessarily confrontational (a lot of I told you so's) and pretty petty for the greatest basketball player ever. The witer even acknowledged that MJ's attitude was nothing new, but that a lot of people were surprised and disappointed that he went the route he did, and how MJ's speech was in stark contrast to the other inductees'.


    And it's not just one sportswriter's opinion. There were a lot of articles written about it, and they seem to be split down the middle - some think he gave a great speech and struck the right tones, and a lot of others thought he was petty and vindictive on a night he should have been gracious and humbled. I tend to lean toward the latter, but reading this article by Wilbon I can understand a little better why MJ's speech was so edgy. I would just hope that his retirement would have taken the edge off that raw, burning competitive desire and for one night, be a little more gracious about his career and the people who helped him along the way (not just the negative motivators).

  11. I only saw/heard the highlights, but I have already herd MJ's speech referred to as one of the "worst HOF speeches ever"...not sure what he said/didn't say to illicit that reaction... thought it was cool that he thanked the Isiah, and the Ice Man for "freezing him out" in his first all star game, saying it made him hungry, to gain the respect of the guys who had already been there...I agree that he is possibly one of the two or three greatest pro athletes of all time...there are always haters...

    Pretty good reaction to his speech here:



  12. Since you're asking about shipping your dog, you obviously have never traveled a distance with him. My dog travels regularly from fayetteville, nc to buffalo or youngstown, oh (11 and 9 hour drive respectively). He's never been a problem. Just make sure to get a good poop out before you put him in the back seat or expect to drive for 20 minutes, stop, and let him do his thing. Throw a towel down and just ride. Every time you have to stop for yourself, just make sure you walk him for 5 minutes. It's cake. If that fails, you could ship him in something like this.

    This was how we did it when we drove our 55-lb boxer home with us at the holidays. We did the trip from Orlando to Niagara Falls in one straight shot, usually about 20-21 hours or so (counting extended rest stops and food) and never had any problems with the dog.

  13. I think the idea is that you are supposed to leave it there for the person coming in behind you.

    We live in an apartment right now, so that's out of the question. The complex would never allow us to leave the dish on the balcony - they would probably hit us with a removal fee out of our security deposit.


    The email we got from DTV says "the dish is a property of the tenants, rather than DIRECTV. I recommend you dispose of the dish by any locally approved method of disposing of abandoned tenant property."


    Is it just me or did she basically tell us "toss that sucker away, for all we care"?

  14. We're in the same boat, Matt - moving at the end of the month and our DTV bill is getting out of control. I also swore I'd never go back to cable if I had a choice, but now I don't know what we're going to do. I think we're going to explore other options and see what kind of deal we can get from cable or ATT U-verse. I'd rather stay with DirecTV, but it's just too expensive right now.

    So FWIW - the wife called DirecTV yesterday and explained the situation. Just told them it was getting too expensive, that we had originally ordered it so we could get the ST, and that now the programming and the ST package was getting out of hand and we were probably going to cancel at the end of the month, so they offered us the new subscriber package - $59.99/month for for five months of the premier package and ST included.


    One thing that surprised me, though - they do a lot of promotion and advertising for their Movers Connection service where "they handle everything" when you move. But apparently all that entails is them coming in to our new home and setting up the new dish. We are supposed to pack the receivers and cables and take them with us, and we even have to dispose of the old dish. They apparently install a new dish at the new place, so what the heck do I do with my old dish?

  15. Thanks for all the info, Scott. I am moving in less than a month and have been really torn up about what I'm going to do. My DTV bill is too high. We're going to have to find some ways to save for the next year or two... but I really do like the DTV customer service and DVR, and of course watching the Bills live. I could live with the NFL Rewind option you posted, but I clearly remember saying to myself (only 8 short years ago) I'd never go back to cable.

    We're in the same boat, Matt - moving at the end of the month and our DTV bill is getting out of control. I also swore I'd never go back to cable if I had a choice, but now I don't know what we're going to do. I think we're going to explore other options and see what kind of deal we can get from cable or ATT U-verse. I'd rather stay with DirecTV, but it's just too expensive right now.

  16. FSU's talent has been unreal. terrible coaching or lack there of has been the achilles heal. Fisher is a good coach but I just do not believe he is the right guy. This is the 1st time since Weinke that we had a semblance of a QB. The OL is young and Trickett has done a great job getting them motivated. FSU's secondary is suspect at best, young and inexperienced and it showed, they were hell bent on making Harris beat them and he did. When pressured you saw how green he is but still made some great plays. Like I said before I would love to see Richt back but I know it wont happen. I just dont feel like Fischer is the right guy.

    I don't think that is close to true. They've had too many whiffs in recruiting, too many non-qualifiers, too many guys who left the program until the last couple years. They got to the point where they relied too much on recruiting rankings and recruited a bunch of guys who shouldn't have been there. No playmakers to speak of, no depth at skill positions, bad offensive line play.


    You'll get no argument about the coaching, if you're talking about the Jeff Bowden era. Fisher will be fine as head coach, once he gets a chance to be The Guy and not have to answer to Bobby and can round his staff with guys he wants in there (on both sides of the ball).


    Hello Chrs Rix? :censored:


    How about a guy like Jim Grobe? He knows the ACC, his team overperforms every year and he can win in Tally (Sorry about that cheapshot).

    Rix was a fantastic talent who (like other QBs around in Tally in recent years) regressed as he got more experienced. Fantastic arm, could run, bled garnet&gold, just never progressed like he should have.

  17. Bottom line is that it was a great game regardless of mistakes. It's college football, teams are going to turn it over, commit penalties and choke because they are kids. College football needs these two teams to be great and it looks like they are both well on their way. If the U and FSU are strong with the possible rise of ND (I think they are WAY overrated other than Floyd and Tate), it will be like the late 80's and 90's all over again!

    Agreed. The ACC definitely needed a game like that last night, and CFB needs FSU/UM to regain their prominence - if only to steal some recruits away from UF.

  18. I'm sorry but Fisher is not the answer for HC. I love Bobby but we all know he hasn't been coaching this team for a looong time. Since Spurrier was in UF, lets be honest. Bobby's job is to massage the old booster money and walk in to a kids home and make his momma feel good about sending her boy to FSU, a slice of pecan pie later and Bobby has a 5 star athlete. This team has no identity. I love Andrews and am sad to see him leave. Can't imagine the sideline without that pissed off face and constantly spitting.


    I would live to see them pay Fishers buy out and offer Mark Richt the farm. I loved the offense when he was hear. Pro style the way it should be. I hate this spread garbage. Look at what Kelly has done with Cincy and with worse athletes. Its a simple system that works. FSU has top 10 talent every year. Its time for a change at the top. Who cares if Bobby stands there waiting for something to happen, he has been doing it for years. So has Joe Pa.


    Not sure if Amato is the answer to take over for Mickey. he is a great recruiter of defensive talent and is responsible for bringing a lot of guys here. When he was at NC state he raided the Miami high schools for talent the way FSU used too. I have been a NOLE from day one and it hurts to see this program the way it is. We are going on the right direction but its taking way too f'n long to get there.

    On some points I couldn't disagree more. First off, there's no way they pay Jimbo $5M to walk away and then offer Richt the farm. And FSU has not had top-10 talent for years, that's the problem. Jimbo and co. are just starting to restock the cupboard - Jeffy Bowden and company did an awful job recruiting offensive talent.


    It's way too early to say that Jimbo is not the answer. Between him and Trickett the offense looks light-years better than what it has over the previous few years when little Bowden was running his crappy excuse for an offense and QB's were regressing faster than they could bring them in. I'm looking forward to seeing Jimbo in control when he doesn't have to answer to Bowden and has


    As for Mickey - yeah, I'd like to see him stay, if he can figure out how to make adjustments and not just yell and scream. I don't think Amato is the answer either.


    Sometimes you have to give the other team credit. Harris was unreal tonight. I hate to say this, he looked Brady"esque" in the pocket. That throw that he made to Benjamin in the 4th was unreal. He was getting pressure, he stepped and threw an absolute perfect pass in a crucial part of the game. Miami is 5 deeap with legit WR's and they exposed FSU's overrated secondary last night so give them credit. They are big and fast and other then the first broken coverage, they were beating the man in front of them. FSU has no one to blame other then themselves. Poor clock management, dropped pass for a TD is what killed them. Great game though. If they commit to the run against BYU, they will be them by 2 TD's. What a game!

    I give Jacory Harris a lot of credit - he was poised and hit the open man all game long. Problem is, nearly every UM WR was open on almost every play all game long. That's bad secondary play, not great quarterbacking.


    But this game is on the defense, almost 100%. Yes, clock management was bad and Forston/Ponder combined to blow the final play, but you cannot give up 500 yards and 21 4th-quarter points and expect your offense to keep bailing you out.

  19. What are you driving, a covered wagon. I do the drive in 6 hours flat. I drive to my bros place in crestview. Thats 9 hours. Brutal.

    :censored: Just a typo. Still, MapQuest lists it as 7 hours, 20 minutes. That's a helluva round trip for Canes fans.

  20. You know I was on Fl St all week until I read that that their defense is not going to be very good this year & the offense is going to have to carry them. I always associate FSU with having a good defense but an inept offense(at least recently). Took Miami + the 5.5 pts. I also was surprised to hear they had trouble selling this game out. These games used to be the biggest games of the year for both schools.


    Anyways, great game, both teams look like they are on their way back although I think FSU really needs to get rid of Bowden somehow to take that next step forward. I just do not know what purpose he really serves anymore. Not a great pass by Ponder at the end but it was catchable & should of been caught. I was surprised they did not put the 1 second back on the clock but then I just figured it was 4th down. If it was only 3rd down that is a pretty big error. FSU could not botch the playclock more in the last minute. Thought they should of called Ponder's number on the last play with a qb draw ala J Kelly 1989 against Miami in the season opener. Everybody in the stadium thought they were going to pass, I thought it may catch them by surprise. Sellout or no sellout, thought the stadium was rocking most of the night & looked like a great atmosphere out there. Ramius, hopefully you got to go to this one because it was an instant classic. This one is going to sting but they should rebound, the talent is there. Calling it now, FSU goes into Provo in a few weeks & beats BYU.

    It was a nice breath of fresh air to see the offense look much more dynamic and almost carry the team to a win. It's disappointing (and troubling) to see the secondary run around like headless chickens, though.


    As for the stadium/sellout - there's a lot of legit reasons why the game wasn't sold out, but the two biggest are the economy and the day/date of the game. It's not convenient, easy or cheap to get to Tallahassee from almost everywhere in the state, and with it being a Monday night game, most people didn't want to take an extra day off from work just to drive back home from Tally. It's three hours from Jacksonville (a big UF hotbed) and 4+ hours to Orlando, Tampa, Central Florida, and over 9 hours to Miami. That, and the fact that FSU-Miami have been mired in mediocrity the last few years, probably conspired to keep the ticket sales down.


    Yeah, greg reid aside, the secondary was uncharacteristically awful last night. I think miami just completed another 40 yard pass. Anyways, its good to finally see the offense moving the ball. I'd like to see more of a running game, but i saw some good things. The D will come around. They're young, and just made a few too many mental mistakes. Ponder did as well. His 2 turnovers potentially cost us 2 FGs. Aside from that the kid played a good game.


    I've been saying it all offseason, this team is improved, but it is not going to be reflected in this year's record with our brutal schedule. However, 8-4 is still a good season and 9-3 and/or a berth in the ACC championship isn't out of the question. The way i figured it, this season we'd probably go 6-2 in the ACC, drop the UF game, and then the BYU game was a toss up to see if we could get that 9th win. Either way, it's good to see miami getting their program back on track as well.

    Agreed. I am less concerned with the o-line and running game as I am the secondary. Ponder's INT bothered me a helluva of a lot more than the fumble - that RT got embarrassed off the line and burned. I don't know how much I can put on Ponder for not "feeling the rush" on that one.


    BYU concerns me now more than it did before, mainly because of the secondary. They usually toss the ball around pretty good, so they need to figure out their secondary issues fast. I'd like to see more of that nickel-creep defense they used sparingly.


    Ramius - what's the latest on Bowen's victory total re the flap about some wins being not credited because of NCAA violations?

    EDIT: Ramius already replied. I have to agree that vacating win makes no sense to me, unless the HC knew he was using ineligible players.


    IIRC, the school has promised to take this to the courts if necessary, which is a mixed bag for me. On one hand, anything that bitchslaps the NCAA and gets them to stop acting like a bully is a good thing. That being said, I think we got off light in terms of other punishment (probation and lost scholarships) and if losing the victories and putting JoePa out of reach is the final push to convince Bobby to retire, then I think I can handle Bobby finishing second in the wins ra.

  21. Glad someone else noticed this. My DVR agrees. The incomplete signal came with 1 second left. They shoulda had the 4th down play.

    How do we get hosed on the clock in our own damn building? Whatever happened to the hometown scoreboard operator?

  22. Great game, now the Bills must step it up to prevent both my teams from dropping their respective season openers. While FSU played uncharacteristic poor defense throughout -- they really screwed up the ending with clock management. 2nd and 2 from inside the 15 with 40 seconds and they were trying to run a whole new formation onto the field -- wasting 20-30 seconds. Did someone notice if Turk Schonert suddenly joined FSU's staff?

    Our secondary was brutal tonight. Greg Reid was the lone bright spot back there. Jenije, Magnum and even Robinson took turns getting burned or missing tackles.


    The clock management at the end killed me. Trying to sub in a whole new personnel package? When Miami was trying to do the same thing? Line up, run a play and catch them offsides or with too many/not enough men on the field or out of position. Someone's got to take charge there.

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