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Posts posted by Nostradamus

  1. Because it is a one year deal, and this is the NFL. He doesn't know where he will be next year. While I doubt he is with the Bills, this says absolutely nothing about whether he will, or wont. Had he bought a house, it wouldn't say anything about it, either, as the decision to stay isn't entirely in his hands.


    Seriously, some of you guys really need to take a class in logic.


    The logical flaw that both you and the original poster are exhibiting is that TO's statement on Twitter either is definitive as to him leaving after this season, or is completely irrelevant as you make it out to be.

    In fact, the truth seems to be somewhat in between. His re-emphasizing that he only signed a 1 year deal seems to be indicative of his mind set at the moment; that, at the present time, he can't foresee his stay in Buffalo lasting more than 1 yr. Of course, a lot can change in one year's time, and we have no idea where his head will be at 1 yr from now. However, in an uncapped year where the league's heavyweights may well engage in an arms race to stack their rosters as best as they can for 2010, I think the odds are definitely slim that TO is back next year.

  2. I'm so glad I read this article. It absolutely proves my point of how stupid all of these "metric" personal stats are. We can start with this one statement towards the beginning: "...Ellison is a career backup, and Tinoisamoa led St. Louis defenders in tackles last year." Gee, that sounds like signing Tinoisamoa to replace Ellison would be an upgrade to me.


    But then the "over-statistical jerk" , as Marv Levy might refer to him, compared his Point of Attack (POA) blocks, yards per attempt allowed and gap fills for both players, and it seems that Tinoisamoa might not be that much better the Ellison after all. Gap fills?? <_<


    Here's the only stats that matter to me, although I have to admit I am not a statistics major:

    Tinoisamoa, '08: 104 Tackles, 3.0 Sacks, 2 Forced Fumbles.

    Ellison, '08: 73 Tackles, 0.0 Sacks 0 Forced Fumbles.


    So, yes KC Joyner, signing Tinoisamoa and starting him in place of Ellison really is an upgrade. :lol:



    Ellison made 73 tackles?? That is about 70 more than I remember seeing him make last year.

  3. We are all used to the rehearsed "athlete-speak" responses to reporters questions, "help the team win", etc. And for 99% of this video: Fred Jackson talking about his contract, that's precisely what we get. His answer about Rhodes is classic "athlete speak", same with the O line question.


    But...look what happens 7 minutes in: the TO question comes up. Fred's body language changes all together. For the last 40 seconds it's a different interview. That looks pretty sincere to me, or else Freddy is a master actor.


    So on to my questions:

    1. Do you think he's really excited about TO being here, or is that an elaborate act?

    2. If he really is that pumped, what does that mean?

    3. How much value do you place on a guy like Fred's(a player not a coach, UDFA, etc.) opinion?

    4. Is Fred right to be that excited?


    Just thought it was interesting how his whole body lit up when he answered that question.


    I definitly noticed his eyes twinkle and his lips moisten when that question was posed to him. :worthy:

  4. Hate to be the Debby Downer here, but these stories are great for showing character but say nothing about what happens on the field. JP Losman had a great background story, bought a house in Buffalo, held an event to clean up the city and went out of his way to take the city under his wing.


    What happened? He wasn't the answer at QB and the city (and many fans) spat him out. This has been the story with countless players the last 10 years.


    Great back stories don't win football games.


    I feel like a jerk writing that, but its true. In the end, its about winning and I don't care if the guy comes from a blue collar family, a mansion, a one parent house, a two parent house, or raised by chimps. Can he play the game, will he give blood sweat and tears to his team, and is he a winner?


    After 10 years of losing, that's all I care about.

    It is a common misconception that Losman was a nice guy that just didn't pan out. From the numerous times I saw him out, sometimes on Fridays/ Saturdays before a game, and from first hand stories told to me by girls who encountered him, he was actually an inmature little scumbag. The fact that he picked up some garbage for a day does not mitigate that fact.

  5. Andy "Cialis-Levitre"

    JP "fries with that burger" Losman


    Dick "Tales from the Crypt" Jauron

    James "Dainty" Hardy

    "38 Magnum" Lynch

    Derek "Adequate" Fine

    Keith For the love of GOD, WE NEED FRIES WITH THAT BURGER!! Ellison


  6. How much should the Bills expect to get for a guy who can give a team good field position often, change the game with a score once in a while - but, the threat is there every time - and, he can be a reciever? If he was a second rounder originally, how much is he worth now?


    With all the needs the Bills have, trading their assets for draft picks is not the way to go. Instead, they should look to package Parrish and a pick for a position player, such as Gonzales or Waters from KC. Maybe Parrish and a 3rd/4th would be enough to get it done?

  7. It's too bad we didn't simply rework his contract last year or the year before:


    March 2007: Bills re-sign Chris Kelsay to ridiculous 4 year, $23 million contract.

    August 2007: Bills tear up last 3 years of Aaron Schobel's contract and give him 5 year $50 million contract to assure he's the highest paid D lineman on the Bills. Said Schobel "Obviously, I had three years left on my deal so they didn't have to do anything ..."

    March 2007: Bills sign Derrick Dockery to 7 year $49 million contract.

    Subsequently, Jason Peters continues to play under the 5 years $15 million contract he was given after being promoted to right offensive tackle over Mike Williams.


    January 2008: Peters is selected to the Pro Bowl.


    The Bills do nothing.


    January 2009: Peters selected to a second Pro Bowl.


    March 2009: Dockery is cut.

    Why the preferential treatment for Schobel and the stiffing of Peters?


    Every time I post this the thread dies out, except for VABillsfan who says it's racist. Is everyone going to continue to ignore this issue...


    Because Marv Levy was pretty much incompetent as a GM. Russ Brandon appears to be more fiscally responsible. That is the short answer. The Kelsey disaster than gave rise to the Schobel disaster. That does not mean that since the Bills vastly overpaid those two players, they should continue to make wasteful front office decisions.

  8. How is this different than the other Peters trade threads? In those threads, people are postinga their ideas for a trade. Apparently, you think your version of the trade is so special, it needs its own thread.


    It's not, and it doesn't.


    Oh good lord. You'd think that Moses came down from the hill and said "Thou shalt not start duplicitious threads." Who cares if this is in one thread or another?

    It's a great idea, but I think we are drastically overestimating Peters worth. Other teams know that he gave up more sacks than any other tackle in the NFL last season, despite missing significant time. If we can get one 1st rounder for him, I'd be happy. Chances are that if we draft one of the top 3 or 4 tackles with that first rounder-not Andre Smith, we'd be better off than we were last year at that position and have a lot more $$$$ to spend elsewhere.

  9. I'm not sure I got my answer here. So what you are all saying is that Buffalo is full of bars but not a single night club? There is not one single place anywhere in the city that has club-style dj;s and dancing? No place that even attempts to resemble a NYC or Toronto night spot? If true that's pretty sad.




    Why is that sad? Because Buffalo doesn't try to emulate the nightlife scene of bigger cities but instead has its own scene which is more tailored to the markets clientele and population?

    I know a lot of people from the city that came to Buffalo for college and ended up embracing Buffalo for its differences. Some of them were used to the NYC club life but preferred to be the proverbial big fish in a small pond. Other people turned their noses up at our scene. It is what it is. Personally, I think true partyers and fun-loving people make the most of the environments that they're in. There are definitly a lot of real good-lookin girls on Chipp and other parts of the city as well.

    I'd be willing to bet TO ends up enjoying it here. It may be different than what he is used to, but he strikes me as a different, more open-minded guy than Mcgahee.

  10. Yes, JP isn't a good NFL QB, but give the guy just a little respect for being a good citizen of Buffalo. There's no reason to hate the guy.


    What makes you think he is a good citizen of Buffalo? Because he picked up litter in a PR move one day? I have seen Losman out on several occasions-, including the Friday before he started the Jets game this year- and he was acting more like a drunken idiot than a good citizen. While I don't know him personally, it seems there is a certain segment of Bills fans who take for granted he is a good guy who just didn't pan out.

    I think the reality is he's an immature punk who didn't have the work ethic or drive to even attempt to be a good NFL QB.

  11. Something tells me he is still there... I hope, Maybe he had to do his physical and he and his agent are trying work out the numbers.

    Just a wild guess.


    The problem is, this signing makes too much sense for the Bills to actually do it. A cover two linebacker who has spent his whole career in the same type of system the Bills implement? Who plays the position that the Bills are weakest on? (With apologies to Chris Kelsey, I think Ellison may be even more outmatched on the field than the great white Buffalo) Well... maybe not. At any rate, this move, unlike the Coles one, would significantly make the Bills defense better. June is someone the Bills should overspend on if it gets him here.

  12. You people do realize that these threads are ridiculously redundant right?


    You do realize that the Bills prevailing theme of incompetence is the dominant topic of conversation, right?? A couple years ago, I was as optimistic as anyone about the teams potential resurgence. That was then. We have regressed. At this point, anyone who is hopeful is delusional. It's sad... but true. Does anyone think Haumgfratsssner is the answer? Seriously??

  13. I defend anyone who needs defendin' I AM................SUPERPOSTER!!!!

    Just kidding. I just think GR gets ripped here a lot more than they deserve. The people there have a job to do and like many of us are told HOW to do it.


    There are many people here on the board that know me, and will vouch for the fact that I am just a listener like the rest of you.


    Sabres PR, I mean WGR, has been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of glorified cheerleaders for the Sabres. I think the topic of todays morning show is "who is the hottest Sabre?," followed by the afternoon show (which Sabres penis would you touch?" Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Sabres fan myself. But, the bias they have when covering the Sabres in relation to the Bills is staggering in its blatant disregard for the seemingly outdated journalistic principle of evenhandedness.

    Further, Mike Schopp is a pompous arrogant condescending prick. Now, it is possible that his producers tell him to show disdain to any callers that don't share his point of view, but that would just make a whore to his network, as well as an arrogant prick. The Bulldog is a lackey, and the show in general is a farce.

    One quick stipulation: Schopp does have some sports IQ, as he can be insightful when breaking down games. However, that trait is overrided by his other obnoxious characteristics.

  14. Sounds like you’ve had some experience. As far as wise cracks go, I’ve probably read that exact joke about 300+ times on this board. How about a little originality? A major pre-requisite for making a smart *** comment, of course is actually being smart.


    As far as the Stamer idea is concerned, and how ridiculous of an idea it is, I’m absolutely certain that the same would have been said of Crowell in 04! If somebody said “Crowell will be our best linebacker in 2-4 years”, it would have been met with the same stale, less-than witty responses, (centering on drugs and alcohol of course) that every open minded idea is. By the way, who would you say is the best LB on our roster right now?


    The mob-mentality of assimilation can not be demonstrated more clearly than on message boards, this one included. Is it a coincidence that the majority of people on the boards have the same 2 or 3 ideas, plans and theories about the near future? No coincidence at all if you ask me, just basic psychology.


    If you take a step back, look at things in a historical context, and ignore where the mob is going for a moment, reality sets in quickly. If there are any crackheads out there who said Crowell would go places before Spikes went down, I say smoke on, for you are true renaissance men.


    Crowell is our de facto best linebacker. He is a smart player with good instincts, but tackles like a pacifist. While he may be a good complementary player in a defense, he lacks the physicality to anchor a unit. That is why it is imperative that the Bills get Patrick Willis in the draft. An all-world middle linebacker is the key ingredient to an elite cover 2 defense.

  15. Just checked the depth chart courtesy of BB.com

    RT: (1) Langston Walker (2) Terrence Pennington (3) Brad Butler

    RG: (1) Duke Preston (2) Jason Whittle (3) Aaron Merz.


    I recognize that off season depth charts are a lot of BS but I was really hoping L. Walker would be moved to guard where I think he could be more effective as road grader run blocker and less of a liability in pass protection. Duke Preston seemed ineffective when he played and I don't think warrants a starting spot. Conversely Terrance Pennington was a real bright spot on the O-line (IMO) and once he was promoted to a starter I thought he shored up the O-line.


    I can't see us adding any additional O-lineman though the draft so my question to you guys would be how do you think we will O-line will lineup on opening day?

    Depth charts in the offseason don't mean much at all. I think McNally is going to have to do some tinkering in camp before he figures out what they're going to look like. I also thought Pennington looked like a player out there, and with a year's seasoning under his belt, he will be an improved player.

  16. Actually, they were not.


    "Along with the Bills, the committee consists of the New York Giants, St. Louis Rams, Detroit Lions, Cleveland Browns, Seattle Seahawks, Green Bay Packers and Houston Texans."

    Interesting. Did Ralph throw his one comrade in arms (Mike Brown) and other small market teams under the bus so that the qualifiers favored HIS small market team at the expense of other small markets?? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about any news that isn't doom and gloom when it pertains to the Bills long term viability in Buffalo. However, while Ralph espoused pure alturistic motives in lauding the pioneer unified spirit that the NFL was founded upon, I would venture to say that his motives are in fact paralell to those of the Jerry Jones and Daniel Snyders of the NFL: to maximize profit in THEIR own markets. This was never us-against them, small markets vs. big markets. This was about each owners independent desire to make as many millions as possible.

  17. I was always a fan of the sportsmachine. Where have you gone George Michael? Now we are stuck with Stuart Scott and Kenny Mayne


    BOO YA!! :thumbsup: While Michaels shows lacked the dry and condescending wit that is so embedded in sports journalism, he never tried to be someone he wasn't. Not to get political, but Stuart Scott is representative of everything wrong with the concept of affirmative action.

  18. While his only highlight reel play was the season-opener, I thought his play steadily improved throughout the season. Also, Spikes was due to make 4.6 million this year. Fletcher could have been signed for 5 yrs 25 million dollars. Langston Walker is making 5 million a year. Is anyone going to compare Langston Walker as a player to either Spiker or Fletch?? To me, the Walker signing was senseless and has now left us periliously thin at the LB position, as well as at running back. Unless this draft class is going to be one of the best in Bills history, I see this team as being worse than last years unit. I hate to give this doomsday forecast, but the decisionsthis off-season have been nothing short of baffling.







    Something to consider, and I'd be willing to bet the farm on it:


    Spikes wants to play for a large market team. He wants his shot at bigger ad contracts, greater exposure, the big time.


    Consider the fact that a few weeks ago, when asked about Willis, Jauron never once stated that Willis didn't want to play for Buffalo anymore. Not until after the trade went down did Jauron let on to this by taking the high road, as usual, when he simply told the media that the question of 'did he want to play here' should be directed to Willis. That answered the question well enough. And now we know from the Baltimore news article that Willis was barking behind the scenes the whole time.


    We are so much better without Willis McGahee. He has NEVER impressed me, on or off the field. He's an average back, period. Donahoe was wrong.


    Personally, I wonder if the same is true of a post-injury Spikes; that they reviewed the film on him, estimated his speed next year will not be optimal *for the Tampa-2*, and decided that that fact plus his desire to move on makes for an easy choice.


    I don't think you'll see Spikes traded to a small, Buffalo-type market.


    Spikes was never *consistently* great, but he was a very good player. But last year, the only impact play he made was the first snap of the season. After that he disappeared, was late to tackles, was out of position often, freelanced and got caught, and was not a factor in coverage, which is the #1 reason why I believe his days as a Bill are over. This has a lot to do with scheme changes, and that's something that a lot of posters seem to forget.

  19. Bills win the superbowl. Could really use the bucks though. I would need to spend ten grand on the Sports illustrated Buffalo Bills super bowl stuff. Super bowl championships hats, jackets bumber stickers. yeah about $10Gs saying that the Bills are the Best.


    Bills, no question. Look at it from a utilitarian perspective. A Bills win would uplift, our friends, loved ones, and community immeasurably. Also, it would be something that we all can treasure forever. The $10,000 is something I would burn through gambling within a few days.

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