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Posts posted by Silvercrw

  1. I have heard multiple times on the radio and on TBD that the Bills had all summer to prepare for the Jets without thinking about one major point. That point is that there is no tape on the Jets offense but there is tape on the Bills offense. They have a new offense this year and Tony Sparano has not called plays since 2006 as a Dallas offensive coach.


    What everyone needs to realize is that the first game of the year can be very tricky to prepare when there is no tape on what the other team is doing (Jets Offense). It is like going into the game blind. If you use yesterdays game as an example the Jets had two advantages on Offense and Defense.


    1. A new offense that Buffalo nor anyone else in the NFL has tape of so its impossible to prepare for it. (Pre-season is vanilla)


    2. They have tape on our offense so can prepare all summer on what to do to stop the Bills.


    I understand we have a new defense but the Bills had no way to design a way to stop an offense which they have never seen.


    The whole point is the whole NFL now has tape on the Jets and from here on out can properly prepare to play them. Let's see what the Steelers will do to them next week.


    I do not hold stock in the first game of the year good or bad. Lets move on.

  2. The white collars are getting me more aggrevated than anything. How anyone would allow them to be on those or anyone else in the nfl challenges my theory of design and symmetry. Truly the ugliest thing I have ever seen. We need to make this thread as long as possible and pass it to the Bills brass so they can switch to either all blue or no fly wire!

  3. Yeah, Fast Freddie was Jonathan Smith.


    Always rings funny with me when people call ACTION JACKSON "Fast Freddie."



    Supposed to be Action Jackson. Even the power rakings and telecasts call him "Fast Freddie" it pissed me off! Can we make like a public announcement to say hey he is supposed to be called ACTION JACKSON. Dumb media caught on to the "Fast Freddie" name from Jonathan smith!


    Supposed to be Action Jackson. Even the power rakings and telecasts call him "Fast Freddie" it pissed me off! Can we make like a public announcement to say hey he is supposed to be called ACTION JACKSON. Dumb media caught on to the "Fast Freddie" name from Jonathan smith!



    you guys remember the Pats picked him up as well when we released him.

  4. I think the media fans etc.. all got Fred's nick name wrong. We used to have in 03-05 a punt returner /WR Jonathan Smith. His nickname was "Fast Freddie" .


    Fred Jackson's name was always "Action" Jackson which sounds way better. I wish the Media and fans didn't catch on to the other Fred's nickname and know that Fred was supposed to be Fred "Action" Jackson.


    Thanks for the name correction wallers!

  5. No one knows the future. Let's just enjoy the journey. Right now, the view is beautiful.


    If you really need to think about the future, forget the Bills 2008 season or the Bronco's 6-0 start. I mean, who really knows? The Bills could go 0-13 the rest of the way or 13-0. Probabilities, however, are on our side. Something like 72% of 3-0 teams eventually make the playoffs. So if you have to contemplate the Bills final record, think optimistically because the odds are in our favor.


    Personally, I'm still basking in the afterglow of the Pats win. I'll worry about Cinci on Sunday and the playoffs much later on.



    Ive been a bills fan since 1988 and haven't missed a game since 95. Your right why should I think negative. F$%k That! Go Bills lets take it one game at a time!

  6. Again as posted earlier, this is just a Rumor. The people I know would of known about this and they knew nothing about it at all. There is no evidence that this ever happened. Let's close this subject and put an end to this please. I have no idea where Moran gets his news from but you cannot report something that doesn't have evidence behind. Reporting 101. Moran, you gotta learn.


    As for us Bills fans we finally get a spark with Meriman this year and Moran comes along trying to spoil it for us. When Meriman is on the field its going to feel like the days when Bruce was on the field. On every play a QB might go down!

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