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Posts posted by Silvercrw

  1. I am 38 and have been on TRT since I was 33 and it was the best thing I have ever done... Once in a while I take a little more but not often.. I am in better shape and feel better than I did at 24. I highly recommend it as people age. Recovery, sex drive, muscle mass etc.. is harder on us as men age.. For young guys not so much. Recently in AZ there was a huge bust with the Wellness Nutrition network which I just released a documentary on yesterday morning that I have been working on. Alot of athletes names are coming out that purchased from them. I will link it below.




  2. Remember, I informed everyone about the Bledsoe trade long before it happened, The Terell Owens signing and the original Bill Cowher visit. I am not saying he is being interviewed but that his name was being mentioned. Is he interested in coaching again? We do not know. Go bills!

  3. I know its cliche but "Defense wins championships".. I know the offense is struggling to find its own but I can live with that with a dominant defense. With a great D you can buy yourself time for the offense to come around and still win games. After watching years of swiss cheese defense, this is a blessing. Don't you remember watching Fewell/Wandstat/fill_in_the_blank D's that made you want to pull your hair out. If the defense lives up to its billing and improves its run defense from last year and the D-line plays the way it can watch out.


    The D-Line is so impressive. I know its just pre-season but if you look at last year and then the few plays the starting D was in yesterday they manhandled the Giants offensive line. Seeing Brandon Spikes clog up the middle against the run was exhilarating. I know Kiko is out but he was being moved to the outside for a reason. Look for a big year from Spikes.


    Even without Pettine, I believe there are in good hands with Schwartz. I believe they will play more disciplined with just as much pressure on the QB.

  4. It just bothers me that he is basically a criminal that has very bad character issues and seattle fans look at him like hes a hero and how smart seattle was for trading for him and how dumb the bills are for letting him go.


    Its made out to be like he was a "bad" player here. As a player he was never "bad" and had over 1100 yards as a rookie. He was never really recognized as anything special while he was in buffalo. From the media to the fans of other teams... No one cared....


    The worst part about the whole deal is seatle won a superbowl with him, and to tell u the truth I dont think they would have without him...


    However if you ask me today if I would still want him on the bills i would say no. Who would ever want to root for a guy like that.....

  5. Good points NoSense.


    I still think there has got to be some sort of diciplinary action.


    I dont know why but since lynch pulled that **** in buffalo, not even just the hit and run incident but him wearing oakland raiders gear to bills games, bringing flasks into bars, the applebees stunt and the list goes on that just rubs me the wrong way.


    Everytime i see him on tv which is a ton, I get more and more



  6. I find it interesting that Marshawn Lynch's 3rd offense, and this time for a DUI that he plea bargained down to a reckless driving charge has not been addressed by the league yet.


    Why has he not been suspended? This is his 3rd offense violating the NFL conduct policy. Why does someone like Nigel Bradham (first offense, substance abuse) get suspended for one game for an offense that took place last summer and Marshawn Lynch's 3rd and IMO a worse offense involving swerving in and out of lanes, drunk and putting other peoples lives in danger not addressed by the league? This offense took place 2 years ago.


    Do they not want to suspend him for rating concerns?


    What is going on here?


    Is the NFL playing sides?

  7. Byrd's agent Eugene Parker (hard nosed agent ex..Jason Peters etc..) advised Byrd to sign the Franchise tender at the latest possible date so he can still collect his paycheck.

    It was his plan to have Byrd avoid playing all year do to risk of injury and the the only way to do that would be to claim Byrd has Plantar fasciitis which is one of the only medical diagnosis that cannot be shown in any type of testing (X-rays etc..)


    Think of of this way. Byrd claims he has Plantar fasciitis. He sits out all year, collects his 8 million dollars and has no risk of injury. Eugene Parker then knows the Bills will not risk Franchising him again next year and thus he is a free agent. Basically Eugene Parker is stealing from the Buffalo Bills claiming and advising his client to avoid playing and claim he has a bad case of Plantar fasciitis which cannot be properly diagnosed. I am sure the Bills lawyers are looking into this in every way possible.


    I guarantee Byrd will not suit up for the Bills once this year.

  8. Byrd's agent Eugene Parker (hard nosed agent ex..Jason Peters etc..) advised Byrd to sign the Franchise tender at the latest possible date so he can still collect his paycheck.

    It was his plan to have Byrd avoid playing all year do to risk of injury and the the only way to do that would be to claim Byrd has Plantar fasciitis which is one of the only medical diagnosis that cannot be shown in any type of testing (X-rays etc..)


    Think of of this way. Byrd claims he has Plantar fasciitis. He sits out all year, collects his 8 million dollars and has no risk of injury. Eugene Parker then knows the Bills will not risk Franchising him again next year and thus he is a free agent. Basically Eugene Parker is stealing from the Buffalo Bills claiming and advising his client to avoid playing and claim he has a bad case of Plantar fasciitis which cannot be properly diagnosed. I am sure the Bills lawyers are looking into this in every way possible.


    I guarantee Byrd will not suit up for the Bills once this year.

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