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Posts posted by jms62

  1. We need to move on from EJ cause we need Cardale Jones to be ready to assume #2 when EJ's rookie contract runs out. We are 4 years in and if he is still looking like a deer in the headlights I think odds are that isnt going to magically change. All of you working for the social media team for the PR firm he hired have done a good job but didnt have much to work with. Kudos to you.

  2. I had huge hopes for Goodwin giving this team what James Lofton did 25 years ago. The ability to stretch the field to open up the inside for Watkins,Clay and shady. Last year I finally wrote him off due to his inability to stay on the field. Seeing this thread gave me pause that I may have given up too soon. Then he gets hurt last night celbrating a touchdown. Put me in the camp of expecting nothing and anything he gives is a bonus but I would not want him to take a roster spot of someone who can contribute consistently.

  3. i am neither a "bully" nor a "gang" leader - sheesh - and have actually never called anyone a "troll"...


    You sound very bitter about this employee's promotion (because the media is covering it I guess?) but it really has nothing to do with Rex as much as it seems you think it does. Let it go. It is about Smith. She has 14 years of experience in th NFL and appears she has earned it - the fact it is historical is why it is being covered.

    Your actions and I am not the first to point out most certainly are bullying. Just cause you don't want to admit that is what you are doesn't mean it isn't happening.Your attempt to spin this into someone being a misogynist as an attempt to rally support from the white knights is lame. As a matter of fact you implying such is outright slanderous. Fair warning you should cease to continue down that path.

  4. Trolls?! I strongly dislike how there are groups on this board who think they are better than others. Yes, I believe there are trolls and some are so annoying. But, by sharing ones opinion even if negative isn't trolling. Just because you don't like it. Sorry, if you dont like Rex you can question his choices. You say Rex chooses his coaches, but, also suggest he shouldn't be bashed for who he chooses. Talking out of two sides of your mouth, then critiquing others for their opinion? Just because you have more posts or been here longer doesn't allow you to be judge, jury and executioner.

    On another note, I don't like how everyone jumps to link, picture, etc. We are not non fiction writers we are folks sharing opinions. Do we really need a source? Wo makes those rules?

    I believe Crossman staying, more Jets hires and his brother are poor decisions. That is my stance....and you think I am the crazy one --- Jennifer Lawrence in Silver Linings Playbook (if anyone hasn't seen it, do so, its great)

    Seriously losing any respect I may have had for the all great Yolo. Why so angry and why always putting people down?

    I agree. In sales, my teams are always about 60% female. In my industry the norm is about 20% female. I just don't like Rex or his staff and don't like the changes he is making besides Ed Reed.

    Great post. The Zombies that constantly deride others negative opinions as trolls are really annoying. Especially in light of the fact that those negative opinions have been right for this entire century. Zombies like Rex own the off season.

  5. i am not taking "solace" in anything. How does "solace" pertain to seeing positive things about the hire? Or simply not looking at it as a negative just because you don't like Rex? If you read through the thread you will see several people describe what the role is responsible for. It is very clear. How would I or anyone know what kind of influence the role has on making the playoffs? It is a low level coaching role. However that didn't stop some from bashing it because since she has only been part of one playoff team in 6 years, regardless of her part in the organization, that must mean she could not be any good at this position that she has never had before. Hilarious.

    This is hilarious that you would use the "How would anyone know" argument for a QUALITY CONTROL COACH... Only on the Internet would such a nonsensical retort be possible... Hilarious indeed the level that we have reached as an organization that we are even having this discussion. And note I am not "bashing the hire". It you said yourself it is a "low level coaching role", I view it as benign. I am just pointing out that REX does his best in the off season grabbing the headlines and once the season starts he has become a laughing stock as coach. That is my point and it isn't a point derived from his one year of coaching the Bills. Enjoy the Off Season.



    Yolo don't feed the trolls. People like this will find negativity in everything Rex does, instead of realizing this is a normal process in football, fire an asst coach and hire another one. The reason this is a story is because he hired a female. Obviously the poster just wants to find negativity in it instead of just seeing it for what it really is, which is a personnel move.


    What am I missing here? What has Rex Ryan done in his time with the Bills to instill so much confidence in you? Are you the type that simply can hit reset year after year as if the prior 16 years didn't happen? If so can you share your secret for doing so as I am extremely jealous and feel that is exactly the way I would want to be as a Bills fan.

  6. it is being talked about around the nation because it is historical. And not in a negative way. Sorry you can't see that.

    New by Bucky Gleason: "Top 10 reasons why Kathryn Smith is in over her head"


    And I am sorry to see that things have gotten so bad that you have to take solace in the fact that the Bills hired a woman Special Teams quality control coach. What does that even mean? Why is a Special Teams quality control coach even do? Do you think that her hire will get us to the playoffs next year?

  7. "regained female fans and uber politically correct"? Quite a strong statement. Do you need to be one of those to positively recognize the hire? If someone wasn't a Bills fan before or a Rex fan before, do you think that now they are because he hired a female QC coach? I don't. As for the timing - this is when all NFL coaches are being hired around the league. Should he have held off until after the super bowl just so he doesn't take any headlines away from "SuperCam goes to Wafflehouse" or "Brady vs Manning v eleventy billion could be totally different ya'll"...Or maybe just wait until the offseason is over completely, so he isn't accused of trying to own the offseason? Or maybe he should just handle it like any other coaching hire. Like he did.

    Rah Rah Rah.. Sis Boom Bah. Go Bills!!! The fact that we are even talking about this benign hire proves my point. REX OWNS THE OFF-SEASON!!!

  8. Why


    To say this is really really stupid.


    How long has it been since the brothers have worked together? How long has Rex Ryan been a head coach?


    At any time he could have brought his brother in to work on his teams......yet it hasnt happened since they were much much younger......


    Stop throwing **** at the wall and hope it sticks

    Well....they are TWINS.... :)



    Then why now ? His brother was in charge of one of the all time worst defenses in the history of the NFL... Any logical thinking individual could easily see that there would be NO market whatsoever for someone with this stain on their resume. Stating otherwise or denying it is absolute nonsensical thinking. He didn't need to do it in the past because there was a market for the guy. The fact that HE DIDN'T do it in the past kind of really drives home the point of his value.

  9. You dont know that....you have absolutely no proof of that....and you need to state this as your opinion.


    "Proof"? Give it a break John. None us have any proof of anything we state on here? It is absurd that you go to that area. I don't recall anyone asking you for "Proof" of anything you post ever.

  10. Yeah I def cannot get in the "support Rob Ryan" mode just yet....


    I am more trying to understand WHY......I mean.....it has happened. You can either try to understand the decision or B word about it all offseason.


    Some will choose to B word


    It happened cause he was unemployed and his brother was in a position to get him working. It is that simple.

  11. Not sure why the snark? He's not the coordinator, that was why I wondered why it would matter to season ticket sales.

    ;) Thought it was a pre-req that all responses on this site had to be snarky. Saw a guy get banned today for saying Pegulas should be fired so I guess I should tread lightly around these parts. Mods somewhat quick triggered after the weekend.

  12. The assistant coaching staff affects season ticket sales in Buffalo? We don't have a head coach or a QB. Like, at all. And fans still buy season tickets.


    Season tickets are sold based upon fans expectations of seeing winning football. Hiring the worst defensive coordinator in the NFL doesn't enhance those expectations one bit. That shouldn't have been too complicated to understand but I clarified just in case I wasn't clear enough.

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