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Posts posted by jms62

  1. no possible way to win more than 4 games this year.

    Rex is done. There is no leadership stepping forward.

    This is clearly a coaching issue...and has been for years.

    I can not see one player who is up coached, not one player who out performs his potential. Now we have excellent players playing poorly. (that is coaching and decision makers not controlling the team)

    Not one unit that is playing well.

    When you have one side of the ball playing well and others not then you can see you need some better players or better attitude on that unit.

    When you see all 3 units bad...that is systemic and starts at the top....likely DW then Rex and below must go.

    Pegula can say 17 years or 2 years...both are too long to miss the playoffs and worse than that.....be embarrassed for too long.

    Stop it already. We do not have excellent players not even close. This is the biggest myth perpetuated on this borad. Our team sucks. Even our most ovehyped players are mediocre at best.

  2. Rex and Whaley report to Terry

    That ought to tell you everything you need to know.

    Russ does a great job in his role. If anything happens to Rex and Doug it will come from Terry.

    You don't make billions of dollars by letting incompetent people run your business

    This is classic being that we have the 3 stooges Rezx, Whaley and Russ

  3. I agree with that last sentence, which means BOTH sides here must be shilling, so who's paying you to stump, and when does my check arrive?


    You seem to know a lot about this paid Internet shill stuff...


    Or without the shtick: when people say silly things to trash a guy, I like to correct them. When it goes off the rails with even sillier claims, I tend to try harder to bolster my point.


    You go ahead and believe whatever X-Files theory you can come up with. You're wrong; plain and simple.


    Also, it wouldn't hurt to occasion to read what others actually say--you look foolish calling someone that criticized the Ryan hire, the selections of guys like Kouandjio, Ragland, and Darby (glad to be wrong about that last one) a shill.


    But like you said: it's 2016 and this is the Internet, so why bother actually considering if an accusation like that is warranted when you can simply shoot your mouth off unchecked.


    I'm done with your act.


    Yeah, look at those amazing OLs that Brady, Rodgers, and Wilson are playing behind!


    That's an outdated and untrue argument. Again,

    Try researching your point.



    Right.. Because keeping your QB upright is an outdated argument. Good god man..

  4. I agree, and I'll add that the coalition hired by the Patriots smear-campaign committee to trash Brandon has done an equally good job of deflecting from the issue that we haven't found a franchise QB.


    There's nothing dumber than the idea that anyone that disagrees with you on this subject must be a shill.


    I promise that you're as much of a shill as I am.


    Yes because football is such a binary sport. Franchise QB is the only thing this team needs. Behind every franchise QB is a solid offensive line protecting that QB and opening holes for a running back but solid offensive lines are boring and doesn't sell tickets.. So we stab at guys like CJ Spiller when we are already stacked at RB or go out and get diminutive RB's like Lesean McCoy when our offensive coordinator has a history of slamming it up the middle... Why ??? Cause these flashy guys sell tickets...

  5. Yeah, once we reach the "you must be a shill" portion of the discussion, we're off the deep end.


    Not surprising. When the owner's printed words don't jibe with the narrative, then this is the clear fall-back, because trying to actually prove the narrative in the face of that is impossible.


    No the Bills hire 1 PR firm and they have a multi media team which does this sort of thing. If you don't think this type of thing exists in the year 2016 then.. Well it is quite likely you are well aware that such a thing exists otherwise why would you spend days and days defending the marketing guy??? In a sane world the initinal post would probably been ignored and the thread would die of natural causes quite quickly...

  6. I think we have beaten this to death.. You have those that work for the PR company hired by the Bills front office that has done quite a good job of deflection. For chrissakes if this wasn't the case why the hell would they spend 15 pages defending the marketing guy instead of talking football... Go Bills. I expect a strong effort tonight as they have a way of bouncing back when 90% of the fans base seems to be throwing in the towel.

  7. This argument started 10 years ago. I am not inclined to keep repeating myself on this issue. Anyone who still asks what good Brandon has done has little working knowledge of how things were before he arrived in '97. He turned things around immediately. Long before he had anything to do with the football side of things; about 10 years before actually. Yet he still takes crap for being the "one constant"? Shortsighted, uninformed crap. He had nothing to with anything on the football related side while Butler and Donahoe were here and next to nothing when Levy and Jauron were running things.


    I suppose we can ding him for his "de-facto" GM duties after Marv left, but there were so many others actually running football ops at the time who deserve it more.


    So that brings us to the hiring of Buddy who had final say on all personnel. Brandon had input, was informed, but left it to the scouts and Buddy to get it right. An indicator of Brandon's level of deference to Buddy is found in that article linked above. Brandon was just named president, was given unprecedented autonomous reign from Detroit, and he mentioned Buddy how many times in that article? A cycnic could say he was just passing the buck, but bucks are passed after the fact, not before.


    If we really want to be accurate, we can hold Brandon accountable for the time he actually held the reigns, which in reality is a fraction of the last 16 years. A far cry from the tired "one constant" crap.


    Just don't tell me he hasn't done anything when, in his first 6 years here especially, he had dramatic impact on the bottom line at a time when other things couldn't have gotten done otherwise.


    I'm gonna laugh when everybody's head explodes after learning Russ Brandon actually made the decision on hiring the football czar.


    Yes things were awful when he arrived in 97... Playoffs nearly every year, long string of sell out games.. Things were just freakin awful...


    Hiring an independent consultant who will objectively critique the way things are handled at OBD is at least a decade overdue.


    And I would hope that consultant would tell TPegs that there is interference in football operations which needs to end for his 1.4B company to ever proceed beyond mediocrity.


    Hiring an independent consultant is worthless if those under TPegs still have the owners ear and total confidence. If this is the case anything this consultant says that calls into question will be summarily dismissed by these people that have circled the wagons. I have seen this movie over and over in the business world and know the ending quite well.

  9. I find it odd that so many people seem to defend Russ Brandon when his name comes up for possible criticism.


    He had a big part, I would argue a very big part, in the hiring of Buddy Nix, Doug Whaley, Chan Gailey, Doug Marrone and Rex Ryan.


    We know for a fact that Russ Brandon was one of three people in the rooms to interview both Doug Marrone and Rex Ryan. He has been an integral part in the hires of head coaches that seem to have an allergy to passing the football. The head coaches he has hired also love to punt on 4th and 1 from the 50 yard line. The last 2 coaches he's had a big part in hiring love the idea of running the football, punting, and playing the field position battle. So please let's not act like on Sundays when we watch an incompetent offense and a painfully conservative, risk averse coaching staff that it has nothing to do with Russ Brandon. It most certainly does.


    Do not fool yourself........Russ Brandon has the ear of Terry and Kim Pegula. I've attended many home and away games, and I've seen with my own eyes the relationshop between Russ and the owners. Who is the one who leads both Terry and Kim out onto the field? Who is the one that introduces them to NFL owners, broadcasters, announcers and the like? Who is the one who's gotten a huge promotion and his role expanded under the leadership of the Pegulas? It's Russ Brandon folks.


    I think being critical of Russ Brandon is not only fair I think it's totally warranted. I've been looking forward to the day for a long time that he's relieved of his duties in Buffalo. I was hopeful that day was near when the Pegulas first took over ownership. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happened. The Pegulas leaned on Russ Brandon big time in their first search of a head coach, and then double downed and handed him a big time promotion. I hope they realize their mistake sooner than later, but it appears we will have to endure many more losing seasons before anything happens.


    I agree... Amazing that people come out of the woodwork to defend. Almost as if these people worked in the multi media department of a PR firm and are paid to shape the conversation regarding Brandon. It is 2016 nothing would surprise me.

  10. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Complete-transcript-Rex-Ryans-introduction/56e897fd-f22f-4376-9489-7e84a5b4f0c1


    This doesn't sound like a guy with "No Influence"


    Terry Pegula: Thank you. After an extensive search, conducted by myself, Kim (Pegula), Russ (Brandon), and Doug Whaley, the Buffalo Bills have hired a new head coach and that coach is Rex Ryan. I almost said Sabres (Laughs). Rex began his coaching career in 1987. We all know, you can look on your computers these days and look up coaching careers, but, he went to the Baltimore Ravens at age 37, worked under Brian Billick, won a Super Bowl ring there as a defensive line coach. In 2005, he was promoted to defensive coordinator. 2008, he was defensive coordinator and assistant coach under John Harbaugh, and the Jets hired him 2009 and you know he’s been there for six years. I think one of the amazing statistics of his tenure at the Jets is, that, during his tenure they allowed the second least yards per game in the league. We went into this process very open-minded, the four of us. There was a lot of arguing, a lot of debating, which is always healthy. It is not a sign of dysfunction. We did not know what kind of, or who our coach was going to be. Is it going to be a young new mind? Is it going to be a veteran coach? But, as the process, and maybe should I use Canadian for our hockey (fans), the process. As it continued, we decided that where our team is right now, we were basically the only team looking for a head coach who did not fire their head coach the year before. So we decided that, after talking, that maybe we should go the veteran route, and because of where our team is. And, most of the candidates that came in, if not all, said, they praised our defense, you got some work on offense, and we understood that. Rex Ryan coached teams have two characteristics: they’re always great defensively, and they always work hard. Rex instills that in his players. When I was out with Rex the other night, I said to him, “How many Super Bowl rings does your family have?” He said, “We have five. My dad has two, my bro has two, and I have one.” And then he said, “I gotta fix that.” So our goal as an organization, is to build a team that, we were talking the other night, some of the new coaches on the staff, we were at my office in Florida. And, basically, we decided that, we want the Buffalo Bills to be a nightmare to play against. So, that’s our objective. With the staff that Rex is building, and with his knowledge of the game, we’re going to be a tough team defensively, and, I know that Greg Roman used that word, nightmare, and I love it. So, I’m going to introduce Rex now. And I can tell you one thing, he’s an avid hockey fan, and believe it or not, the guy was a goaltender. So, Rex, come on up.



    Q: What made you decide that Rex was your guy?

    TP: The first round of the interviews were broad-type questions. When we called him back and got into the nitty gritty, Doug hit him with all this stuff that put me to sleep (Laughs). That’s when we knew that Rex could be our coach, if he wanted to be. We just felt that he was our guy and trust me, we had some pretty impressive people that we felt could the Bills coach, but we said, “Hey, let’s go after Rex.” Russ told me, “Don’t let him out of the building.”

  11. The Watkins thing is the last straw for me......


    No playoffs this year.....




    Too early to give up yet... I think yesterday had a lot to do with lack of reps by first team offense during pre-season. That is clearly on Rex.... I don't think this offense is as bad as they played yesterday and the defense played good.

  12. About median with respect to the rest of the NFL (data posted above).


    Which one? Mine, or the one that preceded it:




    Are you shocked that you didn't catch bees with this bit of honey?

    Sorry just trying to graphically state what I thought of your argument that this is acceptable cause other teams do it. Didnt think of it as an insult as it was intended to your argument and not you. Won't do it again.

  13. Keep the insults coming; they're entertaining :lol:


    The reason this team hasn't been to the playoffs in a decade-and-a-half is because they've had neither the QB nor the coaching. If you look at the data, there's zero data to correlate the Bills with a higher-than-average number of on-field suspensions that would adversely affect on-field performance. That's a stretch at best, and an outright fallacy at worst.




    Fun fact: the Seahawks in 2013 had more players suspended for PEDs than any other team in a single season in NFL history--and they won the Super Bowl


    As if the wallbashing comment wasnt an insult? LOL..


    It's not a "try", it's a simple question of "are you complaining about something that isn't unique to your team, and isn't a result of drafting high-risk players at all?"


    If you're willing to show me any NFL team that hasn't had a player suspended at any point in the last few years, then you'll have a salient point that one suspension is too much.


    Otherwise, you're basically complaining about the NFL, and not the Bills.


    Maybe all of that #wallbashing isn't doing your thought process any good...


    Maybe that is why we haven't been in the playoffs for the entire 21st century and because we continually give players making millions of dollars a pass when they break rules and get suspended and not hold those responsible for hiring them accountable. It is permissible because other teams do it?!?!?! I would expect an argument like that from a teenager not an adult.



    The NFL and the Bills have been pretty compassionate to ward Henderson. But if he and other guys just feel like blowing by the rules he and his union whole-heartedly agreed to the point where he is now unavailable for 4 games, where does that require sympathy?


    The vast majority of Crohn's patients go through decades of this disease, managing its chronic/recurrent symptoms without marijuana. If he wants to do otherwise despite his employer already having warned against it before and with the penalty being a 4 game suspension, why is he more sympathetic for all of the other NFL players who are using treating their chronic pain?


    You are right :thumbsup: Given that he had priors this is simply a lame ass attempt to play the sympathy card. As Rex said "Rules are Rules"


    Do you have any context that would indicate whether or not the Bills are even statistically higher than many (if not mos) NFL teams in terms of suspensions to players they've drafted over a specific time period?


    Nice Try..... It doesn't matter if we are average or better than average.. Big money is spent on these guys and it is disruptive to the team when they are suspended. One suspension is too much. Your implication that it is somewhat acceptable if the Bills have less players suspended for breaking the rules is :wallbash: .

  17. Care to bet something significant with that prediction? Get some real skin in the game before making this kind of prediction!

    Are you expecting him to bet you even up on something that should get odds of between 13 and 15-1? Are you willing to lay 15-1 on this significant bet? Seems you are making same a prediction also.

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