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Buford T. Justice

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Posts posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. For your price range, you won't get a whole lot in the way of quality speakers, but unless you're an audiophile you may not care.


    If you're tied to the $200 - $400 price range, take a look at.




    It doesn't have a dvd player, but do you really need an integrated one? The speakers aren't great, but it has a high quality stand alone receiver. In the future, you'd be able to upgrade your speakers around it. The Sony, Panasonic, JVC, etc HTIB receivers leave something to be desired.

  2. Friggin idiot.


    If they are 3 - 12 going into the last game, I could care less if they win.  Lose, get the better draft pick, woo-friggin-hoo we suck and will be picking top three.  That's new.


    But if they are still alive, if they are starting to play well, to win late... I want a win!!  Even if the chances at the playoffs are slim, at least our young team is gaining confidence and improving.  This team is finally showing some heart and a winning attitude.  You could just feel that they believed they were going to win this game no matter what.  That's a big turnaround from the "how can we lose this time" deal we've gotten for the last seven years. 


    You can have your top five pick, I'll take a maturing team learning to win.



    Oh goodie, we can have a team with a lot of self-esteem sitting at home in January, rather then a team down on themselves for failing again while sitting home in January.

  3. Winning this game and winning last year vs the bengals is a huge difference. Especialy considering we have a very young team.  It shows they're growing into their roles.  High draft picks dont gurantee overnight sucess and seeing game winning drives by our young qb is well worth it from a confidence building standpoint.



    Deja Vu, broken record, echo.......call it what you want, but this same thing is said every single year.

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