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Buford T. Justice

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Posts posted by Buford T. Justice

  1. Oh, give me a break.


    Unless you go by some other screen name at FinHeaven, I never noticed your posts over there, and that's too bad because of all the Fish fans I've met or read online-- and I've met a crapload of you throughout the country over the past 20 years-- you're the one who is most coherent and realistic in your discussions of the Fish, the division, and football in general. You never bust nuts, always carry a good conversation and bring a realistic viewpoint from a group of fans who otherwise wouldn't know reality if it bit them on the ass.


    Meanwhile, and as I've said repeatedly, most Fish fans are quick to bust nuts and throw insults and laugh at another team. And then when their team falls apart, they go hide in a closet until the good times are here again.


    And yet my calling those chuckleheads 'tards somehow brings full circle the reason you don't post here that much.




    Did you read those posts? Seriously? Did you read them?

    "Hire Don Strock! Let's get Weiss! Nick's Wife Wears The Pants! Should Wayne call Jimmy Johnson?"


    Yeah. No 'tards over there. All very sensible football fans who would never, ever say anything disparaging about another team or it's fans. Gotcha.



    How do you say "pwned" in spanish?

  2. As a professional in the field of pharmacy practice, I would highly advise against getting medications from online retailers. You just do not know what is actually in the medication you are getting. Dont mess with your health.


    Depends. My sister is a pharmacist and she's the one that hooked me up with a Canadian website for Zyrtec (which is OTC and generic in Canada.) As long as you know what you're getting, it's perfectly safe.

  3. We're just analyzing facts, this isn't subjective. The PS3 has nothing to offer gamers TODAY.


    That statement couldn't be more subjective if you tried.


    I could care less about this debate but in the end it all comes down to personal preference.

  4. I can't take any list seriously that doesn't have "Tim McGraw - Kill Myself" in the top 10. Anybody with a hint of depression could kill themselves after listening to it.




    I'm gonna clean the house

    I'm gonna fix the fence

    In my final hours

    I'm gonna tie up these loose ends


    I wont leave a note

    For anyone to find

    Tomorrow they'll know

    What I've done here tonight



    The drastic steps I've takin'

    Are just an act of desperation

    I knew no one would miss me

    So what the hell

    I fought and lied I drank too much

    Hurt every one I ever touched

    Just how much I hurt you is hard to tell

    This is not some kind of cry for help

    Just good bye I wish you well

    Because I love you

    I'm gonna kill myself


    Now who is that

    In my easy chair

    Now wait a minute

    That's the old me sittin' there


    And I thank God

    The devil in me died

    I stand before you now

    A man changed and alive



    The drastic steps I've takin'

    Are just an act of desperation

    I knew no one would miss me

    So what the hell

    I fought and lied I drank too much

    Hurt every one I ever touched

    Just how much I hurt you is hard to tell

    This is not some kind of cry for help

    Just good bye I wish you well

    Because I love you

    I have to kill myself


    Gonna clean the house

    Gonna fix that fence

    In my final hours I'm gonna tie up these loose ends

  5. Is this not Off the Wall? Last I checked, anything could be posted here as long as it's in good taste.


    This is simply a thread linking to a news story. You can tell by the title it's not going to be a pleasant story. No one forced you to read it, you choose too.


    You might be sickened by the act, but asking for the thread to be deleted isn't going to make the fact that it happened go away. Use better judgement when reading threads if you want to avoid these kinds of stories, just like you would do when reading the newspaper.

  6. Everbody who's taking this guys word on what happened is an idiot.


    Everybody who doesn't think the people in authority did anything wrong is an idiot.


    There is probably a lot more to this story then this guy has told and the answer is somewhere in the middle.

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