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Posts posted by BadLandsMeanie

  1. 24 minutes ago, Shaw66 said:

    Tweaked me good with the slide rule post.   I liked it.   (In my defense, I began the post by saying I wanted to quantify it because I was curious.   It's not like I didn't already know he was faster than Brown.)


    I'd disagree with your assessment of Brown, but I haven't watched the All 22.  Brown seemed to me to be just a step or two out of position, not my-little-brother out of position.   


    Someone else started talking abut 35-yard passes.   Most passes are shorther than that, and the 35 yard passes are typically to the sideline, and Edmunds won't be defending those.  I think where we'll see the difference is throws over the middle - QBs will learn that nothing's open over the middle, because Edmunds is standing right in the middle of the target area.  

    I liked that you calculated it. But it was also funny at the same time.


    Maybe Brown wasn't always so far behind. I only watched a few of the games on all 22 because I did the free trial. So matchups in different games would figure into it. Maybethe ones I saw were when he was against an especially speedy guy. And it wasn't just him. 


    On the other hand, watching on TV, you can only see what they show you. I noticed that the networks do not go out of their way to show viewers the big mistakes. Or how some guy is just getting beat very badly all game.



  2. To the original point. In the games I watched on replay the bills linebacker pass coverage was sort of ceremonial. Or like our appendix, which is vestigial but no longer serves a purpose. 


    They were so slow it was embarrassing and it is a good thing nobody watched the all 22. Seriously on some plays it was like watching a guy being covered by his much younger little brother. That is my way of saying I think Shaw's calculations for Brown are very generous. 


    I think the difference with this new guy will be way more drastic. Night and day different. There are videos of this Edmunds running down receivers for Pete's sake..


    From what I have learned he needs work against the run but against the pass this guy is already great.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Ol Dirty B said:


    The last paragraph here, because I respect your opinion I'm genuinely asking and would not be surprised if you knew more than me.


    The segments of people you are hearing suggest darker things, are they just people here or people you deal with in every day life, who are just fans? Or do you hear this from people whose opinion you really respect and think they might know details or know a direct source with some details? Be it just a Twitter source, reporter, or whatever.


    Because I've only read people insinuating or even just purporting something really heinous happened on here. And it's not from posters whom I would hold in an esteem of genuinely knowing anything. Just the typical Brandon haters that have existed for the last 15 years.


    Again, I only ask because I would not be surprised if you knew more than me or had an inkling something heinous happened.



    I say that because Chuck Pollock who is a good sports writer in Olean, and a friend of Terry Pegula's, compared Brandon to Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstien, Roger Ailes, Kevin Spacey and more. People who who are criminals and who used coercion, force, or drugs to subdue people. 


    Maybe he is just an irresponsible jackass to write that but he never seemed to be one before. Those people were very bad and not just guys who couldn't keep it in their pants.


    So that is the most solid source that I got the idea from, that it is pretty bad what happened.

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  4. 23 minutes ago, BuffaloRush said:

    For some reason I’m able to read 5 free article from the BNPaywall.  One was a Q and A of shorts about the Russ Brandon situation.  While they tried to provide more answers on the incident, I think in some cases they actually left more questions.  




    Case and point - the questions below:


    From u/Burnin_that_2_Smoke on Reddit: How long were the allegations known against Russ before this was all released to the public?

    Graham: The inappropriate relationship that became the first domino in Brandon's downfall was one of the worst-kept secrets among the Bills and Sabres rank-and-file employees and prominent people within the local business community. I began hearing about it in early November. The relationship was considered consensual. So, to me, it was nothing more than gossip.


    From u/Badlandsmeanie from Reddit: My question would be, how are the Bills still able to keep the fuller details of the story quiet? There has to be more to this story, but for some reason the media won't report it. How come?

    Graham: Brandon has been too brazen about his relationships for complete secrecy to be realistic. We in the media, however, must be judicious in vetting every detail. And not every tawdry detail is newsworthy, despite the number of clicks it could generate.



    >>>>>> Ok here’s where I’m confused.  Graham makes it sound like it was common knowledge what the “misconduct” is.  Yet many fans and media members are left speculating (in many cases inaccurately) speculating as to what went down.


    So if it is so common as to what the transgression was, does anyone have a clue what Tim Graham was about about.  Feel free to post speculation because I’m in the dark.


    Also I believe our own @BadLandsMeanie was the one who asked the last question. 

    Indeed. It was me! I guess I am now a published author :rolleyes:


    I am as confused as you are about what made the difference. I think it is as MrEps says, it wasn't news til he got fired for it. 


    So to me the usual version of a story like this goes something like: Brandon was a dog and played around a lot and everybody  knew it but it is considered personal. Then for some reason it either got back to the Pegulas who didn't know. Or maybe they did know but recently it became time to use it against him for some other reason we will never know. 


    Then the "other issues" would usually be something to do with using his expense account to pay for dinners and such with his dates so his wife wouldn't find out. You know, the stuff wouldn't show up on the family credit cards and such. 


    That kind of story is as old as the hills really.


    But what I wonder about is why in some quarters they keep suggesting it is much, much, darker than that.


    Even in that same article Tim G says employees are relieved it is over. Why would they care so much? I dunno. Maybe we never will. So my question there was more about how are they managing to keep a lid on it, of there is really more to the story.




    • Thank you (+1) 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Logic said:

    Yeah, it's just...I live in Portland, Oregon, so having a Buffalo newspaper subscription doesn't make a ton of sense for me. Even in terms of "home town coverage", I'm from Rochester, so....I dunno. I can't seem to justify it in my mind.

     I only subscribed to be able to read Pete Rosen's stuff. (Pete is known as "the obnoxious Rosen" to distinguish him from the much more pleasant Josh) 

    In my opinion aside from Pete's work, this is the only article that rises to pay status. This article by Skurski is very well done in every way and shows lot sof work.


    Most all else you get is just the same Sully or Bucky half day of typing about some trivial rant or insult or opinion.


    So you aren't missing anything.  But if they start to produce more work of this quality it would be well worth subscribing.

  6. 1 hour ago, Shaw66 said:

    That's great stuff.  Plenty of details. 


    One thing that's changed under McBeane is that they aren't afraid to tell you stuff.  They are confident about what they can and can't say, and they share information. That's great for the fans.  


    One question.  Beane says he knew very very little about the qbs on the day the Jets traded up.  Beand saod, essentially, that he was in no position to make a move like that at that time.  Well, the Jets traded a boat load to get to three, so they to know there were three qbs they would take.  How could they be so sure about threw when Beane didn't know anything?  Were the Jets just stupid and got lucky?

    No. It was reported that the Jets owner had instructed his staff to be over the top, extremely thorough in evaluating this years QB class, or else. They poured a ton of resources into it. So they were extra prepared because their owner opened his checkbook and told them to be ready

  7. 19 hours ago, racketmaster said:

    ESPN link



    Below are the comments that are Bills related or on the top 6 QBS. 


    Baltimore Ravens

    "Lamar Jackson at No. 32 was my favorite pick of the first round," an exec said. "You get a fifth-year option for a quarterback who has a chance to come in and unseat Joe Flacco in a hurry and is a dynamic playmaker. It's a genius first round for me because they kept trading back and still got the guys they wanted. We compared the tight end [Hurst] to Todd Heap, so the fit really could not be any better in Baltimore."

    Another exec compared Jackson favorably to Michael Vick, whose former quarterbacks coach in Philly (James Urban) holds the same job in Baltimore.

    "Can you teach a guy to see it quicker and become accurate?" an exec asked. "That will be the question with Jackson. The talent is there. He is probably a better scrambler than Vick. He probably has better passing technique than Vick had, and if you really want to look at it, Michael Vick was the first pick in the draft who had a good career."

    Not everyone loves Jackson as a prospect, or else other teams would have been scrambling to select him earlier in the round.

    "Thirteen test score [on the Wonderlic], and his mom is his agent," one skeptic said.

    Another insider bristled over the gap between Jackson's college production and where he was selected, particularly with so many questions surrounding the other quarterbacks.

    "We will take Rosen, whose teammates dislike him and who makes a fool of himself on TV," this insider said, "but there were only a few teams that would have taken Jackson, even though he could be the best quarterback in this draft."


    Arizona Cardinals

    "I was hoping they would stay at 15 and get Lamar Jackson, but I don't have a problem with what they did," an exec said. "Everybody recognizes the talent with Rosen, but he is not the top guy in the draft because nobody likes him."

    The Cardinals were in a difficult spot. They needed a quarterback, but they couldn't realistically trade up high enough to have their choice. They would land whichever quarterback lasted long enough to reach within striking distance. Rosen was prickly out of the gates, saying he would not "come in and be an a--h--- and think that my s--- don't stink," despite being "pissed" that teams drafting ahead of Arizona made "big mistakes" in choosing other QBs.

    Exec after exec said the same things about Rosen. One called the former UCLA quarterback a combination of Jeff George and Jay Cutler who would struggle to lead a team. Another worried that Rosen was not durable, comparing him to current Cardinals starter Sam Bradford.

    "I think they have it set up right in Arizona because [offensive coordinator] Mike McCoy can speak the kid's language and talk fast enough to try to stay ahead of the kid so he does not get bored," an insider said.

    An exec noted that quarterbacks coach Byron Leftwich, already considered future head-coaching material by former Cardinals coach Bruce Arians, would become a shooting star if he could help mold Rosen into a success.

    "Byron will be good for the kid if Rosen allows it," an insider said.

    This insider then let out a chuckle.

    "Byron in about a week will probably want to take a poke at him," this insider continued. "He's from f---ing D.C., and he ain't having a cake eater walk in and act like an a--h---."


    Buffalo Bills

    That is where Buffalo bet its future on Wyoming quarterback Josh Allen.

    "It's a cold-weather quarterback who is big and strong, not frail and little, in a cold-weather city where it's windy," an exec said. "You are going to have to throw it through the wind and he can do those things. Good job for that. He is aw-shucks, likes football, makes his team visits with sweats and tennis shoes -- perfect for Buffalo. They don't need Baker Mayfield in f---ing designer clothes, OK? They need Jim Kelly."

    For the Bills, this draft was about finding a quarterback and loading up on defense with linebacker Tremaine Edmunds, defensive tackle Harrison Phillips, cornerback Taron Johnson and cornerback Siran Neal in the first five rounds.

    "The linebacker [Edmunds] is a play-making, run-around, off-the-ball 'backer," an exec said, "and guess what they play in Buffalo? A really simple scheme in which you make plays and run around. Perfect. Edmunds makes plays sideline-to-sideline, and can run through the line of scrimmage. He is raw, but has enough athleticism to defend the short-zone pass because guess what they play? Carolina's defense -- short-zone pass."


    Cleveland Browns

    What if someone told you two months ago that the Browns would select Baker Mayfield first overall?

    "No F'ing way," said an exec. "I came to grips with it the night before, but I didn't fully come to grips with it until the card was turned in, and I was like, 'My God, what is going on here?'"

    This exec said much of the quarterback evaluation process comes down to the feel a team has after meeting with a player.

    "John [Dorsey] wants a leader of men," this exec said. "He must have thought Baker was a leader of men. The time teams spend with quarterbacks one-on-one really is a big factor."

    Selecting Sam Darnold instead of Mayfield would have felt like the conventional play, but there was always the potential for someone to love Mayfield near the top.

    "Do you trust Baker Mayfield or not?" one insider asked two weeks before the draft. "If you do, then Baker Mayfield would be No. 1 [among the quarterbacks]."


    NY Jets

    "It's like the biggest gift they have ever received," an exec said. "They may have played this thing perfectly. I almost wondered if they leaked that they liked Mayfield, which forced Cleveland to take Mayfield at 1 as opposed to getting him at 4. I do not know if that was the case, but if it was, that was masterful by them."

    Another exec thought the Browns' hiring of Scot McCloughan played at least some role in steering the team toward Mayfield. However it happened, the Jets seemed to win.

    "They are all-in at this point," this exec said. "If they don't get it right, they are all fired, anyway. You are all-in, and you got a really good quarterback. If he fails, they fail anyway. If they didn't get Darnold, look at the other quarterbacks. I think they would have been done because I think Darnold is probably the best one."


    Pittsburgh Steelers

    "I actually like Rudolph more than I like Josh Allen," this insider said. "Looking at the situation in Pittsburgh vs. the situation in Buffalo, I would almost bank on Rudolph's future more than Allen's future. Then, look at what the teams gave up to get a quarterback. The Jets are really happy Darnold was there for them, and it worked out great, and they need to be excited, but we cannot forget the No. 3 pick and three second-rounders they gave up to get him."


    Not impressed with Pittsburgh's pick of Edmunds.   "His brother [Tremaine, chosen 16th by the Bills] is going to be awesome for Buffalo".


    Washington Redskins

    "I would have taken Tremaine Edmunds because he is 19 years old [20 as of Wednesday], and he is a three-down player no matter what. He can drop, he can pass rush, he can play the run. He could play inside linebacker, outside linebacker, defensive end -- you name it. And when he is 21-22 years old, he could be 245 pounds."

     Something about this article nagged at me a little and I didn't know why. I returned a few times to read it again and now I know what it is.


    These guys sound like people of average intelligence who don't know a lot more than me.

    What  mean is, if you talk to a mechanic about how he sets up a race car, you are going to learn some things that you wouldn't just already know. Like how they use different tires on which wheel or how they angle the wheels in the alignment or how they set up the suspension to match a specific race track. Detailed information having to do with being trained to do a particular job.


    Or a landscaper will tell you what the soil needs and how they make it good and what plants do best in what conditions and all kinds of things.


    These guys sound like if I asked a builder about his business he might say: Well, we build the rooms which are usually square because it is much easier that way. Curved walls are harder so more expensive. And then there is a roof as you know. But we put shingles on the roof because otherwise the water still gets in you see? You need the shingles because the wood isn't water proof. And it doesn't end there. You see those half pipes at the edge of the roof? Those are gutters and we put those on to catch the water that runs off the roof so that way it doesn't just drip down all over and make a big mess.


    To me these guys sound like men of average intelligence who don't actually know very much. And I think Brandon Beane is going to mop the floor with these people because to me he seems to be well about average intelligence and to know quite a lot.



    • Haha (+1) 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Commonsense said:

    No. Your excited because camp is staying where you enjoy it and that’s fine. It’s status quo.


    Did anyone expect her to break the previous agreement and upset a bunch of fans just for the sake of making change in her first week as president of the team? Why would she do that? 


    Kim made another smart move today by not announcing she is moving the Bills and Sabres to Alabama. 



    Yes, they did expect them to break the agreement because the local press has been reporting that this is the last year, and that they will buy their way out of it. There was an article saying exactly that just this week.


    And for all that time, a YEAR, the Bills said nothing. As has been their way. They have always ignored that sort of thing and just let fans twist and wonder.


    Now 2 or 3 days on the job and Bam, she says, nope it is not moving.


    That is why it is being reacted to as it is. Because it is different and it is good.


    But rather than ask and learn and consider all of that, you just come in and contradict. How come?



  9. 3 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    She made a statement that told no one anything.  It was talking just to talk.  I'm not saying she's not qualified, blah, blah, blah (although I don't see how she is).  I'm just saying that this statement stated nothing.  Pure fluff.  And the praise is ridiculous and unwarranted.

    This is an uninformed statement. If you were aware of recent press, or even read this thread to become aware of it, or even considered for a moment that all of the opinions the other board members are expressing are not automatically stupid, bad, and wrong, but might actually be valid, your statement would not read as that of someone who does not know the facts and circumstances but decides to render a judgement away. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, corta765 said:


    Exactly. Even so I could see them after this year buying it out especially if McD has another good season which would only empower them more decision making wise.


    Living here in Rochester I love that we get training camp but I have accepted its on borrowed time since last year when McD changed the schedule to be way less fan oriented (which is fine team first) and we only got one night practice. I know he wants it back in Buffalo and it will be at some point. We might get or scrimmage or two but that-ll be it.

    You touch on something important here.


    She just told McDermott he isn't leaving before the contract is up. She also made it clear that it is in her home town. Bottom line her eis there will be no dicussion about it he will have camp there, period.


    And she did it real nice and it reassures everybody, like me, that we still get to have it for at least 4 more years.

  11. 11 minutes ago, 26CornerBlitz said:

    Here is what she said:


    “We really enjoy our summers at training camp at St. John Fisher and the relationship we continue to have with the school. We have four years remaining on our current agreement with them and preparations are already underway for camp this summer. Rochester is an important market for the Bills, our entire company, and for me personally, being that it’s my hometown.”



    HOORAY!!!! Gotta Love Kim Pegula!  What a wonderful thing to address also. Comes right out and states clearly how it will be.

  12. 52 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    If Josh Rosen won more games, threw less interceptions, and didn't miss multiple games because of injury his politics and intelligence wouldn't be an issue.


    Rosen may be a genius, but the narrative about how wordly and smart the guy is when compared to his actual comments seem misguided.  I think he comes across as an immature kid who has no idea who is.    If you're looking for a guy to lead a team you don't want a person who blows in the wind not someone who is constantly searching for who they are.   Rosen comes across as the guy who wants to discuss philosophy at length to show you how smart he is, but has no actual idea about real life.  Just my opinion.


    And just for the record the comparison to Callaway is inane.   Rosen didnt drop to round three, he was picked 10th overall, so NFL Executives werent that terrified of him.  

    You state your case clearly which makes me able to clearly state my disagreeing one! So thanks!


    All I am saying is some of us think that "...grand theft charges and sexual assault allegations..." and a "..... failed a drug test at the 2018 NFL combine..." are worse red flags than a guy who wants to discuss philosophy at length or who speaks multiple languages. 


    I myself am very curious why the NFL sees it the other way, and what their reasons are.



    29 minutes ago, OJABBA said:

    "It's all hearsay"

    "If he is good, who cares?"

    "There are lots of jerks in the league"



    None of you would have to work with him.

    Awww come on man. Do you know what the league minimum is? For the lowliest scrub?


    It is $465,000 for a year one drafted rookie. And I am supposed to worry about if they find a co-worker annoying??

    Or I got a coach making 5 Million Dollars a year. Or a wideout making 14 Million dollars a year.


    I am supposed to set my desire as a fan to see a good player out there , aside, so that those guy won't be annoyed?





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  13. 16 minutes ago, Turk71 said:

    For your information I am not jealous at all. I am perfectly happy with my situation in life, happily married and successful, and I would gladly kick the **** out of that punk if the opportunity presented itself. You have no idea who I am and what I am capable of. I was a guy who fought his way out of a life I was not destined for. I left with nothing and have built a great life with a woman I love for 21 years and could not be happier. To insinuate I would be intimidated by a 6'4" douchebag is laughable, I am 6'3" and 225 lbs myself, I also grew up fighting jackasses and do not fear people in that way. Live with your own fears and don't project them on people you don't know.

    All that may be true and if it is I am glad for you.


    But, you can be trolled. You are basically waving your button around and all I had to do was push it.

    • Haha (+1) 2
  14. 1 minute ago, Turk71 said:

    Who? You do not know me very well, Joe Muscato taught me to box, my brother was a NY state wrestling champion and I beat up bullies on a regular basis in SB. Maybe he would clean your clock, I would not be afraid of that punk even at my age.

    Big talk. He is a 6 foot 4 inch elite athlete in superb physical condition..


    You think he hasn't had to deal with judgmental jealous punks all his life?


    2 seconds even if you were his age.

  15. 1 hour ago, Buffalo716 said:


    The next lines in the song which they didn’t include are holla holla pop a bottle, holla holla if you su** and swallow ?


    OMG that is a Horrifying mistake.


    I can't even post the lyrics here because I am worried I would take a penalty. 

    With the Brandon difficulty the Bills posting this song is beyond belief.


    In the old days I would have called them and told them to get it offa there. But I don't have that ability any more.


    Best hope the other non-rap crowd don't look into it. 


    Or again, maybe it is just me and nobody else will think it is a really bad mistake. 


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