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patriotic cowboy bill

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  1. For What It's Worth: Week 11 by Daniel Lee Callaghan If it’s any consolation, San Diego beat NE 41-17 at NE. San Diego is an elite team in the NFL, regardless of their record right now. This just in, Buffalo isn’t. If the NFL had “NFL Olympics” I’d enter the Bills kickoff return team. The rest of the team would be hard pressed to win “NFL Special Olympics”. Just a hunch, but I bet Drew Bledsoe’s no longer angry at the Bills for letting him go.
  2. Bledsoe is like a deer in the headlights. Bledsoe can't win in the big games. Bledsoe will self-destruct by mid-season. Bledsoe is like a statue in the pocket Bledsoe needs protection or he can't win. Bledsoe is in first place. Bledsoe is glad to be out of Buffalo.
  3. When will you people in Buffalo realize that Drew Bledsoe was not your problem. He was the one thing that could have taken the Bills to the show. As Parcells said, "It is was it is". Bledsoe is a pocket passing q.b. Give him the protection and weapons to use, and you go to the show. Watching a kid with "athletic ability" running around in circles is not my idea of a field general. Unfortunatley, the fans in Buffalo have been steered in the wrong direction. I hate to see the Bills like this but I can take some satisfaction in watching my man Bledsoe winning in Dallas.
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