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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. we took a game plan that was devastating a veteran quarterback and then totally changed our philosophy to be non-aggressive against an unexperienced QB? We made the guy look like a Pro bowler. These coaches are unbelievable...



    Did you not notice that we were starting to blitz Rosenfels, but he kept picking apart our secondary, so we had to go back to the 4 man rush.

  2. Would you be happy if McGahee was averaging 3.0 yards per carry?  No.  He's getting opportunities,  he's making some yards,  but you expect a lot more from a starter getting as many chances as he has. 


    There's really no other explanation for it,  unless Moulds had a tantrum on the sidelines or something.



    Well if McGahee was told to run 3 yards and fall down, then I wouldnt be mad at all (at him). However, I would be pissed at the coaches.


    Most of Moulds's catches are 10 yard cuts ... if that is what the coaches are calling, then it is NOT Moulds fault for following the play-calling.

  3. I don't blame him for the bad OL,  inconsistent QB play,  or the playcalling.  I do,  however,  blame him for not doing more with the opportunities given to him.  He's caught about 60 passes.  Its hard to excuse 9.5 yards average on those catches.  I think age and injuries have caught up to him.


    The Bills seem to be realizing that its time to move on.  They need to see what their young WRs can do with Moulds off the field.



    Ok. But if those 54 catches were on plays that called for him to go 10 yards and cut back .... then how can the coaches sit him down for doing what he is supposed to do? Think about this ... 9 yards is still 9 yards. He has 54 catches with a 9.5 YPC ... that is 54 first downs, if he has the ball thrown to him.

  4. It was a 'coaches decision'.   Seems rather obvious in that light that it was due to ineffectiveness.  At the very least,  they want to see what happens when he's out of the lineup.



    I understand what your saying ... but that is simply ridiculous. Should Carolina take Steve Smith out if Jake Delhomme cant get him the ball? Should San Fran take out Jerry Rice because Steve Young couldnt get him the ball? (hypotheticaly speaking)


    Of course the answer is no ... our line doesnt give JP much time to throw and when it does, he is not always going to get him the ball. You also have to remember that until recently we were not calling any long ball plays, and when we did it was to Lee Evans.


    How do you blame Eric Moulds for:


    1. A bad offensive line

    2. The coaches not calling any long plays that he is the main receiver???


    Come on ...

  5. I apologise if someone else posted about this, and maybe it's just concession lines being even longer in their stadium than in the Ralph, but did anybody else notice that it looks like the stands are only about 25% full after the half?



    I thought the exact same thing when they showed the overhead shot ... it is either 25-35% full or everyone is wearing orange jerseys.

  6. Ineffectiveness is my guess.  9.5 yards per catch this year,  folks.  The QBs haven't helped,  but that's still awful.  For comparison,  Larry Centers averaged 9.0 yards per catch his last year in Buffalo.



    Your kidding me right. Your benching Eric Moulds for ineffective play? Are you serious? Brandon --- you cant be serious.

  7. Maybe I am missing something, but I just dont understand how firing a man who has done a "efficient" job (to say the least) at managing this team would be fired, for his BACKUP (speaking in football terms).


    I almost see it as the Jets cutting Chad Pennington for Vinny Testerverde. It just wouldnt make much sense. Yes - Chad Pennington has'nt gotten them past the 2nd round. Yes - he has a weak arm. Yes - he keeps getting injured. BUT - who is there to replace him? A 40+ year old guy.


    Do we have any reason to believe that Modrak would do a better job than Tom? I just dont understand the logic here ...


    ... and yes I know it is all speculation.

  8. His o-line is phenomenal which is why USC will roll Tejas, but the kid sets up blocks insanely well too. And even when plays do break down he finds yards.

    Yeah many of Barry Sanders' long plays were due to defenders not breaking down and wrapping up too  0:) .


    Get real this kid does everything well...he's a blocking machine in the pass game, he could dominate as a slot WR, and he's the best runner i have personally ever watched at the college level.  Who was the last player to be a scoring threat everytime the ball was in his hands whether it was a run, catch or kick return? This kid is the real deal and "Cadillac's" stout 3.9 ypc is something Bush should top  just because Cadillac isn't in his league with regards to talent, the thing that may hurt Reggie a bit (though his improv skills will still allow success regardless) is that he may have to run behind a sieve o-line for his first few years.



    Dont get me wrong bro. I think he is probably the best collegiate player in the nation --- I just dont like to hump him like most of the nation does.


    BTW: Should I bring up how well Ryan Leaf did in college also?

  9. Honestly tho, can you think of ONE gadget play that has actually worked this year?  I can't think of a single one - every single reverse, fake-QB-sneak, fullback handoff, flea flicker, etc. that they have tried to run this year has ended in utter disaster.  EVERY ONE!  I mean, come on already.



    Good point! No really - good point. In fact it is such a good point I bet there is someone from the Buffalo Bills organization who will read your post and send the link immediatly to Mike Mularkey to consider.


    Same thing with your signature --- except to Donahoe ....



  10. The Chargers have lost 5 of the last 6 games that they wore their "collegiate" blues, so I don't think jerseys will make a difference.



    Wow. Nice stat. I think that just goes to further prove my point. Wearing a different uniform is very rarely a large morale booster.

  11. That would be sweet. If the Bills somehow stumbled in, barring some miracle I'd hate to see the carnage. The thing with the colts and playoffs, though...



    yeah - but this is a different colts team ... a 9-0 Colts team ... a home-field advatage, first round bye, Colts team

  12. Let them have the division.


    I want nothing more than to see the Colts eat their lunch in the playoffs



    Oh boy. I want the Bills to win the division and make the playoffs - but knowing the chances of us making it and thinking that we probably wont, just knowing how bad the Patriots will get trounced by the Colts, almost makes it ok.

  13. You know what sucks?  San Diego is wearing their powder blues today.  They're gonna be fired the fug up.  Lance Alworth's number is being retired at halftime.  The only other player is Johnny U.  They're gonna be fuggin fired up.  We HAVE to start fast and score first.  Win the time of possesion battle and force a couple of turn overs.  The key for our d in my eyes is good tackling.  Because if you miss LT once he'll burn you worse than you think.



    See I just dont agree. I play football ... high-school and hopefully college ... and I simply dont see how a different colored jersey could fire you up. I sure know it would'nt fire me up. And their retiring an old-farts number. Come on. This is the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE. These are professionals. The Bills are not going to care whether there "fired up" over a different colored jersey or an old-farts number.


    my 2 cents

  14. Here is my opinion on Reggie Bush:


    1 - Probably the best player in college - period


    2 - His 0-Line blocks INSANELY WELL for him ... how often do you seem him fighting to get past the line of scrimmage - i mean, come on


    3 - Many of his long plays are because the defensive player didnt break down and wrap-up


    Dont get me wrong ... still an amazing player. But I think when he hits a faster, bigger, and more talented NFL he will be brought down to life a little. I think Carnell Williams has had a better rookie year (so far) than Reggie will ... just my opinion ... maybe he will prove me wrong.

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