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Posts posted by daquixers_is_back

  1. All good points.


    But, the Patroits have a shot because of Tom Brady. Really in a nutshell that's all there is too it.

    Brady is such a huge difference maker for them.



    True. I also forgot to mention that they no longer have Charlie Weiss there to make key critical adjusments in the offensive game plan. There were many a game where the offense wasnt clicking and Charlie Weiss changed the game plan and things started to click.

  2. Who thinks they will win the Super Bowl? Not me.

    Who thinks they will even make the Super Bowl? Definately not me.


    Well. I will explain why. The New England Patriots are a pretty good team (no doubting that), but I cant help but believe that they are not quite as good as the media is hyping them up to be. Other than getting a few injured players back, this is the same team that started off the year with a very rough start (rough enough that our decrepid Buffalo Bills could go into their stadium and nearly beat them with Kelly Holcomb at QB).


    Now the question is: are the Patriots all-of-sudden getting extremely good? Or are they benefiting from a rather easy schedule? They were 4-4 at the midpoint of the season.


    In the first half of the season they played, Oakland, Carolina, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Atlanta, Denver, Buffalo, and Indianapolis. The first half of the season their opponents 2005 final record was a combined 75-53.


    In the second half of the season they played, Miami, New Orleans, Kansas City, NY Jets, Buffalo, Tampa Bay, NY Jets, and Miami. The second half of the season their opponents 2005 final record was a combined 55-73.


    Note also: ONE GAME BEFORE, they went on their second half streak they lost to Indianapolis IN NEW ENGLAND, by a score of 40-21. The commen mis-conception is that they lost to Indianapolis early in the season before they started to tear teams up. Well they played Indi only ONE WEEK BEFORE they started to tear teams up (horrible teams at that).


    Anyway. Thats my little speach. Hate it or love it ... :unsure:

  3. I suppose I am just confused about the whole JP situation. I would understand if this was his 3rd year starting and he had this type of year. But it was'nt. This was his first year as a starting QB. Lets take a look:




    Carson Palmer 1st year starting ::: 263/432 (60.9%) for 2,897 yards, 18 TD, 18 INT

    Carson Palmer 2nd year starting ::: 345/509 (67.8%) for 3,836, 32 TD, 12 INT


    **started 13 games first year starting




    Byron Leftwich 1st year starting ::: 239/418 (57.2%) for 2,819 yards, 14 TD, 16 INT

    Byron Leftwich 2nd year starting ::: 267/441 (60.5%) for 2,941yards, 15 TD, 10 INT

    Byron Leftwich 3rd year starting ::: 175/302 (57.9%) for 2,123 yards, 15 TD, 5 INT


    **started 13 games first year starting

    **started 14 games second year starting

    **started 11 games third year starting (got hurt)




    Eli Manning 1st year starting ::: 95/197 (48.2%) for 1,043 yards, 6 TD, 9 INT

    Eli Manning 2nd year starting ::: 294/557 (52.8%) for 3,762 yards, 24 TD, 17 INT


    **started 7 games first year starting




    JP Losman 1st year starting ::: 113/228 (49.6%) for 1,340 yards, 8 TD, 8 INT

    JP Losman 2nd year starting ::: ???


    **started 8 games first year starting


    My whole point is this. Many people seem to want to give up on this kid. Why? After one year as a starting QB ... one year as a starting QB who played 8 games? In my opinion we should have started him to the entire year. We were not going to make the playoffs either way and this way, he could have ironed out a lot more than when he was sitting on the bench.


    BTW: I picked these QB's because even though they had a rough first year, in their 2nd or 3rd year they had good numbers and had their teams in the playoffs.

  4. He may have gone 9-7 in his first year but had a cupcake schedule full of teams like the Browns, Lambs and Niners in it.  However, when he played a real team like the Steelers his team self destructed against some of the Steelers backups for a good part of the game.  This season when he faced a schedule full of decent teams the "real Mularkey team" came out.  He also proceded to piss off some of the veterans on the team and was mainly a kiss-arss for any authority above him.

    And last but not least, his play-calling was brutal to say the least.


    I need not say any more because I'm getting pissed just thinking about him.




    You can only play who is on your schedule.


    And the "real Mularkey team?" You mean the "real mularkey team" minus Pat Williams, Jonas Jennings, Drew Bledsoe, and Takeo Spikes?

  5. He has only been here for 2 years.


    In his first year he went 9-7 and missed the playoffs by only 1 game (which came down to the NFL officials screwing up the call of Henry's TD in the Oakland game). So in all fact, in his first year as an NFL coach, Mike Mularkey would have made the playoffs if it wasnt for a bad officiating call. Not to bad? hmm ...


    In his second year, he was handed a team that his general manager (Tom Donahoe) had dismantled by letting the best lineman leave in free-agency (Jonas Jennings) and the anchor of the defensive line (Pat Williams) go to free-agency. Not to mention the fact that a 1st year player was to be the QB behind a shaky line. Oh yeah, I nearly forgot that the best LB on the team and possibly one of the best in the NFL was injured in Week 3 of the NFL season. That coupled with Nate Clements having a less than wonderful year and ... well ... you get the point.


    Don't get me wrong. I am not defending some of the moronic things that Mike Mularkey seems to do when play-calling or coaching the team. What I am doing is asking how you can have such hatred towards this man without looking at the above variables.

  6. Depends on which part of Rochester, where you plan on parking, etc.

    Traffic should be surprisingly light for a sellout. (Well, perhaps not so surprising, considering the events of the last seven days...)


    Remember, though, the "patdown" lines start to clog up the stadium gates at least half an hour before kickoff. Took me 15-20 minutes to make it through at the last game...



    Leaving from Irondequoit ... i plan to leave around 10:30 ... that should give us sufficient time? Correct?


    Thanks for the help! It is appreciated!

  7. Hey guys. I only go to 1 or 2 games a year, and this year it looks like it is only going to be 1 (unfortunately - finances ... etc) ... and everyyear I need to know the answer to the same question. If Im leaving from Rochester, what time should I leave to make sure that I have time to go through traffic, park and get into the stadium at least 15 min before kickoff ... ??


    Thanks in advance guys!


    God Bless and JESUS LOVES YOU!

  8. Fans feel they have to take sides- I laugh at that. I just sit back, and enjoy a football game.....put Ren and Stimpy out there in uniforms, for all I care!!! FOOTBALL!!



    I would agree with you if it was Chris Villarial or Mark Campbell in this situation ...


    but its ERIC MOULDS ... the guy has been with Buffalo through thick and thin ... Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Drew Bledsoe, Todd Collins, Kelly Holcomb and JP Losman ... never really complained ... and now a game after his 121 game record streak is broken, he is suspended for a week.

  9. Sure, I'll go out and support a guy who won't listen to his coach, undermines his QBs, beats women, and doesn't pay child support until he's facing jail time.


    Oh wait: he's been a good receiver. Sign me up.



    Before you post slanderous stuff, show a link to your information. Im sure you have heard it somewhere but without a backup source you have zero credibility at all. I personally dojnt remember him 'beating' any women ... you also have to remember that people are going to make allegations against NFL players to simply win lawsuits - not people they are the truth. The child support thing I mayhave heard about - not really sure though. I did a google search for both of them and found nothing (which is kinda what you are). Anyhow - Simply said - thats off the field stuff. Your not a true Bills fan if you can not support a person that BLEEDS Red, White and Blue - Eric Moulds.


    and BTW: I would'nt listen to a WR's coach who I know more about football than he does ... good job Eric! You did right!

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