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Posts posted by cantankerous

  1. Nothing personal against the OP.


    I don't pretend to be a moderator, however, I do reserve the right to interject an appropriately snarky comment where and when it is appropriate. You know there is a "search function" that could help folks see what has already been discussed as naseum. Search "free agents" and then search "Brandon Moore" and see how many threads pop up.


    Or you could just you know...not be a dick...and not comment if it doesn't interest you.


    To the OP, we could definitely use some help on the offensive line. It's pretty much inevitable that one of them will go down at some point.

  2. It has nothing to do with sour grapes, at least for me. I'm glad Peters is not on this team, and that Wood is.


    But I didn't like how Parker handled that situation either, and if I had been the GM of the Bills, once Parker started playing from his little handbook, I would have made Peters come in EVERY year of his previously signed contract, I would have made him play for that contract no matter how out of shape he was and how crappy he played, and then I would have franchised his azzz every year I could have and THEN AND ONLY THEN, I would have extracted picks for him and booted his butt to the curb for those picks.


    And if that's how Parker wants to play this one out, then I would do the same here as well. I would let Parker know exactly how things would be played from here on out should these circumstances arise again.


    Then you would be doing so to the detriment of the Bills organization. It sounds exactly like "sour grapes."

  3. Does this demo happen before the system is in place? Can you demo a car without somewhere to drive it ?? If you look at the last 3 seasons, he's not worth #1 money at his position & that's why he isn't holding a new long-term contract.


    If you are retarded it really doesn't matter what your opinion is. If looking at stats is your only knowledge of how good a player is then you are just a dumb ass.


    Byrd created 9 turnovers last year alone. He has more interceptions in the past 4 years than the entire Bills team.

  4. By


    If the management caves everytime a player holds out, more will hold out. The Bills gave him a very generous, all guaranteed cash offer. If he plays this season & makes a huge impression, he'll be holding a huge contract. The past 3 years performancse have been good but not rookie year amazing good, so which player do we pay ?? The rookie Byrd guy or the past 3 year guy, using the data we have ??




    If you decide how valuable a player is based solely on stats, you don't know what you're talking about. He had less passes defensed because QBs aren't throwing his way as often.


    He's the best tackler on the team, creates the most turnovers, is good against the run, etc...You're a fool if you think any player wants the franchise tag, especially at a young age like Byrd.


    The Bills are stupid for even letting it get this far...they should've signed him last year and avoided the franchise tag altogether.

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