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Posts posted by Beerfist

  1. Can't wait.  Looking forward to seeing some hockey again (even though it is just preseason).  But I have a question.....I haven't seen anything advertised, so I assume that the game will not be on TV anywhere, right?  Let me know!



    the only game i heard being televised in the preseason was the home game against ottawa on msg...i think the 28th...hope that helps

  2. rescue me

    family guy

    penn and teller's bull sh-- (showtime, smartass humor)

    daily show

    mostly anything on nfl network (especially involving the bills)


    south park

    any seinfeld

    old er

    chappelle show

    american chopper..there's a top 10 of the only shows i watch on tv..




    ...and wildfire on fox family...just kidding, my ex gf made me watch the first episode, i literally fell asleep beside her..not the ultimate reason we broke up, but it didnt help 0:) )

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