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Posts posted by Beerfist

  1. You've gotta be kidding me. TE??? We don't need any more TE's.


    Campbell is OK. He's no gamebreaker but he's also not being used properly by the coaches. See 2003 season for what he can do.


    Everett could be our next "top notch pass catching TE" as you say.


    Euhus may also show us something in the passing game by next season.


    Our biggest needs are linemen. We have 8 draft picks in April, right? I wouldn't mind using 2 for OG, 2 for OT, 2 for DE, and 2 for DT. No joke. RunTheBall is right. The rest of the team's holes pale in comparison to the lines.



    i agree..forget te's...give us SOME pass protection and we'll get the ball out to our wrs..and te and rb underneath if we need to..but that's the key, pocket protection..plz td!!!

  2. Any good matchups? I try and play the teams who are playing against the 9ers, Texans, Ravens, Lions, and other bad teams. Try to find the Matchups if you can.


    and the Rams are on a bye this week.



    better put minnesota on that list

  3. You're an idiot.  The goal is to win a Super Bowl sometime in the near future, not to go 7-9 or even 9-7 now.



    well ur an !@#$, cuz if we win that game we are back in first place in the division (who cares if its 4-4)..and we are in relative control of our own destiny being a game up on the jets, miami, AND the pats...i could care less what record it takes to get us to the playoffs..i would love 7-9 or 9-7 if we are division champs...the playoffs is an entirely different ballgame..anything can happen...like a super bowl THIS year instead of a potential super bowl in 3 or 4 years..that's all im saying, sorry if it doesnt fit to your liking..sorry if u call it wishful thinking (and it very well might be)...but based on fact, we would be in control of our division if we won that game..and holcomb was the qb

  4. While I am an agreement with you that the blame for this loss does not fall squarely on Holcomb's shoulder (I think a lot of people here are just making sh-- up to complain about, and makes me realize that they really know more about being a fan, than they do about the game itself), on the play in question, the 4th and 7, Holcomb really did a poor job.  If you look at the replay, there was pressure coming on his right side.  The right tackle drove the rushing defender wide, and Holcomb, smartly, stepped up in the pocket.  At that point, maybe sensing pressure that wasn't there, he rushed that horrid pass to Moulds, never looking back to the center of the fields where the half-back (I think it is Shaud Williams) had shed his blocker and stood alone directly in front of Holcomb.  People who are critcizing Tom Clements on this one are way off base.  The play looked to go exactly how it was planned, Holcomb just got spooked by the pass rush.  It looked as though the half back over the middle was the primary option on the play.



    yes wow intelligence prevails..

  5. ... as a Bills fan more than I am now.


    What a gutless, limp-wristed, gutless, cowardly, yellow throw.


    Running Moulds on that route was perfect, given everyone knew he was the primary option. It opens up the field for everyone else's patterns. I have no problem with that.


    But to actually throw it to him there?


    Bring back Losman. Holcomb's just good enough to get us to lose. It's too knee-jerk to say that based on one play, but it was so unbecoming of what you want out of your quarterback, it's the only decision you can make.



    i completely agree in saying that was the worst throw of the night for him...it was stupid and pointless when he had time to do many other things with the football...but losman is not the answer..he was horrible (1-3, remember?..)..all scrambles and no sense of where his receivers were..this became such a glaring problem that defenses would disregard the secondary..throw 8/9 in the box..and shut down willis..NOW..as in tonite, they werent allowed to do that after the first quarter or so when holcomb spread out the field....as sickening as it is to say..this was holcomb's best night tonite...if gandy had blocked colvin, the fumble never would have happened and much more work would have been cut out for the pats to take the lead...as a whole, the fourth quarter sickened me..but..in saying so, losman is not the answer..unless u are considering the remainder of the season as a throw away..which would cause unrest for the veterans in the locker room

  6. We haven't given JP enough time to know if he's the answer or not.  But we can say for sure Holcomb isn't. 


    That last throw on 4th down alone is enough to sit his punk-ass the rest of the season. 


    Lets see what JP can do.



    in case u forgot our 1-3 start...that WAS what jp can do...

  7. wow...what bills fans...the guy threw for more yards today than losman would throw in two games...and in case u missed it...when holcomb fumbled..gandy completely missed his block..so that wasnt holcombs fault...what was holcomb's fault..however, was his dependency on moulds..especially on that late throw..which made me sick..that was his biggest mistake in the game..which wouldnt have even mattered if gandy could block an ant..dont take him out unless u are officially calling the season a throw away..which would piss off every veteran in that locker room..and cause chaos...heck, i want to WIN..or at least have a chance...besides, how many times is clements going to be had by a pump fake...good lord..every ball that he was burned on came off a brady pump fake..its how the first td was scored..and the long throw over the middle that set up the pats at the 2...so when cooler heads prevail..i will say once again, holcomb was not the PRIMARY reason we lost

  8. id 125327

    password basketball


    plenty of room left (10+ spots) ...auto pick draft (as of now..im a fan of majority rule, so if that changes based on the people in the league, then so be it)..as long as u are willin to check your team every once or twice a week..thanks everyone

  9. I didn't forget those, I was just addressing missed throws in my post. I'd add taking an 18 yd sack deep in our territory to your list.



    so in saying so...do u believe that jp losman would have done a better job?..has jp thrown for two touchdowns this year..let alone in the same game..yes u are right about the sack and the fumble..i did forget those before i posted...but once again, the problem is not the quarterback on this football team

  10. ..not by a longshot..it is the suspect play of the offensive line..along with the even more suspect play of the defense as a whole...it is an obvious, glaring problem that gray's defensive schemes do NOT work this year as a result of having to compensate for the lack of penetration in the run defense..simply put we MUST put 8 in the box ALONG WITH not blitz every down to have any form of effect on our opponents run game..our opponent can do what we cannot..balance the run and the pass on offense...and again, its not because of holcomb that our passing game is inefficient, in fact, i only remember him missing one throw (for freddy smith) the entire game..while receiving no support..simply put, this offensive line is designed for a running offense 100%..and 0% for a passing offense..which is needed if at ANY point we are down in a football game (i.e. the second half today) So personally, i think there is NO need to put losman in other than to state that we have given up on this team this year, and we want losman to see game action...BUT..if by some miracle, the run defense and oline figure their s#$^ out and we restart to become competitive..i want holcomb behind center..any other thoughts??

  11. When I hear comments like that, it tells me you're not a true dyed in the wool old school football fan. I've heard "casual fans" (usually football challenged and disinterested women)say how much they like the dances. I guess when you can't grasp the basic concepts and rules of the game, those silly little softshoe numbers are probably your favorite part of the event.


    Those sort of antics are best left for the idiocy of WWF wrestling.


    Football does not need comedy added to it. It is arguably the greatest team sport on the planet and having it's integrity compromised by those celebrations rubs me the wrong way. It also makes the participants look like total fools.


    What's always amazed me is how athletes like Deion Sanders try so hard to be ultra cool, and then he does the f'ing gayest dance since the Cristina Ricca bowling alley scene in Buffalo '66. Deion's faggy little dance against Buffalo a few years ago now lives on in commercial ads as the computerized image plastic faced Burger King.


    Maybe Willis's horsey act will be computerized and turned into an Arby's commerical. "Want some horsey sauce with that sir?"



    and for the record i laughed my ass off when i first saw the bk commercial...so sorry i enjoy my time on earth..and whoever entertains me..im all for it

  12. mccardell hasnt done as well now that lt is producing and gates is back...so dont do the trade for their sake...even saying that, i still take willis for chad straight up because even tho chad will get 100 and a td most weeks..i almost guarantee willis will put up that if not more every week with holcomb behind the helm and the starting oline intact..do it

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