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Posts posted by Beerfist

  1. there always playing for the 'love of the game' argument..but honestly, if u were set for life at 30 financially..would u work again?..i understand that his injuries made his decision easier, and god be with him on that..but especially at high-impact positions like lb and rb...i dont see how the risk would equal the reward, especially on the 'boys with drew at the helm :D

  2. I don't think Ben got in on that TD run, but i don't blame them for not overturning it on replay....couldn't clearly see that he didn't get in.  What was more disturbing was the side judge running in to spot the ball short...was as tho he initially forgot that the steelers were supposed to get all the calls, but remembered as he was running, so signaled TD.  WHAT THE @Q#()@ ???


    The other calls were inexcusable...



    i now am totally confused as to what 'breaking the plane' of the goalline is...in the broadcast they said all they had to do was get INTO the white line area...not cross it...in which case i agree with them..the football was into the white line..but it never crossed it, which i always believed a touchdown was..(hench BREAKING the plane)...somebody clear this up for me?

  3. Pehaps we can hire Mariucci as the HC, Sherman as the OC and Cottrell as the DC.


    Then we can start new with the WCO and a 3-4 defense. Bills fans can then wait for another multi year run at 0 playoff appearances, as we build for the future!





    mooch has already stated on espn or something that he looks to be taking a year off of coaching..it's not definite but it's what i heard, sry no link tho

  4. If I could tell Tony Dungy "I'm sorry for your loss" I call him right now.  Unfortunately, I'm here on a Bills message board chit-chatting with football fans about football, and other issues.


    I lost a sibling to an auto accident.  Trust me, I know what it's like to hear "So sorry for your loss" and "Such a terrible tragedy" 200+ times each day over the course of four days.  To see some of my friends arrive, and talk to them about anything that would get my mind off my sister was welcome.  I guess I'm not saying it doesn't do anything...You just kind of numb those comments out.  Donations to MADD in my sis's honor made a difference, not a handshake and a one-liner.


    Don't you think one of Tony Dungy's immediate thoughts, after his family concerns, was how this would affect his team this season?  Maybe, "How can I keep them focused on a Super Bowl run?"



    the team perhaps yes..but not its pointspread..i think u have a valid point about posting football topics on a football website..but this isnt a football thread..and i just wished that you hadnt brought that onto this thread, thats all...i guess it just kinda hit close to home...i had my best friend (named james, age 18) committed suicide a couple years back and it still bothers me to this day...so if i was a little overboard then that's my fault..i'm just expressing my opinion like the rest of you

  5. Colin, I know i'm in the minority here, but that was one of my first thoughts to. Call it blood money, or whatever else ya want, but day to day life goes on.


    Thought about the lines when Katrina hit as well.


    FWIW, my online book still has em at 5-6 to win the bowl



    all i really got to say is how dare you..stfu about the damn super bowl lines, how would you like your son to DIE this morning...show a little compassion please...and if u REALLY need to talk about that, then go away from this thread to do it..unless you are just TRYING to get people upset (like me)...i mean, that's just heartless

  6. I'm going! First Bills game of the year!  Win or lose, I'll be having a blast.



    second bills game for me (saw miami for free)...but regardless im planning on having the tailgating going...just a quick question for anyone who knows, do the people mind when if i put up a bbq pit in their parking area?..i mean, i'm payin 10 bucks for parking..might as well fully utilize the space :D

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