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My Friends Call Me Tebucky

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Posts posted by My Friends Call Me Tebucky

  1. i don't think whitner is being used correctly. he should be able to free lance and watch the ball


    Why? He hasn't shown any ball skills.


    The guy isn't a bad player...he's a decent starter in the NFL. But he just doesn't make enough plays to justify his draft slotting or his contract.


    And the lack of a pass rush excuse doesn't make any sense- there are other teams with unknowns at safety in the conference that have had feeble pass rushes and still managed to make more plays than Whitner.


    Nduke in Cincinnati has 5 sacks, 4 picks, a forced fumble, and 10 passes defensed in 2 seasons.

    Jones in Cleveland has 1 sack, 13 picks, 2 forced fumbles, and 29 passes defensed in 3 seasons.

    Page in Kansas City has 1 sack, 10 INTs, 3 forced fumbles, and 25 passes defensed in 3 seasons.

    Pollard in Kansas City has 1 sack, 3 INTs, 3 forced fumbles, 8 passes defensed and a safety in 2 seasons starting.


    Whitner? In 3 seasons...1 sack, 2 picks, 2 forced fumbles, 7 PDs. The above players always have lousy pass rushes too.


    Whitner's not the biggest problem with the team, but I think a ton of people defend him to no end because they happened to buy his jersey after he was drafted.

  2. They can always designate him the Transition Tag Player, which is the top 10 players' average. You of course can still lose him by not matching an offer sheet, but you can do the sign and trade deal just like a franchise tag...


    The transition tag is a joke...I think most NFL clubs don't even consider it an option anymore after the Hutchison/Burleson debacle of a couple years back.

  3. I say pay Greer. McGee is a free agent next year, he won't be retained in my opinion because it will be heading into an uncapped year. Our cash to cap thing won't be able to compete with somebody like Washington offering him a 5 year/30 million dollar deal with 20 million coming in the first year (or something to that effect).


    Greer is bigger, he's younger, and he seems to make more plays. I'm not going to say he's better than McGee, but the two are very close. Greer can be retained for cheaper, and in 2 or 3 years will likely be a better player than McGee anyway.

  4. Evans is not a #1. He's Peerless Price in his prime, or Avery of N.O with better hands. Both need a Colston or Moulds to bring out their best. He's not worth the $9 mil, no matter what someone makes in 2 years from now. The original poster is correct and sadly Evans is not a #1.


    On the other hand, did you watch that screen to Evans last week? He stiff armed the guy and got 10 yards. He needs to be able and willing to run over the middle. He clings to the sidelines and I don't think it's just the OC, he just might short-arm everything in the middle because of fear. I've seen him on some slants and he doesn't run them with conviction. I honestly believe he hates contact and he's not physical enough.


    If it were up to me I would run him in some reverses once every other game, 1-2 screens a game, 1-2 slants a game, 2 20-50 yard deeper routes, and a few curls. Make him earn the paycheck. Right now he's covered like glue.


    If anyone says Lee would get the ball and "just throw it to him" watch the first Dolphins game in the 3rd and 4th quarters where he's blanketed and 2 balls are swatted away when he got no separation.


    That's a great post...great receivers use the middle of the field too. They'll run an occasional slant or drag to Evans, but it's very rare, disturbingly rare. And it's not the coaching...he's had 3 OC's in his time in Buffalo, and he's never been a presence over the middle. That's him, not coaching.

  5. Yeah, neither one of those DE's are as menacing and disruptive as Schobel. You have to be kidding me! Denney is better than Schobel, yes that's right, better than Schobel.


    You can't be serious.


    I do think Denney is better than Kelsay, though.


    I guess the bottom line is that these aren't the 3 DEs you want heading into the future, for a lot of reasons.

  6. So, what you guys are telling me is that it's all bad management and not economics? Then why is it BUFFALO that's in danger of losing their football team and none of those other so called "small" market teams?


    Because Ralph Wilson is 90. That's why. Economically, there are teams in worse shape than Buffalo- the Jaguars and Vikings to name a couple.

  7. I was kind of surprised that Stroud was selected. Not so much that I think he isn't deserving, just the only "reviews" I have heard of his play this season, have been negative. Imagine what he could do with real NFL defensive ends on each side...


    Wasn't the general line before the season about how Stroud was going to make our defensive ends look better by eating up potential double teams on the inside? That hasn't happened.

  8. I really have no problem whatsoever with Schonert. I didn't even hate the pass call in the Jets game that Losman blew.


    It's not Schonert's fault that the line is pretty weak in terms of run blocking, it's not Schonert's fault that Evans A) has to reliable complimentary receiver and B) is pretty limited himself as far as what he's able to do on the field.


    One thing that I don't really understand is the disappearance of the screen pass from the offense. The first month or so they were executing it very well...then they just kind of stopped doing it.

  9. It's crap. It's an utter cop-out, and lame ass excuse. The Bills can compete, they're just mismanaged.


    Indianapolis has done just fine over the years. So have Carolina, Pittsburgh, Tennessee, Jacksonville, and Kansas City (until the last couple of years). Green Bay has always been competitive since free agency and the salary cap came to be. New Orleans made the NFC Championship game a couple of years ago, didn't they?


    None of those are even in the top half of the NFL in terms of market size. Meanwhile, some teams in major markets suck- Houston can't get their sh-- together, Atlanta and Detroit have by and large been joke franchises this decade, Arizona is just now becoming decent, both Bay Area teams suck pretty consistently, and the Cowboys haven't won a playoff game in how long?


    It's management, not economics.

  10. Williams has all the tools but has not been an impact player in Dallas, so I would not make that move. I'm not giving up on Hardy yet, remember it took Moulds 3 years to develop...Rookies are tough to get production from.



    That's true to an extent...but it's also a myth to some degree. Nobody expected Hardy to be a star this year, but SOME production would have been nice.


    Moulds did contribute as a rookie as a kick returner, and quite a bit on end arounds and reverses. He also put up better, while still modest, receiving numbers than Hardy.


    Peerless Price had 31 catches and 3 TDs as a rookie.

    Lee Evans had 800+ yards and 9 scores.

    Josh Reed managed to grab 37 balls.

    Andre Reed had 600+ yards and 4 scores.

    Don Beebe had 300+ yards


    Bucky Brooks and Roscoe Parrish did nothing as rookies...and never panned out as receivers afterward either.

  11. Research his stats in cold weather games? OK...here are his performances in "cold weather" cities since he came into the league.


    12/12/04 at Green Bay- 1 catch, 13 yards

    1/2/05 at Tennessee- 4 catches, 62 yards, TD

    12/11/05 at Green Bay- 4 catches, 53 yards, TD

    1/1/06 at Pittsburgh- 3 catches, 31 yards, TD

    12/3/06 at New England- 3 catches, 50 yards

    12/17/06 at Green Bay- 1 catch, 11 yards

    11/9/08 at Giants- 1 catch, 28 yards

    11/16/08 at Redskins- 3 catches, 36 yards

    12/7/08 at Steelers- 2 catches, 16 yards


    I don't even know if these games were cold weather...but those were road games he's played in November-January in his career in cities where it occasionally gets a little chilly.


    Not exactly impressive numbers.

  12. Great guy, but it's a business.


    When he gets canned I don't think he deserves to be mocked like Williams and Mularkey have been.


    You can't argue that his record is good, but getting to 7-9 with the garbage team he had in 2006 and the injury-riddled group he had in 2007 was actually pretty damn impressive.


    That being said, there are coaches that can get you to a certain level and no higher...Schottenheimer and Phillips are a couple examples. Jauron seems to fit that mold too...he make a bad team respectable, but he can't make an average team good. Time to move on.

  13. And also, from Greer's perspective, McKelvin's drafting made it make a little less sense for him to sign here. If he signs with us, he has to think that the future for him is as a nickle CB behind McKelvin and McGee - he may want to go someplace where he would have a better shot to start.




    He would still be starting here. McKelvin would play the nickle for another year and McGee will walk next year as a free agent. If we don't re-sign Greer, Reggie Corner will be starting in 2010 unless they go out and spend another very high draft pick on a corner.


    There's about a 1% chance the Bills can keep McGee in Buffalo because he's going to be an unrestricted free agent right before an uncapped season. I don't think that "cash to cap" garbage the Bills insist upon is going to keep him around when he can get a ridiculously front-loaded contract elsewhere.

  14. Whitner is pretty average IMO. I won't knock him for not playing up to his draft pick status, because that's not his fault.


    Regardless, the guy averages out to about 6 million per year on his contract. Not many safeties across the league make that much...what the hell happens when his rookie deal expires? Does he take a pay cut down to about 4 million a year? Maybe he'll get a lot better and start making more big plays, but I'm not holding my breath.

  15. I think something important to consider is that McGee and Youboty will be free agents going into an uncapped year.


    As it is, I think Greer is pretty much McGee's equal. He's younger, bigger, makes more big plays on defense, and will likely come much cheaper this offseason than McGee will next year.


    I'd do pretty much whatever it takes to re-sign him, keep McKelvin at nickel and returning kicks for another year, then still be OK once McGee bolts for huge money after 2009.

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