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My Friends Call Me Tebucky

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Posts posted by My Friends Call Me Tebucky

  1. That was f'ing hilarious!!! I just read that and CANNOT stop laughing!  I know JP has got to be thinking to himself...what the hell was I saying...


    That might be the absolute gayest sounding comment I've ever heard come out of the mouth of an NFL player.  Damn why did it have to be from one of our own Buffalo Bills??



    Well, maybe aside from every comment that Jeff Garcia has ever made

  2. Resign Zhitnik, go after a cheaper quality defenseman that wasn't tendered (I'm thinking Martin Skoula of Anaheim), package Dumont and Biron together, see if Detroit will give you Datsyuk or Zetterberg. That would make you younger, much better, and probably only add between 2.5 and 3.5 million to the current payroll.

  3. Hopefully locking up McGee would have no impact on Clements. Obviously McGee won't be as good as Clements, because Nate is pretty much a prototype NFL corner except for some occasional decision making skills. Except for McAlister, I don't think anybody's better, including Bailey.


    I think McGee could eventually develop into a great #2 corner- a guy like Dre Bly, who gives up a lot of plays, but seems to make just as many.

  4. Even though I am a big Sabres fan, to me this who lotto system is stupid....how can anyone justify perennial playoff teams should get a crack at the #1 overal pick....shoot I dont even think the Sabres should have one of the best chances to get the pick.



    I'm not positive on this, but over the last 3 years the Sabres probably have one of the 5 worst records in the league...if not, they're definitely in the bottom 6 or 7. Besides, you have to give the large market teams SOMETHING. Some of them are gonna have to give up half their roster in the new, more socialist NHL. It's only fair that they get at least a 1 in 48 chance of landing Crosby.

  5. A lineup from just the 3rd round of those 4 drafts...


    QB: Josh McCown

    RB: Brian Westbrook and/or Kevan Barlow

    FB: Rueben Droughns

    WR: Steve Smith

    WR: Darrell Jackson

    WR: Laveranues Coles (and we have Marty Booker to bring in on 3rd downs, too)

    TE: Erron Kinney

    LT: Jonas Jennings

    RT: Kareem McKenzie

    G: Zach Piller

    G: Rex Tucker

    C: Casey Rabach or Seth McKinney


    DE: Reggie Hayward

    DE/OLB: Chike Okeafor

    DT: Cletidus Hunt

    DT: Darwin Walker


    OLB: Joey Porter (a Donahoe 3rd round pick)

    MLB: Dat Nguyen

    OLB: Ben Leber


    CB: Mike McKenzie

    CB: Will Peterson

    Nickel Corner: Dwight Smith

    SS: Adrian Wilson

    FS: Greg Wesley



    A 3rd round pick is an extremely valuable commodity...you can get great players, you just have to have a reliable system that's capable of finding them. Many of these guys have played in Pro Bowls..i don't think a team with this as it's lineup would do any worse than 8-8.

  6. I'll go with a golfer that could shoot 72-72-124-109 = 377 and still pocket $20,000 at a PGA event. He has no risk of any 250 pounder physically touching him, gets to play on the world's best golf courses, picks and chooses when he wants to work, doesn't have to deal with management and contract negotiations, doesn't really need an agent, doesn't have to endure any type of training camp whatsoever, and makes some solid money on the side just by wearing a Titleist or Taylor Made baseball cap on the course even though he'll never be on TV...

  7. For the life of me I can't fathom why there's so much hatred/dislike for Henry on this board.  The guy put everything he had on the field for the Bills, and that's all you can ever ask of a player.  Did he has deficiencies?  Sure he did, all players do.


    Henry was absolutely right:  It was a slap in the face to draft WM (though this doesn't mean that TD shouldn't have drafted WM, to the contrary).  Henry was just coming off a pro-bowl season.  To those who argue he should have "stayed and fought" for a starting spot, a guy who's last full season as a pro-bowl player doesn't have to prove he's a quality back, he's already done so.  No player in the league would want to come to camp to "compete" against someone that he knows is going to beat him out no matter what he does.


    WM is the better back, we all know this.  But because there's a better back on this team doesn't mean the guy has to sit on the bench an entire year in the prime of his career.  Henry knew he'd get way more money in a trade than he would sitting out a year  in addition to the quality playing time all players desire.


    Anyway, I'll do the opposite of what the other posters in this thread have done.  I'll genuinely thank Henry for his time here and the effort he put out while on the field and wish him luck in Tennessee.  The funny thing is, I was never a huge TH fan, I just don’t get the automatic hatred fans have for players once they no longer play (or want to play) for their team.



    Well put. Nobody here could honestly say they wouldn't be pissed off if they were in Henry's shoes circa April 2003. He handled the situation about as well as anybody could have, and he's good enough to be a starter for at least a half dozen teams in the league...you just can't blame him for wanting out of Buffalo or for not being as good as McGahee, he was playing off of a rookie contract at a position which doesn't have much of an NFL shelf life...for his future financial well being alone his demand was completely understandable.

  8. Yah, your right.  He is a complete bust because he couldn't put up monster numbers as a 21 or 22 year old.  Give me a break!  I'll agree with you about is lack of defensive abilities, but not many younger players have the ability to compete as a defensive powerhouse and/or consistantly win faceoffs.  I doubt you would think any different of him if he backchecked a little more, and won a few more faceoffs.


    You give a KID two years and determine he is not showing signs of getting better... hmm...  If you look at his career totals, his points per year increased his first 3 years in his career.  Not to mention, he was the 3rd leading scorer on the team his first year with the team.  I guess based on your rationality, he reached his max potential at 21-22 years old since "he isn't showing signs of getting better."  ha!  :rolleyes:


    I mean, seriously, what do you expect out of him?  He had one horrible season, and he didnt play the next because of an injury.



    I don't completely disagree with you, and I don't think it's completely his fault, but I just don't see him as ever being more than a Craig Janney type. Maybe he'll get you 20-50-70 in a good year down the road, but his complete lack of grit and desire are pretty alarming, even for a "kid."


    I say it's not all his fault because of the unfair circumstances he's had to go through his whole career-

    A. he was drafted #5 overall, expectations perhaps too high

    B. The Islanders significantly retarded his development by rushing him to the NHL

    C. As mentioned earlier, the Lindy Ruff factor- Buffalo has been a graveyard for talented offensive players for years, and Ruff's inability to create lines that make sense is a major factor in that.

    D. Replacing a great two way player, leader, and fan favorite like Peca is pretty much impossible.


    But there are big time flaws with him, and I don't think he'll ever develop in Buffalo. For him to make it in the NHL he's gonna have to be a 1st line center, a 2nd line center surrounded by two guys who can really play defense (two guys who'd probably be on a checking line), or a 4th line spare part that only gets serious ice time on the PP. It's a Catch 22 with him...he can't get better unless he plays, but Buffalo can't afford to play him because he's a huge liability.


    I think he's a skilled player taken in an extremely weak draft whose career potential just isn't what a #5 pick in another year's draft may be...

  9. I don't know if he signed overseas, but you can hardly categorize him as a bust.  He had a pretty good first year (45 points), fell off second year (25), and didn't play because of a concussion the third year.  I guess it all depends on your expectations.  IMO, he isnt a bust.  The kid has skillz! 


    I can't wait for next season!!!!!


    Go Sabres!



    Uhhh..I think that he's best classified as a complete bust. 45 points from a 21 year old center is fine if he does something else well like win a faceoff or (GOD FORBID) backcheck. Or if he shows signs of getting better, which he never did. He doesn't play D and he's not good enough 5 on 5 to play as a scoring line center. Too bad, he would've been really popular around here...

  10. Unless 90% of the guys on that list are UFAs, it's way, way too long. There won't be nearly that many buyouts. If only a few teams made it through the last couple of years turning a profit, they're not going to have the money to do it. It'll just be teams doing it to get under the salary cap, not to get rid of overpriced guys.

    Look at it this way...could the Islanders theoretically afford to give Alexei Yashin a 28 million dollar signing bonus all payable up front? There's no way....it would cripple their franchise. Paying Alexei Yashin 40 or 45 million dollars and getting his ability (even if he is pretty useless now) is wiser than giving him 28 million dollars and getting nothing for him.


    And I can't believe somebody actually said that he's not concerned about Zhitnik going, but that we need to keep Pyatt, Campbell, and Biron. Pyatt's never going to explode into Todd Bertuzzi like Darcy Regier thinks, Campbell will never be an NHL defenseman, and Biron just isn't worth the modest money he'll be asking for- they have a better guy behind him in Miller and a capable backup in Noronen.


    Peca's not coming back to Buffalo, way too many bridges burned there.


    Of Niedermayer, Rafalski, Hamrlik, Foote, Gonchar, and Ozolinsh, I'd take any of them just because we desperately need a power play QB. But Ozolinsh is almost as bad as Campbell in his own end, Foote is very similar to McKee and not much of a power play force, and Rafalski's gonna cost too much/ is a midget.


    Niedermayer's the best of the bunch but he's older, so I'd go with Hamrlik and try really hard to keep Zhitnik. Gonchar would be nice, but he'll be pricey, and isn't that good in his own end. Keep Zhitnik! Get a power play QB, preferably one that knows how to play in his own end too!


    McGillis, Zubov, and Kim Johnsson off of that list may be better fits...

  11. It doesn't really make sense that an overweight, declining run stuffer that has never anchored a good run defense without a 380 pounder at his side would be burning bridges like this. If he falls flat on his face in Minnesota and gets cut after a year or two, he would have been a great candidate to come back to Buffalo as a depth player being a fan favorite and all...oh well.

  12. Tom Golisano would be the guy with the bucks to buy the Bills.  However he could not continue owning the Sabres.  Not sure if the NFL would grant an exception.  Jeremy Jacobs also comes to mind, but the same deal with him and the Bruins.  Bob Rich hasn't got enough $$$.  The list of potential local owners is pretty short. 


    Then there is the question of whether the NFL would try to steer a deal to someone they want.  Some one who may not have an interest in keeping the Bills in Buffalo.


    Just remember what happened to the Buffalo Braves.  John Y. Brown bought the team with the intention of moving them to Louisville or someplace like that.  At the time, the Braves were a solid, competative, well-supported franchise, and the NBA nixed the move.  Then ol' John Y set about scuttling the team, dumping Bob MacAdoo, etc, and sending the team right to the cellar.  He then went back to the NBA as said "See, Buffalo doesn't support my team!"  The Braves wound up in San Diego as the Clppers, and are now the LA Clippers, and they have sucked ever since.


    I could see a scenario where an evil owner would wreck the Bills and claim a lack of support before moving the team.  Let's face it.  When the Bills stink, fans stay away.  Just look at the attendance figures from 2000 when we were 3-13!  I would hope that Bills fans would keep going to games and fight any attempt to have our franchise stolen from us.





    You're assuming that the NFL considers the NHL a professional sports league

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