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Posts posted by DarthICE

  1. The owners don't? The owners are billionaires, for the most part. They have invested in a can't-lose business, that they bought as a toy...for prestige. They don't risk ANYTHING. NFL teams never lose money. But if they did, and the owner took a bath, they still have their main businesses and fortunes in tact.


    The players, on the other hand, risk almost EVERYTHING. Most have done little except prepare to for this job for most of their lives. This is the one thing they are trained for that doesn't pay $10/hour. If they get hurt, they lose it all. If they are lucky and have a long career, they are likely to end up physical screwed. Many doomed to die at an early age.


    Now, I'm not suggesting the players deserve more money, they make plenty. But the owners make plenty more. And you know as well as I the owners aren't going to lower ticket prices, because they are greedy, too. They might lower prices for a time while SCABS play, but if/when they can fill the stadium at $100 a seat, they WILL charge it, because that's the way the business is run.


    I watch the NFL to watch the BEST athletes play. If I'm going to watch bums, I'll watch some local semi-pro team, or the Bills.



    Screw the players. They know the risks, no one forces them to be pro players and become millionares playing a game. YES the owners are Billionaires they own the team, they are the bosses it is what it is.

  2. Classic Easterbrook. I can't think of one mock that didn't have Maybin going in the first. Yeah, he appears to be on the superhighway to bust-dom, but let's not rewrite history.



    Right, you mean like all the YEARS the Bills have been screwing the pooch in the draft? One year we can bypass and forgive, not a full decade of crap

  3. Is sitting the bench / used as a utility player. So if Spiller was never going to be a full time back, why draft him 9th? Why pay him all this money? It is a moronic decision if that is the case. We should have taken Javhid Best at 9 so we could have a full time starting RB if we were going that route.


    As you know I had high hopes for Nix and Gailey, but if they honestly just picked Spiller to be a utility player at 9, then they are no better than Levy/ Brandon were at drafting.

  4. for real


    people are freaking the hell out. after two games. two games!


    wtf did you expect? all new systems. new coaches. same crappy players (mostly)


    gonna take time folks. weve known that for months


    i originally said four wins, bumped it to six after seeing how good spiller was, and now going back to four after seeing how incredibly bad our oline is


    but four or six wins, this was always going to be a rebuild ie. sucky ass season


    vince lombardi couldnt do any better at this stage


    deal wid it


    To actually rebuild, the players you drafted have to play esp your top pick who you are paying MILLIONS too and is hands down the most talented offensive weapon you have.

  5. This is not surprising.


    LOSERS (fifth one down)

    Buffalo Bills

    Remember how Chan Gailey and Buddy Nix were going to change the inept fortunes in Buffalo? Think again. This is the worst offensive team in football. And ownership is just as much to blame as anyone, with its decisions on coaches and front-office personnel. Welcome to Raiders East, Bills fans.




    I cannot truly disagree, and as a life long Bills fan, I can say that 90+ senile miser Ralph Wilson is the Al Davis of the East.



    That is 100% dead on. Thanks Ralph

  6. ?

    i as well as all of you im sure am pretty fed up with what has been happening not only these past 2 games but for the past decade. IM the guy when in 1990 was in kindergarden and cried when the bills lost the superbowl and my mother told me dont worry they will be there next year well guess what they were for 3 more years. I guess you can say we were spoiled in the early 90s but why do we get **** on in the 2000s



    Nothing. The fanbase is going to keep filling the seats even if this team goes 0-32 the next two years. Why? Fear. Some mis conceived fear of Ralph or whomever moving the team which isn't going to happen. Again, there is nothing the fan can do but show up till the man dies. Why dies? Because he refuses to sell the team while alive and ONLY with a new ownership, and an entire cleaning of house front office and coaching wise can this team turn around.

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