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Posts posted by DarthICE

  1. The Bills, especially, must build through the draft. We are at a huge disadvantage in recruiting free agents. We can't change the rep of the city but we can get better as a franchise and that may draw some people.




    There it is in a nutshell. We have to start WINNING before we can draw good freeagents again. How? Draft well and coach em up

  2. The wife is right. Anyone as a grown humanbeing that willfully does that to animals has a very dark side to them that is part of the core of his character. He can talk about being changed and all that BS, but he reminds me of the Turtle and the Scorpion story and he is definately a scorpion.

  3. I am seriously starting to wonder if there even IS a first-round worthy QB coming out in the draft this year. Wasn't 2011 supposed to be some big year for QB's???


    I haven't seen one Saturday QB that really impressed me this year.


    I'm an FSU guy too, and even Ponder makes me nervous. Looks like a good 2nd round kind of pick to me.



    Ponder looked like **** when he played OU

  4. The Chiefs obviously have MUCH better ownership, management, and coaches than the Bills. They have drafted well recently are moving in the right direction. It's a good time to be a Chiefs fan.


    I mean, Pioli and Haley vs Nix and Gailey? C'mon now...



    And Weis, Crennel etc. For those still backing Wilson, yeah the Chiefs have sucked, but this is Pioli's 2nd full year as GM and they are at least headed in the right direction with ownership that wants to win. Even if somehow the wheels fall off, the point is the owner is willing to PAY top talent in an attempt to get where he wants to go. Wilson? Hey as cheap as he can get baby!


    Yeah since polian was such a joke right??? Give it a rest ice


    Wilson lucked into Polian and then fired him when he went against Wilsons cheap ways. Where was this team before Polian? Since Polian? Yeah nuff said.

  5. I read an article in USA Today that reflects on this and they are dead on. KC's ownership is committed to WINNING. Look at the money they have invested, they paid greatly to get a guy that is considered 'the' man who built the partriots in Scott Pioli to be GM and handed him football operations. Look at their OC and DC's. Former HC's in some capasity AND Both have WINNING superbowl experience and are regarded as two of the best at their jobs. I am willing to bet that the combined salaries of Nix, Gailey and our coaches is about what Pioli's is alone.


    Facts are Ralph Wilson has never, and will never put a premium on Front office staff and coaching. This has always been his issue and where his 'Cheap ass' reputation comes from, and rightfully so.

  6. Yes he is cheap. I always see his defenders come rushing to the front with the Bills players salaries and I have to LMAO at the pure ignorance. For the 5 billionth time, THE TV CONTRACTS PAY THE SALARIES!!!! There did caps help you? I remember back when Fan TV was still on and Chris Speilman had some chick call in and talk **** about 'we pay your salaries' blah blah blah'. He refrenced the CBA ver batum, article, page whatever and said 'No mam, do the research the TV contracts pay the Salaries, owners are NOT on the hook for them'.


    It has been in articles all over the place in past history, esp when Ralph wouldn't pay John Butler what he was worth and JB said 'screw you old man' with his last draft and bolted to San Diego. It made it out back then that Ralph has NEVER put a premium on a front office. He got Polian on the cheap because he promoted him. He got Marv on the cheap bringing him in when he did. Ralph Wilson has always felt he can just go get anybody to GM and Coach his teams, his history dictates that. Honestly, If Bill Polian hadn't been 'Bill friggin Polian' and been the genius he is, where would this team have been? I guarantee you Marv Levy NEVER makes the HOF if Bill P hadn't surrounded him with a team that had at least 5 HOF players on it and multiple probowlers at one time.


    Why was Polian really fired? My old source that I had way back when said two reasons. 1. Yeah he called Ralphs daughter a bad word and as my source said 'She deserved it'. 1A. Jeffery Litman. That SOB is even more frugal than Ralph which is why Ralph has him. Remember BP got fired about the time Free agency really got started. Why? Jeff wouldn't pay too keep/ bring in players. Bill told them it had to be done, layed out how they were going to have to spend to get quality players or keep their own. Pffft! PAY? are you kidding me? So that ended the BP era and started our downward spiral to becoming the worst ran team in football AGAIN.

  7. other than Jake Locker, Andrew Luck, and Ryan Mallett.


    Jerrod Johnson

    - 6'5, 245 pounds.

    - Senior at Texas A&M

    - Born on July 27th, 1988

    - Started 22 games in 2008 and 2009.

    - Against +.500 competition last season, he put up the following stats: 18 TDs, 4 INTs, 60% completion%, and 273 passing yards per game.


    Colin Kaepernick

    - 6'6, 225 pounds

    - Senior at Nevada

    - Born on November 3rd, 1987

    - Started 34 games between 2007 and 2009.

    - Against +.500 competition last season: 13 TDs, 1 INT, 225 total yards per game, and completed 56% of his passes.


    Christian Ponder

    - 6'3, 227 pounds

    - Senior at Florida State

    - Born on February 25th, 1988

    - Started 22 games in 2008 and 2009.

    - Against +.500 competition last season: 15 Tds, 5 INTs, 288 passing yards per game, and completed 71% of his passes.


    Don't concentrate purely on Luck/Locker/Mallett. They are not the only choices in the first and second round.


    Would that be the same Christian Ponder that got his ass kicked by OU Two weeks ago? No thanks

  8. You're right. The moving vans would be at One Bills Drive faster than you could say "RIP Ralph." No team. problem solved.




    So what? The FACTS are this, the Bills have always and will always suck ass under Ralph Wilson. So either he passes and sells to an owner that is willing to turn this around, or they keep sucking. If you are of the 'at least we have a team no matter how crappy they are' crew then please shut up and quit bitching about the quality of the team put on the field. It will ALWAYS suck under Ralph Wilsons reign.


    Either you take a chance on a new owner or keep dealing with the same crap, you can't have it both ways.


    And one more thing, please post something that can factually back up your claim they are going to move. I for one am tired of the uninformed hysteria out of some Bills fans. This team is going NO WHERE and even if it did move, it would be after the new owner was able to show over years that the team couldn't make it here. Buffalo is guaranteed profit to the NFL vs other locations.

  9. This shocks anyone? Yeah I know Bills fans want to scream 'rumor' and 'back the accusations with some link' or some BS. Bottom line it has been whispered about the league for years, Ralph is a cheap ass. He has never put a premium on GM's or HC's. He feels they are a dime a dozen. Look at the history of this franchis with him as the owner, outside of the Bill Polian years IT HAS SUCKED and will till the day the man dies.

  10. Thank you.


    Thank you, for putting together an entertaining 3 hours of football in what has otherwise been some very frustrating Sundays to this point.


    No one in their right mind had us even IN this game, let alone winning it. As far as I'm concerned this team as a whole can hold their heads high about their performance this afternoon.

    I know, the defense gave up 38 points. But, how do you think the Pats* feel about surrendering 30 pts. to the Bills? Worse than we feel, I'd wager.


    This game gave me some hope that not all Sundays this season are gonna be as dreary as the game vs. Green Bay.


    Some things I saw today:


    1. Fitz's arm isn't as weak as I thought. Had some good zip on alot of passes. Or maybe he just actually resembled an NFL QB. Not sure.. been awhile since I seen one wearing a Buffalo jersey.


    2. Marshawn still runs like a plowhorse in the mud, but the O'line did give him holes to run through.


    3. Spiller should be on the field more often. Why isn't this kid the one running the Wildcat formations? :blink:


    4. Maybin has a looong way to go. His "moves" are laughable. I'd like to see him standing up more.. he takes forever to get out of that 4-point stance.


    5. Cornell Green is terrific.. as in terrible and horrific, rolled into one horrendous adjective. He may be Tuten Reyes bad. :sick:


    6. We seemed to utilize the middle of field very well today. Would like to see more crossing patterns by Roscoe/Lee.. and seam passes to Stupar.



    Ok, that was more than two words.. but, all in all.. it will be much more enjoyable to talk about this game in the morning with my co-workers. :thumbsup:



    GO BILLS!!


    I can tell you this, the group I watch with was going to make Sundays game against NE our last one of the year if they had sucked. We will keep going out at least for awhile after that last one.

  11. You mean the same colleges that makes millions of 18-22 year old kids who don't see a cent of that money? That seems fair.


    And that fact you are on the owners' side just makes more even more confident that the players are right.


    Yeah the same. They get an over 100k education and either bypass it or do nothing with it. I don't feel for them at all. BTW if the owners win, the FANS win. Ticket prices are out of hand and bigger more expensive stadiums are being built to pay those huge salaries. I agree with the owners 100% across the board. Time for employees to be employees again and deal with it. Dont' like it? Then go get a job.


    They dont even know if they're playing next season. How can this be a done deal?



    Because he knows the owners will put an 11th hour deal on the table and either the NFLPA can take it or go on strike. If they strike, there will be replacement games until the NFLPA accepts it. The owners are tired of the inmates running the asylum and I agree.

  12. This is idiotic and going to shorten a lot of players careers. But whatever makes billionaire owners more money!!!


    Bull. Hey here is the deal either they can play the 18 games for the same overall salary or go get a damn job. No one holds a gun to these guys heads and says don't go out and get a degree with that FREE education the college you went to is giving you, instead go play football. Legal term applies here 'Asumption of risk'. They know the risks of putting their bodies through an NFL career and choose to do so.


    I am 100% with the owners across the board with 18 games, manditory BLOOD tests for Steroids, HgH etc, Rookie salary cap and the players not being paid 60% of the teams income. it has gotten WAY out of hand where the EMPLOYEES think they run the business.

  13. This just in: Wes Welker knows well how much the Bills stink.


    Real bad, etc.



    Unpredictable on offense? Uh Wes, did you not see us hang 30 on your asses and it should have been more? and the only thing that was 'predictable' was our Defense sucking since there isn't a person on our front 7 that could start for a decent team in the NFL.

  14. Chris Kelsay is well deserving of a big contract extension.


    He is obviously well respected among players and coaches, as he is a multiple time team captain selection.


    He has never been an off the field issue, he doesn't complain, and provides solid veteran leadership.


    Even if you don't think he is an elite player, the fact is the Bills have to play someone at outside linebacker. Look at the other outside linebackers on the team - Ellis, Torbor, and Maybin? It's not realistic to cut the entire group in one offseason.


    You have to pay somebody to pay outside linebacker for the Buffalo Bills, so it might as well be a good, hard working guy like Chris Kelsay.


    Bull crap! The guy sucks, you don't play below average to average players 24 million over the next few years. another stupid assed move by an inept front office to keep us floundering.

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