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Posts posted by DrDawkinstein

  1. i know this is way off topic now that we're in season. But i know there are a lot of Lost fans here too. i dont watch the show, but this was an interesting read.


    keep in mind, i took it from a site which took it from a site which... you get the idea.


    feel free to move the post. (and no, i didnt get it from a nazi site or anything like that garbage)



    Warning what you are about to read is the biggest spoiler of all

    This is the true mythology of the show as the creators intended

    Any variation in coming episodes from what you are about read is only due to pressures from ABC executives.







    During WWII the Nazi's were obsessed with mysticism, astrology, Atlantis, and yes numerology. 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, were believed to contain the ultimate destiny for the Master Race and all of humanity, these numbers are the great divider between black and white, good and evil, pure and impure blood. They used these numbers in their code machines and in the organization of their concentration camps, they were believed to bring good fortune to the good and pure, and disaster to all others especially those of lower races.


    Nazi numerologists located the Island in the 1940s. When they first arrived like our favorite castaways strange things happened. They quickly discovered the black rock and saw those strange wispy ghost like shadows that Jack and Kate saw. They determined that these were the black souls of the African Slaves in the ship. A number of attempts were made to remove these souls from what the Nazi's believed to be their Aryan Fantasy Island. It wasn't until Nazi grunts sacrificed their lives and poured their blood into the ground that formed a circle around the black rock that created a blood barrier that contained the black souls.


    The Nazi's used numerology to study the island's secrets and through their efforts built a research facility underground, hence the hatch. It was the numbers that told them how far to dig down. In their research they discovered an underground water table, the Nazi's drank the water, some suffered painful deaths others who had injuries, diseases, etc were cured, they more they drank the more healthy most of them became. The Nazi's believed they discovered the fountain of youth and the fountain of death, They believed for the pure blooded, master race Nazi's it was the fountain of youth, for the Nazi's who died they must have had impure ancestry that was not known about. They believed this water would be the great purifier the great equalizer of humanity.


    While they were researching they built a large tank like machine to patrol the island, A machine that could navigate through the jungle with ease. They did not want the secrets of the Island to fall into enemy hands. When the operator of the machine has spilled some of the water on the machine he and the machine became bonded, part man part machine all monster. The Nazi's were not able to control this monster, who destroyed much of their equipment and their transportation home. The Nazi's hid in the underground research facility and created the ultimate hatch to keep the monster out. The Nazi's created the radio transmission broadcasting only the numbers in hope that the only ones who would understand it would be other master race types allies of the Nazi's and rescue them.


    After many years had passed the effect of the water began to wear off, many came to the island over the years and it wasn't until a baby had been bathed in the water did they realize that the water needed to be rejuvenated by an infant. This is what happened to Rousseau's baby, and this is why Ethan Rom wanted Clair's baby.


    Ethan Rom was one of the Nazi's who came to the Island, his real name Erwin Rommel. He had desperately needed the baby since it has been 16 years since the last baby was used to rejuvenate the water that gave him youth.


    Although the Nazi's have applied their twisted master race logic to the island and the numbers, there is some truth to them, Locke who is a white male with blue eyes and fits the Aryan profile has the best luck on the island and his ailments were cured. Hurley who is of Mexican decent who would not be a friend of the Nazi's has had nothing but back luck from the numbers.



    What you will discover is the man that runs the core of it all deep in the bowels of underground research facility is Hitler himself, much like Ethan Rom he and reverted to almost and animal state.



    There it is the true mythology to the show.

    What can I say? Sometimes the truth hurts!

  2. stevewin, are you my girlfriend in disguise? ive watched so much football over the last 3 years and you want specific special team plays? :(


    no, im not able to recall specific plays where he shined. but i watch this team closely with a very critical eye, and im no football fool(havent missed a homegame in 18 years), and i believe that wire has shown me that he is a very good ST player. he doesnt have to lead the team in tackles to be a good force on ST. we both know stats are just stats


    and he is a good tackler.


    maybe we've been watching different games. yeah, i think he (and clements) lost the jax game for us last year (but i blame clements more). yeah, he cant cover and does not deserve to be a starting safety. thats why he isnt one.


    i dont even really like the guy. as i said earlier, i believe we wouldnt win a game if he was our starting SS. i just cant believe anyone is expecting this much from backup players. who are we going to keep with his spot that would make us a better team? George Wilson?


    i will say this: he's a better tackler/coverage guy than Kurt Schulz EVER was.

  3. im not a big coy wire fan. he's definitely not a starting safety. but...


    if youre going to knock him for making tackles in the defensive backfield, you have to knock the D-line and the LBs in front of him that let the runner through. he's supposed to be in the backfield, so that's where he'll tackle. i see a bigger problem with our backup LBs as well. and dont believe the hype that the team and Tasker have been feeding you, our backup LBs are not that good.


    Wire cant cover worth a darn, i said last year we will not be able to win a game til Milloy returned. he probably wasnt the only thing hampering us, but he's a major liability out there on First string D.


    that being said, he's not first string. He's GREAT on special teams, and every team needs a guy who is the clear cut special teams leader. he's that guy. i think his play on ST is part of what brings the rest of the ST squad up.


    i know i contradict myself a little but we're arguing over a SECOND STRINGER.

    i see him as a Special Teams captain first and a safety second.

  4. off the top of my head:


    michael irvin

    ray lewis

    willie williams

    Jammi German (who led a GANG of UM players in the beat down of some track kid)


    sure, none of them spent any time in jail, but that doesnt mean they shouldnt have


    edit: ill google for some more, but cmon, youre gonna argue that Miami isnt KNOWN for being a bunch of thugs?

  5. i think the true question would be Losman vs. Jason Campbell.


    cause you know we wouldve moved up to grab him over rodgers


    and i like Losman a lot, i stand behind our guy. but! im an auburn guy and wouldve really like campbell here. i think he can be a very good nfl qb.


    we'll see!

  6. thanks guys.


    i have no idea what spilled on it. coulda been a number of things.


    i did wash it inside out.


    it survived the gentle cycle. hung it to dry. its all good now.


    and im not about to argue symantics with someone in cincy.


    again, thanks or the help!

  7. if there are new plays, willis already has copies of them.


    and in these OTAs, they only run very few different plays. theyre not out there calling the whole playbook. theyre looking at rookies and fringe players technique, where they have to work, etc.


    id almost rather have him down there where he's happy, working out and not risking injury making a stupid cut in an OTA



    EDIT: thanks for the welcome, glad to be here

  8. hi guys, new poster, long time lurker, used to post in the ol anonymous days


    anyways. mcgahee didnt show up for the OTAs because alumni from the U have their own workouts. meaning he was down in miami training with Ray Lewis and Jeremy Shockey and Warren Sapp and... the list goes on. so thats no too bad.

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