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Louie Armstrong

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Posts posted by Louie Armstrong

  1. Oh baby... give me a link!

    Ya know, with all the fanfair he got when he arrived, I was bummed by the move.... I mean This was Droopy Drew! But he looked like a superstar in that first season and I had hopes.... but after RJ anything was an improvement.


    I really want a Dallas Buffalo SB and I want revenge... I want to sweep the old nemises and clear the board baby.



    I dont have a link for it, but its a Burger king commercial so I'm sure you'll see it. Only bad part...................he's wearing a bills uniform. Its the replay from the ravens game when Deion took it to the house. The King replaces deion on the play. :rolleyes:

  2. I definitely give credit to RJ for winning that game (though I think Flutie was jobbed but that's another discussion).  He made some key plays.  But people just love dogging Flutie.  He made some mistakes but he also played well enough to win.  The team as a whole made some mistakes.  Kelly used to make mistakes in big games, but the team was good enough to overcome them (except the Super Bowls  :blink: ).  I just wanna give credit where credit is due.  Go Losman!!!  :P



    I completely agree! Go JP! Go Bills!

  3. I still maintain it was a mistake to let Flutie play in 1999. As RJ had two great games before the injury against the Colts that cost him his season. I'm not saying we would have made the playoffs in 1999 but it might have allowed RJ to develop into the QB we all hoped he would be or perhaps not.  As to me playing time is the best way to develop a QB. I know someone will mention RJ was a 4th year QB when we got him but he played in a grand total of 8 regular season games when he arrived and only 1 with significant playing time and yes I am a Flutie Hater.



    Point taken, RJ lover, but it's not Dougs fault that RJ couldn't stay healthy enough to play half a season. You can hate on flutie all you want, but the fact of the matter is he won while he was the quarterback for our team, and he got us to the playoffs. Keep defending RJ though, its ammusing. I bet Ryan Leaf and Tim Couch just needed a little TLC too, huh.

  4. Sorry...it's just that game sticks in my craw as much as "home run forward lateral" does.  Especially since the flakes used to carry on about their midget being such a winner and all.





    I'm sure we would have been much better off with RJ playing that entire season? Flutie did a lot for this team when he was here. Say all you want about him causing a divided locker room, being selfish, etc. The guy won a lot more games here then he lost, and led us to the playoffs twice. This does not mean he was immune to an occasional fumble, but most quarterbacks aren't. Besides, I'd rather have a divided team with flutie at quarterback then a "united" team with RJ at the helm. Flutie made bills football exciting to watch when he was here.

    One last thing, I seem to remember Moulds fumbling on the first play of the game as well, which would have been a touchdown. He must suck too.

  5. Roscoe should surely hold out. He's a proven veteran who has outperfromed his contract. Wait, I mean he was a high draft pick. How can Rosenhaus have any leverage at all in these negotiations, if there really is the threat of a holdout? I'm sure the Bills will gladly pay Roscoe what other high second round picks are making, but it would be interesting to hear how much he is really asking for.

  6. I saw a Rome episode last winter where his cameras followed around Jalen Rose for a day. He didnt even score any points in the game (against the clippers?), yet Rome praised him afterwards as being one of the best players and all around greatest guys in the league. Last I checked, Jalen Rose hasnt been the best player on his own team since high school, let alone of the best in the NBA.


    "I'd like to welcome my guest, all pro wide reciver from the buffalo bills, Josh Reed." Rome Sucks.

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