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Ghost of BiB

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Posts posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. I think the Bills have been in a lot of turmoil for several years, and this new management gives me hope they now have a steadier hand.




    1. Should be thrilled to be a number one anywhere.

    2. Has been totally misused. I can't help but feel that has affected attitude, which leads to...

    3. We're talking 20 something kids here, playing the game. A lot of the fans here are 20 something's too - and very few look beyond what they think about any of it. Are young football players suddenly social scientists because they play football?

    4. They are kids with a lot of money. Who here made a few hundred thousand straight out of college? Let alone millions? Some of them step up, some others play basketball. I totally respect the interview process. How many of you guys (the gals know better) wanted Terrell Owens?

    5. See 2,3 and 4.

  2. That's not until tomorrow, BiB.  Today I'm just in San Diego enjoying the weather (although they lie about it always being sunny in CA; we've had only a few hours of sun the whole trip!).


    Thanks all :w00t:







    Fugg you anyway. Just because.


    The cruise thing got you locked in tours? Or can you wander a tad?

  3. Personally, I'm quite happy at my current age (25).  However, it would be great to go back to 17 knowing some of the things I know now.  I would have made a lot fewer mistakes  :w00t: .  But I guess that's part of the growth process.  Have a good birthday and treat yourself to an R-rated movies filled with violence and lots of nudity.  :lol:





    Treat yourself to violence and nudity, and to hell with a movie.

  4. Uh perhaps it's because their poll numbers are in the proverbial crapper?  With mid-term elections coming up here, and Poodle-Boy's party getting its ass kicked regionally in their elections, the parties have dictated a little blood-letting.


    Political BAU (business as usual).



    I'm officially past the point of any partisan caring of any kind. Anything I actually liked about what was going on has been compromised over the last couple years. I don't expect anything better out of the democrats, and in terms of national security - actually expect worse. That's just not their mindset. Republicans have domestic issues located somewhere below the toilet. There just aren't any choices.

  5. It was one of the all time great games!


    You not only had the suspense and excitement of the game but the added suspense that OLN would switch to the AV's game before the Sabres game was over! :w00t:



    LOL...no shidt.

  6. That will be an improvement, better than driving out to Dulles.  I've never been to the store in Fairfax because of the traffic.


    I think the Woodbridge in the web site is actually closer to Dale City, someplace near the Potomac Mills Mall at least that's what a Wegman's employee told me last time I went up there.



    I too heard Potomac Mills.


    As a matter of fact, I thought VABills told me that.


    BTW-I'm in Olde Towne, where are you?

  7. "Shoot...thataway."




    "Thataway.  At the target."


    "But SSgt. JSP, I don't see any target!"


    "Of course you don't, dumbass!  You're firing a non-line-of-sight weapon!" 




    And I'd had you pegged for a loader, too.  "Duhhh...Sarge, I forget again.  Does the pointy end point forward or backward?"



    Why do you think he gets so excited about something that can fire that kind of battery sheaf?


    Quantity, not quality.

  8. I'm almost too embarrassed to admit it...when the Sabres got that penalty with just over 2 minutes left...I couldn't take it anymore. I turned it off and took the dogs for a walk.




    You gotta be kidding me.



    Rubes my man...


    Does the name Frank Reich mean anything to you?

  9. Christ on a cracker, what a game! I almost gave the dog a heart attack on the last goal!!!!!





    I have the picture of eyes wide open, claws scrabbling 100 MPH on a hardwood floor but not going anywhere.

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