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Ghost of BiB

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Posts posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. Harumph.


    Yes, it is on occassion OK to shoot people. Some people need shooting.


    No, not every immigrant is a criminal. But, any illegal immigrant is a criminal by definition. Do all illegal immigrants require shooting? No, but some do.


    Screw Darfur. Worrying about them isn't going to help my problems any, and isn't going to do a thing for them, either.

  2. Blacks come from Africa?  Just what in the hell is that supposed to mean?  I know many black people that were born in the good old US of A.  I consider them americans.  They are not from Africa.  In the same sentence that you say you would racially stereotype them what do you do?  You racially stereotype them.  Nice.


    As for the game, I think shooting any person is wrong.  It is more or less wrong to shoot a person because of his attire.  Are you saying it would be ok to shoot a mexican in the game if he was dressed in a business suit?





    You ever try to sprint across an eight lane highway in a three piece and wingtips?

  3. I've been trying to find a site that breaks things down more than the "pure" statistics. Might have to build a d-base or at least a spreadsheet for 2006. A cursory check of past game statistics show quite a few third + 7 or worse getting converted.


    My other peeve, but related is the amount of first downs given up through penalty. Another cursory check shows the Bills to be near the bottom of that category as well.

  4. The "Noodle Arm" nickname isn't half as clever as the Any_Arm_But_Losman's you came up with. That said, I'll refrain from posting further comments about Losman in this thread.



    Geeze, that would be nice considering this thread was started to purposely talk about something.....OTHER THAN LOSMAN!!

  5. Sorry, my fault.  I said the "L word," which apparently automatically summons Noodle Arm into any thread.


    I'll send you my coordinates by PM.




    At least your thread got some page views and comments...  :lol:



    Nah, don't bother.


    I'm a pacifist now.

  6. You've obviously never lived in Southern California. There are stereotypes, and then there are balls-on-accurate portrayals. Take a look at THIS road sign.


    Is that racist to you? I hope not because that is the sign you see on your way out of San Diego on I-5. And yet there's a sign stereotyping a Mexican mother pulling her kid across a 10-lane highway.


    Do you know why Mexicans are portrayed to look like Speedy Gonzalez? BECAUSE THEY ALL LOOK LIKE SPEEDY GONZALEZ! Drive through the Home Depot parking lot one day and you'll feel like you're in Tijuana.  Straw hats. Bandanas. El Guapo facial hair. It's the way it is, so I suspect you should find another group to stand up for because these folks come here looking like Speedy Gonzalez, with the pregnant chicks and kids in tow, and get instant free everything with a tab picked up by you and me, senor.



    Point is, any group that gets "picked on" has generally done something overall to deserve it. Ignoring those parts in the interest of being "understanding and tolerant" serves only to feed the bad behavior.

  7. Which games specifically do you recall this being a problem?  I seem to remember the Atlanta game being especially bad in that department; but otherwise I don't recall the defense being especially worse on 3rd down than any other down.  Of course I was fortunate enough to miss the game in Miami.



    Buffalo finished last in the league defensively last year on 3rd down stops. Opponents were able to pick up a third down 46.5% of the time. Basically, every second third down attempt.


    Moses could be the QB, throwing to Jesus Christ and it's not going to help if they can't get on the field. Yes, one can also argue that if the offense stayed on the field it wouldn't be as much of a factor - but in my opinion, I still find this stat to be pretty significant.


    By contrast, the Buffalo offense converted third down 36.8% of the time, ranking 20th in the NFL.

  8. I've read posts that said Losman played poorly because he lacked pass protection.  Losman played poorly because there weren't enough running plays called.  Losman played poorly because most QBs play poorly their first nine games.  Losman played poorly because his WRs didn't try hard enough.  Losman played poorly because the playcalling wasn't good enough.  But this is the first thread where I've seen it written that Losman played poorly because the defense played poorly.  By the end of August, let's try to come up with at least three more ways to explain away Losman's poor play!



    Way to totally miss the point, buckshot. Go back and read what I said.

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