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Ghost of BiB

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Posts posted by Ghost of BiB

  1. One way to control the bird flu!  Chicken Frickizee(sp)



    Back in my soil remediation days, I got a call about moving a portable thermal plant to some chicken ranch in North Carolina to incinerate something like 500,000 diseased chickens. We didn't take the job, but I've wondered how strange that might have been.

  2. Positive advice?  I made this statement in this thread on Friday at 12:34pm:

    I can see Miller stepping up his game, I don't think he'll be as jittery with the rebounds again as he was in Game 1.  Emery, on the other hand, will probably play the same way all series.  I don't see 4 goals being a problem for the Sabres.



    I think the "Dora the Explorer" break is really going to hurt the Sens. They needed to get right back on the ice the next day, instead of having the weekend to stew. Emery is likely to overplay tonight. That said, I hope the Sabres looked up the word "Defense" over the weekend.

  3. From the dreaded "Newsspin" POV, perhaps. From the practical side, one could make a strong argument for the appointment. Depends on whether it's more important to people that their perceptions and indignant opinions be satisfied vs. just getting the work done.

  4. Well Labour came third in the local elections in terms of numbers of votes, whilst the Conservatives led by a large margin.


    A large part of the voting patterns was due to a series of mistakes made by cabinet ministers just prior to the local elections. The Deputy PM got caught playing away (he had previously held a holier than thou attitude to the sexual wanderings of opposition MPs/ministers), the Home Secretary presided over a debacle where convicted foreign felons were let out of prisons without being deported and then failed to let his boss know the full situation, and one or two other misfires elsewhere in the cabinet.


    Safe to say the two named were stripped of a lot of responsibilities/sacked respectively.


    Also there was a fair bit of political manoevering on the part of the PM to keep his faction of the party in the ascendant.


    Blair himself will not be around much longer in his role as PM, he has stated that he will step down before the next election (and he probably will need to in order for his party to do (relatively) well). Iraq does not help much either (most of those who back the war are not Blair/Labour supporters anyway).



    Thanks for the post.

  5. Do they complain about those oil pumping things too?


    I think the windmill farms look cool.  It enables you to actually see the power of the wind (live) instead of just hearing or feeling it.  I love wind.


    Which is probably partly why I hang out here, there is SO much of it.




    Got a lot of gravity there, too.

  6. Hmmm...meanwhile, back in the jungle...


    In all, 31 chimpanzees escaped two weeks ago by using sticks to get out through a sliding metal door, said Balasingam Amarasekeran, head of the Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary outside Freetown


    "We never thought they could use sticks to destroy" the door, Amarasekeran said. "We are dealing with species that are very intelligent."


    Apparantly, a lot more intelligent than you are, nimrod...

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