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Reuben Gant

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Posts posted by Reuben Gant

  1. These are the people that Sheehan is allying herself with. There is a Code Pink contingent down at Camp Wacko down in Crawford.


    Just curious, and I don't think protesting outside of hospitals is at all tasteful, but if you were against this war, what would be the correct way to protest it?

  2. Just wondering. How good are Willis' hands and the hands of the

    rest of the backs. It was hard to know last year when Drew was

    throwing them 95 mile per hour skip passes.


    What I need to know is this, I have a side bet with a friend that

    Willis won't catch more than 38 balls this year. I have $20 that

    says the screen play is coming back big. (I am thinking he catches 40 balls)


    How good are his hands? And while we are at it, of the RBs,

    who has the best hands?

  3. I love this little piece of BS that has grown to such legend around here.


    He passed for 4300 yards!  He didn't do it all in the first half.  Yeah the records reversed but he ended up 8-8, 5 games better than the 3-13 team he came to.


    And Price, Riemersma, Larry Centers gone the next year and Moulds out 4, Travis out 4(and Moulds returning with no interest in running at above 40% capacity) all Bledsoe's fault.  People are too damn lazy to look beyond the frikkin' QB position for answers and blame.  Blame the QB. 


    I pity poor Losman.  He doesn't have a clue what it's going to be like when the Anybody But Bledsoe crowd wakes up .


    You still have that Bledsoe jersey don't you? it's okay, we understand.

  4. Hi there...


    I am 23, she 19, and have to drive back to PA right after the game, so I won't be drinking much, if at all...


    Do you guys think it's a good idea to come to this game to see our team play, or should I try to plan it around a neutral weekend where we can wear Bills stuff and not have to worry at all?




    Mind your manners and you should be fine. Leave the Jets stuff at home to be safe.

  5. Pat Friggin' Robertson could do almost anything and still have zero effect on my life.


    Pat Robertson probably has already affected your life.






    Founder of the christian coalition it is the most well organized christian

    lobby in america. Their organization and donor lists are top notch, and

    were given to Ralph Reed. I say this with some grudging respect, this is not

    too far off the mainstream. They are kingmakers.

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