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Everything posted by Scraps

  1. Do you want your state to follow Texas example on how to run a power grid?
  2. To what extent do legacy costs such as pensions affect the competitiveness of US goods.
  3. I have family in Texas. This puts them at risk. The virus doesn't know borders. What happens in Texas isn't likely to stay in Texas. With more infections, there is likely to be more mutations, some of which may be resistant to vaccines. Texas has done a particularly poor job with the virus. I'll make the same observation about Mississippi. I think these governors are just pandering to a constituency at the expense of the rest of us. If they had at least gotten their most vulnerable population immunized, I wouldn't consider it to be so reckless and self serving. Given the acceleration in Vaccine availability, waiting another month or so would not have been so bad.
  4. I'm not sure how familiar you are with where the cherry blossoms are but the parking is extremely limited. Most people get there by the Metro, which is operating at a severely reduced schedule. Hence, there is an increased risk by packing a bunch of people in a subway car. It isn't stupid like closing a beach.
  5. WOOOOHOOOO!!! The state with 8th highest positivity rate in the country and the 6th worst vaccination rate has decided to distract its citizens from its horrible electric grid with a new wave of Covid. PARTY!!!
  6. Who is paying for all this? The county has performed the mandatory audits prior to certification and found nothing. Since then they've had 2 companies audit the Dominion voting machines which both concluded the machines worked as expected.
  7. Most of the problems caused by Katrina were poor design by the Army Corps of Engineers, not Louisiana. Though I do fault anyone stupid enough to buy a home below sea level as well. Are those state or Federal owned lands?
  8. I would think he bases his opinions on the data at hand from SARS COV-2 when it is available. Where hard data with this particular virus does not exist, they extrapolate based on other coronaviruses and respiratory diseases. I wouldn't so much call it guess work or shooting from the hip. Think of it this way. If you were trying to avoid a flood, were driving down the road and came to to fork in the road, would to take the high road or the low road? BTW, this is actually how the Covid test the WHO used came about. A researcher who heard about this mysterious illness in January 2019 guessed that it was a cousin of the SARS virus. He made a test to detect SARS. He was right. That test would detect SARS COV-2. It actually detects both but since SARS COV-1 isn't currently spreading in the human population, it was good enough.
  9. Trumptards say the dumbest things. More data is on Covid than just about any scientific topic?? Seriously? There is more scientific data on Covid than there is on HIV, cancer. heart disease, tuberculosis, ebola, aeronautics, space travel, climate change? That is just a smattering of topics. Its funny how the right wing echo chamber went nuts fear mongering during the ebola epidemic of 2014 poo pooing everything the scientific community said at the time, claiming we didn't know enough about the ebola, even though it had been around for over 38 years, but now, with a virus that has been around less than 1.5 years, they expect perfect knowledge and clarity.
  10. Trumptards say the dumbest things. Why would you believe that would be Fauci's role? He is a career scientist at the research arm of the DHHS. The National Stockpile was under the CDC. It would be like saying the Naval Research Laboratory would be responsible for the supply chain for the B-2 Bomber in the Air Force. One person who could have affected the stockpile was Trump. He actually proposed cuts to its funding. Fixed that for ya.
  11. The Republican controlled Congress appropriated less funds than the Obama administration requested for this. Trump requested less funds than Congress appropriated.
  12. This is hardly surprising. Turtleman only cares about his power, or getting more. He's looking to the midterms to regain the majority. He can't do that without Trumps loony base so he put out some BS to assuage the more moderate Reublicons, but never, ever was he going to vote guilty.
  13. Whatever happened to this guy? Surely is someone like that guy was on the jury he would see it as both right and necessary to convict Trump.
  14. Well it kind of helps in a conversation to make relevant responses. Why should anybody bother to pay attention to you if what you say is irrelevant?
  15. Really. Big Blitz, the person you responded to, brought up Raskin. I was responding about Democrats brought it both your and his posts. I don't find it particularly relevant that he objected to 10 electors on some technical matter and was overruled by another person that Big Blitz brought up. Its not as if he incited an insurrection then sat back an gloated like Trump did.
  16. I did not bring up Raskin. I responded to someone else who brought up Raskin. I did not know he did that and I don't know why you think this is so relevant. So what's your point?
  17. How often have Raskin, Biden, Warren or any other politician asked people to show up in DC, direct them to go to the capitol and fight then sit back and gloat while a riot ensued, gallows were erected, police beaten with poles, pepper sprayed and crushed in doors?
  18. Many questions have been answered. What led to January 6th was a disinformation campaign by a sore loser, his sycophants, a right wing propaganda media that masquerade as "news" and a compliant cult following that filters out news they don't want to hear.
  19. This is a weasel worded response. What he had a right to do and what he should have done are two entirely different things. He would have had to flip multiple states that he lost by 10,000 votes or more. This simply wasn't going to happen. The right thing to do would have been to put the country first, concede and instruct his administration to aid in the peaceful transfer of power. His team didn't miss every deadline. His team failed to provide convincing evidence of a problem. If you believe he lost the election, why don't you believe the courts ruled correctly? Maybe but that doesn't mean the mail in ballots were fraudulent. There were things that could have been done before the election but state legislatures decided to not do. That is on the legislatures and meant it might take some time to determine the winner. If I'm not mistaken, the law that was changed happened in 2019, long before the pandemic. It was in place for the primaries and Trump wasn't complaining about those results. The only questionable issue I've heard was accepting ballots postmarked by the close of election day and accepted up to 3 days later. Those ballots were segregated and are insufficient to change the results. The bigger problem with Pennsylvania was that the Republican controlled legislature refused to change rules to allow mail in ballots to be counted before election day. Florida used to wait until after election day too, until Bush vs Gore. If all states were to count but not publish votes as they came in, everything would have been known on election night or very shortly thereafter. That is a change I could get behind. Is this really something that would change the election? Does every question need to be answered. Do the questions of every Sandy Hook doubter need to be answered. I'm pretty sure Joe, Kamala, Jill, Doug and their families voted for Biden.
  20. So the virus isn't real. How do you explain the dead bodies?
  21. If you believe Trump lost, shouldn't he have admitted as much and not filled people's heads with nonsense about a stolen election? Shouldn't he have put the country first and engaged in an orderly, peaceful transfer of power like his predecessor afforded him? What in the election needs to be tightened? What lack of transparency are you talking about? What serious **** ups along the way are you talking about? You do realize the Rs lost the Senate.
  22. You're trying to spread the blame to the mayor of DC. That simply is not her jurisdiction. Do you believe the big lie? From Politifact. Dec. 19: Trump tweeted his praise for a report by his adviser Peter Navarro alleging election fraud: "A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" Bottom line, take Trumps repeated lies, his invitation to come to DC and his telling people to go to the Capitol and none of this would have happened. Trump is responsible for the insurrection.
  23. The Capitol, Mall, Ellipse and White House do not fall under the DC mayor's jurisdiction. That is under Federal authority. There would have been no problems if Trump had accepted the results of the election, like the previous 44 losers had, hadn't repeatedly spread a big lie, hadn't asked his followers to come to DC and be wild and hadn't told his followers that they were going to the Capitol.
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