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Bob in SC

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Posts posted by Bob in SC

  1. Add one more - clock management . MM was terrible.

    Things that good coaching staffs strongly influence are: 1 - better preparation for opponents (beyond the first drive and especially after the first half), 2 - better execution (simple plays like picking up a yard on 3rd and 1 will work if you execute them correctly),  3 - fewer mental errors (reduce penalties, sacks, turnovers), 4 - winning attitude (steal a few games).  Last year we could have beat New England once, the Jets twice, and both New Orleans and Atlanta (a home game loss).


  2. Thank you for a rational evaluation of Holcomb. All we have to go on is past performance and, on that basis. he rises to the top. I hope things get better forJP or even Nall but there is no evidence of it to date, Give KH a break!

    Yeah, I'm not saying KH is the greatest QB in the world.  But is a solid one.  He led us to 3 wins in 7 starts (though he gets credit for the KC game, I don't count that).  So he went 3-3 on a 5-11 team with one of the worst defenses in the league last year and a horrible OL.  That's not too bad. 


    All people point to is his 4th and 7 play.  Well, newsflash.  He was a big part of the reason we were in the game to begin with.  When was the last time we were in a position to steal a game in NE.  So in short, KH isn't great but he isn't that bad either.  Hopefully, Losman starts and if he does, we have one of the best backups in the league (and just because it's in a magazine doesn't make it true  ;) ).


    P. S.  Holcomb's arm didn't look that bad on the bomb he hooked with Evans in Cincy for our longest completion of the season.  ;)


  3. Any mention of "camp" and "injuries" will brand you the title of "Nostradammit" if something happens, no matter which way you try to word it.


    Past winners.....

    2003 - Dan Gross

    2004 - stevestojan



    Moorman. The punt may be our best weapon this season.

  4. Certainly can't be anyone who ever saw Sestak play.  Dunaway, McDole, Day and Sestak is the best defensive line the Bills ever put on the field.  Backed up by Jacobs, Tracey and Stratton, Booker Edgerson and Byrd in the corners, Saimes and Hagood Clarke at safety...Ah...there was a defense for the ages!



    :doh: Damn. you are old! I remember all of them. I suppose you liked the first round pick of Richie Lucas in 1960 and wondered how he would compete with Tommy O'Connell for the QB job. Perhaps, you also remember that Elbert Dubenion was not the great player that some seem to recall via revisionist history. He was a bust as a RB and was known (by some of us) as Golden Thumbs as a receiver. But he was fast!

  5. Take the family to Rick's Tallyhoes and then down  the picturesque Genesee Street. There is a lovely Mcdonalds at Genesee and Bailey. Friday night is half off  a round of bullets night.



    Hey, my father and I were born in a house (2123 Bailey) at Genesee and Bailey (many years ago). It's hard to believe that it was once a nice peaceful German neighborhood with many local merchants. Now, you'd be lucky to get out alive on a Friday night.

  6. thanks for your input. I've probably been a fan of the Bills longer than you've been alive.




    So have I. And that counts for what? Nothing. This is not a pi$$ing contest. Give him a break - the guy may have a point. Maybe Bills fans need to take a "wait and see" attitude now and then. Would YOU ;) consider it?

  7. If Flutie would have started that playoff game instea of Rob Johnson we would have won that game.

    What a killer mistake that was for Wade Phillips. We had the #2 defense that year to take this team deep into the playoffs.



    Have to agree. Regardless, Flutie has been the most exciting Bills' QB since Kelly. I will never unerstand the hatred he evoked. A gutsy, talented little guy who gave it his all. What if Doug had been 6' 4"? Think of it! Would there have been as much negativism?

  8. biscuit, i really dont care who u are and if i am messing with u.  u are just mad because your boy got beat out and now u are looking for any oppurtunity to bash willis.  oh and by the way those runs did exist i watched every single snap the last three years. i will say what i want whenever i want to! deal with it.  dont be so sensative especially when u yourself call call your boy travis to dumb to run routes. that seems pretty harsh, just a little bit.... :w00t:



    Please consider capitalizing "dumb ass" in your future posts. :lol:

  9. :)

    I agree, being able to scramble is big in this day and age. Along with that Losman's accuracy is very good. He has an extremely strong arm, he's smart, works hard and is a very determined to do well in the NFL and he will.


    With a half decent O-line he will only get better and better.

    Sometimes a big game comes down to the last play. To be able to run or throw becomes huge.


    Just ask the Horns!!!! :P

    The Young's,  Losman's , Vicks, they are the future of the NFL. :D



    "Losman's accuracy is very good." I'm not sure which games you watched last year. College performance? :doh:

  10. So you know who is a good player and who is not before they play an NFL game/ Are Whitner and McCargo going to be good players or not? Please provide the answers because I don't really feel like waiting to see them on the field.



    There are always intangibles. For example, does this year's Ohio State connection increase the likelihood that Nate might re-sign to a fair contract? Could be. :lol:

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