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Buffalo Baumer

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Posts posted by Buffalo Baumer

  1. the chargers safety was caught with COUGH SYRUP...




    Yeah, just cough syrup - sounds like a really good guy........


    codeine-based cough syrup can be used to enhance, mitigate or temper other drugs, including cocaine and PCP.


    "It goes right to the heart of what really is fueling an already out-of-control, raging fire of abuse of pharmaceutical drugs," Fernandes said.


    Kiel was a second-round draft pick in 2003.


    Three months after being drafted, Kiel was shot three times during an attempted carjacking in Houston. Kiel returned to play in all 16 games as a rookie, including eight starts.


    It was the second run-in with the law by a Chargers player this month.

  2. What do you think about sobriety checkpoints at every exit at all NFL stadiums after every game? :D



    If the NFL wants to install checkpoints after each game, I'm all for it. Obviously you could not have them stationed at all exits but if people knew that there is a chance they would be pulled over, you would see a lot more designated drivers.


    I know your statement was meant to be sarcastic but I would not doubt that there will be checkpoints in the near future.......

  3. The bottom line is that these players that are arrested because of intent to sell should be taken out of the game. I do not think it is fair to throw them out for good if it is a minor arrest and has happened for the first time. Once they are warned though, bam - out. These guys that take on criminal activity should be banned from the NFL on first offense. Guidelines need to be set and they need to be enforced.

  4. I'd be willing to bet that there are twice as many crooks per millionaire in the business world than in the NFL. ;)



    And if that person in the business world is busted for insider trading or drugs, I bet ya they would not be working for that company much longer. Of course there are just as many people outside of sports dealing in criminal activity and if they are convicted, they are done.

  5. After reading about the Chargers safety that was busted yesterday on drug charges, I realized that it is time to stop glazing over these arrests without justified punishment. Until now, I have never really put much thought into how many of these players are getting off scott free.


    I think it is up to the NFL to install a one and done policy IMMEDIATELY. There is a different arrest every single week and it is getting way out of control. These guys obviously came from a tough upbringing BUT they have every reason in the world to straighten up and they still can't make the right decisions. Enough is enough - you get caught on one of these charges and you are OUT OF THE NFL FOR LIFE!!!!!! Maybe losing their meal ticket will make them think twice....

  6. I am hoping that the Bills don't run into the same problem with Brad Johnson as they did with Pennington. I am pretty sure that Johnson gets rid of the ball with equal speed wich could really pose prblems for the Bills front 4.


    Our guys need to watch a lot of tape and come up with a gameplan to get to the QB again. On the flip side, you better believe that the Vikings staff will be showing their boys exactly how Pennington did it.

  7. I guess what I am trying to say is that this Sunday is a real big one. No longer are fans able to claim "sure wins" like the Jets. Every week is going to be a battle and a Vikings win would really go a long way for many reasons. I know claiming "sure losses" as I did in above post probably does not go over so well either but I would need to see even further improvement to give those teams a run for their money.


    Not many people were talking Playoffs before the season started and that Miami win and close call Pats game sent people into a frenzy. Let's keep the expectations level and just be happy to see improvement each week. Playoffs - hey you never know but without this home win against the Vikes, it would be pretty darn tough.

  8. against Colts, Jags, Bears and Chargers, that puts us at 6 losses. That means that Buffalo HAS to beat all the teams we were predicting at the beginning of the season. Assuming 10-6 wins the division (maybe 9-7) Buffalo has already made this Vikings game a must win. It does not matter that it is only the 4th game of the season, that loss to the Jets makes the Vikings game AT HOME a MUST win. (for those who still want to talk playoffs)

  9. If the Bills can't figure the third down problems mentioned in above post - Vikings will punish us. The Bills matched up perfectly against that Jets team and still had fans heading for the exits halfway through the 4th.


    Buffalo should have stomped on the Jets' throats after the start of that game. Instead, they let them hang around long enough for the Bills to start beating themselves.

  10. I suppose that could be a good thing in the long run if they can ever get this losing mentality out of their collective systems. If the offense puts up the yards, they turn the ball over. If the Defense steps up, they give up points at the worst time of the game.


    One constant that will continue to add up to losses is the hair pulling tendancy to give up third downs. Not only does the defense crumble at crucial third downs, the offense continues to struggle at getting third downs. Until these are corrected, the same old crap is going to be repeated every monday morning. The offense played well BUT...... the Defense played well BUT. This team is one of the worst in the business (on both sides of the ball) when the game is on the line.


    Teams that win show up in these situations and teams that don't will continue to lose. People talk about this team desreving respect - WHY?


    The bottom line is that pretty much everyone expected this team to be 1-2 after 3 weeks and that is exactly what the are. Someone needs to step up on this team and make the big play happen. #51 where are you? The AFC East is looking like the worst division in the league so it is not time to give up yet!!!

  11. So far people can make the complaint that "he hasn't won games for us."  But that's not what he's being asked to do.  He is definitely NOT losing games for us.  If he can keep that up it'll be great.  Because it'll mean we can go in the offseason and upgrade anything that can be perceived as losing the games for us.



    Exactly, it would be great to go into the off-season knowing precisely what you need to upgrade (without pointing to 10 different psoitions). A nice little upgrade to the O line, possibly a monster DE or an extra skill position need........what a great feeling to know that this team is not that far away!

  12. Bills will be in the Playoffs for years to come. The only important question mark (that I still believe will take time to answer) is if Losman is a true starter in this league. The fact that he has been (almost) mistake free after the first two games is a huge step forward. These Buffalo Bills have a ton of young talent and with another draft and free agent period, they are really going to be a team to be reckoned with.


    My one hope by the end of the year is that Losman has proved that he is going to be a solid starter on this team for years to come. Here is to Losman and here is to the home opener..........Bring it on!!!!

  13. I was reading Tuesday Morning QB on ESPN.com and and could not believe what I saw - this same exact scenario and article was written last year when Mularkey was here in Buffalo making the bone headed decisions - (here is part of the article)


    In other football news, fortune favors the bold! Trailing Buffalo 13-0 in their home opener, the Dolphins faced a fourth-and-1 on their own 40 at the end of the third quarter. As the punt unit trotted onto the field, TMQ thought, "This has got to be a fake. No self-respecting high school team would punt in this situation." I was sure the up-back would creep toward the line as if counting defenders, then put his hands under center, take the snap and plunge straight ahead. Skies darkened and lightning flashed above my house as the football gods showed their displeasure when the Miami punter swung his leg. As punishment for this ultra-fraidy-cat call, the football gods caused the punt to be blocked; Miami went on to lose 16-6. Down by two touchdowns at home, one yard to go on your own 40 -- you can't seriously be punting! Which leads to the question of whether football teams should ever punt -- a question that will be the subject of an upcoming column.




    You gotta love Mularkey :pirate:

  14. ... for the home-opener. With us nearly beating the Patriots IN New England, handling the Dolphins IN Miami, McGahee averaging 80 yards a game and Losman having not thrown a pick yet. That stadium is going to be friggin rocking. Someone needs to bring a mic and record the noise for all of us who cant go.


    Anyone have tickets they wanna give away?  :pirate:



    I just got my dad 50 yard line front row visitor side tickets for $150 per - not too shabby

  15. Chambers' previous 6 games against the Bills (before the monster game):

    10/09/05 4 catches for 60 yards


    12/05/04 5 catches for 49 yards


    10/17/04 3 catches for 23 yards


    12/21/03 1 catch for 23 yards 1 TD


    09/21/03 5 catches for 51 yards


    12/01/03 2 catches for 17 yards


    Clements will be fine and the people who bashed him after the last Miami game have very short term memories.  :(



    Clements has been burned plenty over the past year and some of these penalties that he has taken are absolutely inexcusable.

  16. Wow, of all the Bills I could imagine showing up on the TSW "tar and feather" list I would have expected Takeo to be among the last.  But how fast folks turn. 


    Don't give him a benefit of a doubt because he happened to be told about TV just before his presser, not getting a chance to let his emotional reaction die down before talking to the press.  Don't suggest how the press (let alone you numbskulls) would react to him taking the sage advice of "STFU" and saying "next question" when the press asks his reaction to TV being put on IR.  Nope, TKO has instantly turned from emotional leader of the team to locker room cancer, from physical specimen to constantly injured, from team leader to next out the door.


    I'd use the word pathetic here, but it simply doesn't seem to be strong enough a word.



    I could not agree more - pathetic.

  17. A lot of people are getting down on Willis and some other Bills but I feel that this is really time for Nate Clements to show that he is a number one corner in this league. He has plenty to prove if he wants to pick up that big paycheck at the end of the year.


    With Spikes most likely out agianst the Phins, everyone is really going to have to step it up a notch and make some plays to win these close ones (not lose them Nate).

  18. Bull sh--.  Who's the anchor on the NE line?  How about Denver?  Carolina??


    Bad offensive lines like Oakland are built by using high picks on 1 guy.  Good lines in the current era are built by having a depth of mid range guys with solid fundamentals who can play more than 1 position.



    I would say Logan Mankins is a stud and maybe you have not seen what happened to the Seahawks line when Hutchinson left!!!! Carolina's line is nothing to write home about.

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