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Buffalo Baumer

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Posts posted by Buffalo Baumer

  1. I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.




    That is not true at all. I lived in Chicago for ten years and felt that Buffalo was a great city to go back and raise a family. I can honestly say that attending Bills and Sabres games played a part in that decision. It was not the ONLY reason but it certainly was a heavy plus on the pros and cons of moving back.


    There are plenty of people who have these teams running through their blood and have made certain decisions based on their love for supporting their city at these games!!

  2. One of the reasons I moved back three years ago is because I knew that when I started a family, it was unimaginable to go to sporting events and not be routing for Buffalo. Sabres and Bills are a big part of me and I can not wait to take the kids (when old enough to the games).


    I was able to open up my own office and work for the same company I had worked for in Chicago. My wife even fell in love with the city and she is FROM Chicago!! Don't see that too often.

  3. Home game??? Being a season ticket holder, I wanted to know how people think about missing a quarter of the season when it is all said and done (assuming final home game is blacked out).


    This is getting ridiculous and even though I am fortunate enough to attend the games, it is upsetting to know that everyone outside of the stadium is getting ripped off.


    Something is definitely wrong with this scenario and I am NOW starting to think people have given up on these guys after not watching some of the games.

  4. Just like the Patriots have done for what seems like the past 100 years, the Bills are just starting to stick players in and getting results. It looks like the Bills have some good young players on this team who have bought into the system here.


    Don't overlook how impressive yesterday was with a lot of new guys stepping in and carrying their weight. I thought Leonard and Ellison both had a great game and can you believe the play of the Offensive line??!! :(


    The best part about it is that maybe there are not as many holes on this team as people had thought. With the cap money the Bills have, they should be able to keep players like Clements and Fletcher while picking up some run support. These guys believe in themselves right now and it will make for a very interesting off-season.


    A strong finish to the season, free agency and a good draft could really put these guys in the running next year.



  5. Only once I can remember the D doing it when called upon (the three & out vs. Houston) that gave us the chance to win.  Otherwise they fail over and over in the 4th quarter in particular.  This was the first game in the last 5 we allowed under 400 yards, which is a joke.


    Some stats and random points.....


    Game 1 vs. New England - They run out the clock the last 6 minutes...

    Miami & Minn - Both score and get close in the 4th.  Minnesota misses a pass that would havbe put them ahead the last minute

    NYJ - We get to 21-13 and they promptly score the next drive 60 yards

    Det - Hold it the last 4 minutes, converting a crucial 3rd & 5 to end the game

    Indy - Hald the last 6 minutes

    Jax - Tie the game on their last drive with 29 seconds left.  Includes a qb scramble and 4th & 15.

    SD - 80 yards 8 minutes....  Can't stop them from scoring a TD.  A Fg and we had a chance....


    Add to that we keep running when we are gaining nothing....




    3 words






    None of these guys EVER come up with the big play on Defense to win a game in the end. At least the offense is starting to find ways to come up with the big play - 3 games in a row.

  6. I know there were a lot of things that ticked me off about the refs yesterday but that REALLY WAS THE MOST blatant non pass interference call. Was it me or were other people just waiting for a flag. As soon as I saw Reed go down, I was like " wow, the Bills are at least going to tie this game."


    Even after I did not see an initial flag, I was not worried as I was thinking to myself "it must be on the field somewhere - I just can't see it." Never, in a million years, did I ever expect a non call. It was disgusting and just a total disgrace that things like that can happen at HOME!!!!


    It has been a long time since I was this pissed off especially when the slim playoff hopes were extinguished because of it. I don't want to hear this crap about not letting the game get to a point where one play decides it!! It was BS and unacceptable!! I hate everybody!!!! :D

  7. Especially when it comes to drawing up a gameplan. After a few questionable moves in the beginning of the season, I think the Bills staff is starting to gel just like the team. They are starting to really get to know the players strengths and creating schemes to play to those strengths.


    Maybe they have found out the temporary solution to the O-Line until something better becomes available. Most importantly, I think the players have really bought into the Coaches and trust whatever direction they go.


    We, as fans, are hopefully watching the building of something special that will only get better in the coming years. Even the players have commented (more than once) over the past few weeks on how this is starting to look like a "team" again.


    Keep up the good work :P

  8. Life doesn't happen in a vacuum.  Have you looked at the WNY economy lately?  Then put the support the Bills get in context.  The number of people that *will* be there even without a sellout is more than what some other franchises have in a full house (counting no shows).  This is a small, regional market to boot...


    Now you tell me what's fair...?  Personally, I don't think Bills fans need to be embarrassed about anything.  Folks eat, sleep and bleed Bills up there - what else does the NFL want?  Just their $$ apparently...Nothing else matters...



    It just seems odd that they were able to sell out during the worst of times and now people are choosing to be a no show. Hey, if people can't afford to go, there is nothing wrong with that but when you can get two tickets for $60 on Ebay, something is up.

  9. I am sure that every person here has a different idea of why the Bills game will not be televised for a 2nd week in a row but I am having a hard time stomaching it. Even though I will be at the game, I just find it depressing that there are 9,000 tickets left with 48 hours to go.


    Have a lot of people placed their $$ towards Sabres games? Has the interest in this team really gone down the tubes after 6 years of misery?? The Bills are starting to take on an identity (FINALLY) and look like they are taking on a team atmosphere. It is just too bad that NOW people are missing out on the turning point.

  10. All I know is that we have a game that means something in December!! That is all I could have hoped for this year. That throw and catch by Losman and Price really goes a long way when keeping the fire stoked for the team and the fans.


    Let's show these Chargers what a REAL 12th Man can do on Sunday!!!!!!!

  11. Good to see the weather will be turning. Start saving up your lung power right now because Buffalo has a Playoff game on Sunday. If they can pull that one off (get an early lead) anything is possible. I really hope that game is sold out so people can see this team on TV.


    I am fired up and that is all I ever asked from this team. Just give us something to cheer about!!!!


    12th Man was rocking and it can only get better!! Maybe this will be the game where Spikes turns a corner !!

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