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Posts posted by Sundancer

  1. 3 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    You use science to determine the number of antibodies needed, that concept you keep talking about without understanding. And I literally quoted the Merriam Webster dictionary for the second part. You are such a tool you asked for the real definition were given it and then called the scientific definition careless. 

    I’ll ask again. What is the level of antibodies, assuming you get a test that determines same, that confers immunity and as a follow up, how does that wane so you can continue to feel confident?


    Hint. There’s only one right answer. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

     The original post in regards to antibodies I posted stated that we should be looking into what ever number that is needed for protection, but we are not currently. Reading comprehension should be your first course of action.


    So wait. You want to test for antibody levels to determine a level of immunity when we don’t know what level of antibodies confers immunity. 

    Perfect Timmy. Just perfect. 

    1 hour ago, Buffalo Timmy said:



    Also your definition of a super spreader event is incorrect both in actual definition and how it is used by media. The real definition is an event or location at which a significant number of people contract the same communicable disease. The media uses it to blame conservatives for Covid. 

    Oh ok. So there are no super spreader events until we know a “significant” number of people catch Covid from it. 

    Hahaha. You’re so careless with your words Timmy. Give up. 

    1 hour ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    Fair for the west to be accused of vaccine hoarding. Here we are giving healthy 30 year olds booster shots. Even the WHO felt that was the worst use of vaccines. 

    Truth. We should have started vaccinating elsewhere once we did our at risk people but we’ve taken a different America First approach. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 29 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I have been very vocal  vaccines do not work as advertised , and they are not even close. They do not provide sterilized immunity or prevent transmission of the virus. If you want to argue that, please do. Hense they are not a vaccine. 

    And You think people are being treated the same today as they were a year ago? You think the anti body treatments were being administered last year in significant numbers? 

    and okay, you think new therapeutics getting approved is pure speculation, I think it’s it’s an absolute certainly for both Merck and Pfizer. Bet ya $50 to your favorite charity. 

    and if you think Spanish Flu did not die out you just debating words. It became endemic and we still dealing with it today, but it certainly did not continue to drop hundreds of thousands as it did in its peak.. hense it freaking died out. 

    Ya see, I was all in the vaccines and am willing to acknowledge with new evidence they do not work as a vaccine, so they don’t work. 

    you refuse to look at evidence and acknowledge anything that goes against your preconceived notion these vaccines work as a vaccine. They don’t, and evidence of the numbers and actions of those is power confirm it. 

    Again, why the state of emergency in NYS if the vaccines work ? 

    OK so the vaccines don’t work according to your definition. Spanish Flu didn’t die out also due to your definition. Gotcha. I didn’t realize you were a medical lexicographer! 

    The vaccines prevent death and hospitalization. That’s pretty great. Sterilizing immunity seems to be strong for a time then wanes. Boosters and wider spacing between shots seems to give even more protection vs positive tests. Is it 100%. Nope. Is it the best tool we currently have. Yup. 

    NYS being in a state of emergency is stupid and a political question not a scientific one. Hospitalizations in NY (darker red means worse). 




  4. 14 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    I would be overjoyed if the vaccines worked as they were advertised. We were fed 91 and 96 % efficacy against contracting Covid, that even if you were in the small group that did get Covid you would not spread. It is clear based on case counts that is not the case. We were told the vaccines provided sterilizing immunity, they do not. 

    I am happy they appear to provide a modicum of therapeutic value within a few months of the jab. 

    having said that, we are now going into year 3 of Covid worldwide. I would submit a couple of points. 


    1) most , not all, virus mutate over time to become more transmissible and less deadly to their hosts. 

    2) it’s 2021, medical information and research is crazy good and shared across the world in real time. The medical community is continually learning how better treat symptomatic and severe cases. 

    3) we have therapeutics like the dexy steroid and mono clonal antibodies that impact fatality rates

    4)  new therapeutics should be approved shortly. 

    5). All of those can explain the drop in fatalities attributed to Covid. 

    The absolute belief that the vaccine works and is our only way “out” of the Covid phase of our history seems to me misplaced. Skepticism and investigations   should be through the roof right now. Maybe the numbers decreased in the spring cause it was the spring, and not cause of anything the vaccine did. When the pills arrive and Covid becomes less fatal, it will also be credited to the vaccine. 


    Annnd I dunno , why did Spanish Flu and H1N1 die out after at latest 3rd wave  with no vax, but here we are with a vaccine and about to enter out 4th? Is the vaccine having some sort of crazy effect  on that? Is the fact that you can still contract the virus  allowing for the virus to act differently? I don’t know, but I think the question sure as hell should be asked and investigated. 

    Call me nuts and I am picking off easy targets , but when NYS is declaring a new State of Emergency amid 80% vax rates and the cult of vaccines keeps saying vax is only way out I just see insanity. 



    That’s a straw man post to which no one here is taking the other side on most issues and quite a comedown from your vaccines don’t work post earlier this week. 


    For the record, #1 has not yet been shown with this virus, #2 and #3 are the same, and #4 is pure speculation still. 


    And the Spanish Flu H1N1 didn’t die out. Stop saying dumb things. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    I can't believe I have to explain to an adult that if you have a large amount of antibodies to a virus that you don't need the vaccine. If you have the antibodies then you don't get ill from the virus.


    What level of antibodies--assuming you took one of the tests that measures antibody level--would show that you don't need the vaccine? Surely since this is your hypothesis, you know the number. And as a follow-up, at what rate does that level wane, because clearly you would not want to rely on that test forever? 


    9 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    But what kind of loser has to go to one quote from 4 months ago when I have literally 100's since when I admitted a week after that I needed to be more specific with my quote.



    It is to laugh.


    9 hours ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Within 8 posts you three times asked someone to explain to you simple concepts- this being the easiest. You seem to like the idea of being the fool who has stats but no understanding of what they mean. 


    OK, define a super spreader event. Beach said he attended one. His definition of any event where people gather to support Trump is actually pretty good. My definition is any event that annoys mask-wearing leftists. But you seem to have the "simple concept" locked up. What is the scientific definition for this "simple concept?" 

    15 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    I'm puzzled you're not aware of the term as you appear to be informed on the vaccines and COVID.  A super spreader is any event the global elite capitalists and their political and media whores along with the social justice crowd they bankroll deem to be way too many people is what they have decided through their wisdom and superior wealth and intelligence is an unsafe large gathering that will result in lots of COVID infections.  These events are typically defined as conservative protests or gatherings along with any traditional American event.  Thanksgiving gatherings are potential spreader events while BLM protests are not.  


    Closer to my definition--agreed. But I doubt this is what our resident immunologist Buffalo Timmy has in mind. 

  6. 33 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:


    The NHL postponed the New York Islanders' games through at least Nov. 30 on Saturday as a result of the team's worsening COVID-19 situation.


    The Islanders' road contests against the New York Rangers on Sunday and versus the Philadelphia Flyers on Tuesday won't be played as scheduled.


    Another Islanders player landed in COVID-19 protocol on Saturday morning, and up to eight of them may not be available to play now for the same reason, according to the league, which also cited the possibility of more cases due to the virus' spread.










    Keep duckin.



    You talking to yourself? 



  7. 7 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:



    What planet are you from?  How do you not understand.....anything


    You think I'm posting about the Xi variant because I'm scared or because I'm in some "told you so" about the vaccines not being effective moment?  Are you that dense?  



    I couldn't give 2 bleeps about whether or not this *variant* is less severe (biology says it shouldn't be) or that the vaccines work on it (lol) just as effectively. 


    I.  Don't.  Care.  This ended for me in April of 2020.  They won't let it.  That's the plan.  



    Why are you still in masks?   Why are there still protocols and mandates?


    Why wasn't the mask mandate in Erie County implemented 2 months ago when cases were spiking and everyone knew what was happening?


    Because this isn't about public health. 


    This is about control and making Karen feel safe at Target when she sees all these case spikes on her low info news source of choice.   



    Dupes.  All of you.  


    You're a hype master  



  8. 5 minutes ago, Beach said:

    i forgot to mention my 2 unvaxxed, unmasked friends didnt get covid either.  so thats 3 of us at 2 "super spreaders", unmasked, unvaxxed.  its almost like the media misled us.  so what is the line where we can trust the info and where we cant?


    Your anecdote proves there's no pandemic! 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    You keep acting like I was not overall correct and you have not had to keep adjusting your argument.


    You were incorrect. Still are. "The vaccine doesn't work for most people after six months" is actually not accurate. And based on the fact taht you had no evidence when you made it, it's even less so. Choose your words. 


    3 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Also I am missing where the data I you linked shows that the test is inaccurate, it compares some tests but it shows the combined data looks good unless there is data not presented there.


    You think the antibody test is important to determine "who is the most at risk." Why do you think an antibody test would help that and also play some gatekeeper role for giving a vaccine? 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Buffalo Timmy said:

    Went out yesterday with a friend who is about 40 and in good shape who had blood work done last week and found out he has a high level of antibodies despite not having been vaccinated or knowingly had Covid. I am wondering why we are not doing more blood tests before giving the shots? It would seem with proper tracking we can start to determine with even more accuracy who is the most at risk with this data.


    I'd have thought we'd have tons of covid tests available. The feds promised half a billion a month of the famous saliva test press conference. But, well, the feds have promised a lot. 


    Still the FDA's movement on all testing has been glacial and embarrassing. On antibody tests, the accuracy of these is mixed and further complicated because vaccines will show up as positive too. There's some science for you to look at regarding antibody test accuracy but as an experienced immunologist based on your past posts, you won't have trouble interpreting it

  11. 9 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

    The variant — which the World Health Organization has named Omicron — has 32 mutations on the spike protein — the most ever recorded and twice as many as the currently dominant Delta strain. 


    Experts fear the changes could make the vaccines 40 per cent less effective in a best-case scenario.


    This is because so many of the changes on B.1.1.529 are on the virus's spike protein.

    The current crop of vaccines trigger the body to recognise the version of the spike from older versions of the virus.


    But because the spike protein looks so different on the new strain, the body's immune system may struggle to recognise it and fight it off.


    It also includes mutations found on the Delta variant that allow it to spread more easily.






    But carry on about eradication, or we will just update the vaccines - that's exactly what makes mandates completely worthless.  


    Are we going to need to update our worthless vaccine passports to include "latest variant?"  What makes my super double vaxed and boosted status so special if I have the Botswana Variant that's resistant to it?  




    And even if this is just overblown hype (sure doesn't sound like it) they are using it to exert more power and control and forever mitigation right now.  Check that, they've been doing this for 2 full years now (close enough).


    You're the hype-master general. 


    We don't know jack squat about how this spreads, how the vaccine protects against it, or how severe its infection is yet. We will shortly but calm down child. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 2 hours ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Or maybe, just maybe, the vax don’t work as advertised. 


    No idea what that means. The vaccine works and we're figuring out for how long and what it's particularly good at. It's called "science." 


    What you're doing is plucking a number here and there to support some pre-conceived notion you keep bringing to the table. 


    Why haven't you compared hospitalizations now vs 2020 in the US? I keep asking and you keep not doing it. For fun, I'll do the work for you: 88K vs 46K. Call it half. Deaths 1800 vs 1000 (I'm being forgiving because the 7d average is actually under 1000). Call it half. Despite a mutations that is twice as contagious. 


    Hospitalizations are still largely unvaccinated people and at-risk who are seeing vax effectiveness wane, especially when you account for % of pop vaccinated. 


    But VACCINES DON'T WORK according to you. Keep spreading your idiot disease. I hope the older and at risk people in your life get the vaccination and I hope that you get it too. 

    16 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    LMAO - from the guy who helped plan super spreader events both at the White House and across America...






    Dr. Trump could fix it even now but the Biden admin won't let him help. He has ideas. The best ideas. Drink bleach, take hydrochloroquine, and eat a light bulb. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  13. 45 minutes ago, plenzmd1 said:

    Hmm, more proof of the efficacy of vaccines. About 1/20th the size of us, would equate to 400k cases in the US. 



    just remember, we can’t get back to normal till we get 70% fully vaccinated, cause that’s what the studies show us!! 




    Cases. What is the largest group of people showing up in cases in NL? Waiting waiting waiting. 0-17. 

    And there’s this gem out of the Netherlands. I’m shocked shocked I tell ya that you missed this. 

    “In ICU, the proportion of unvaccinated patients dropped from over 80 percent in September to about 70 percent in October. 

    The proportion of vaccinated Covid-19 patients needing hospital care is therefore increasing. According to the RIVM, this is a matter of relativity in the current wave of infections. Over 11 million Netherlands residents are fully vaccinated. And while they only stand a small chance of needing hospital care if they get Covid-19, a small chance times 11 million is still quite a few people in absolute number. “


    Want to guess at the average age of a vaxxed patient who is hospitalized vs unvaxed and hospitalized in NL? The number is out there. But it doesn’t fit your VACCINES DONT WORK narrative. 

    You were smart to run away from your last homework assignment. 


  14. 4 hours ago, BillsFanForever19 said:


    Misdirected hostility much?


    Like I said, I wasn't as worried about running it back as others were as I felt Wallace was underrated and Dane showed a lot of promise his Rookie season. But in losing White with very little depth behind him, when there were opportunities to improve the situation, at the very least in the Draft is now a very dubious decision and there's really no arguing it anymore. 

    Totally should be in an nfl front office bro. The Pegulas are missing out on your second guessing Beane. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, BillsFanForever19 said:


    When Beane opted to run it back and not improve CB in the offseason, I was okay with it so long as everyone stayed healthy. Now we're in a situation where there's no one available in FA that can make a difference and we're past the trade deadline. Now his decision to sign no one as well as going 2 DE's and 2 OT's in the First 4 Rounds and not choose a CB until late in the 6th (who isn't even in the building anymore) looks INCREDIBLY bad on him. Especially when you consider Basham and Doyle are non-factors. 


    It's shocking you're not an NFL GM right? 

    • Like (+1) 4
  16. 3 minutes ago, B-Man said:


    Erie County’s mask mandate gets some push back from the Town of Marilla


    The Town of Marilla town supervisor is standing firm against a new mask mandate announced by the Erie County executive this week. The mandate was was in response to rising covid rates.

    Supervisor Earl Gingerich Jr. says the town government does not plan on complying with the county’s mask mandate. The town plans to file an official complaint against the county.

    “Will not comply, or enforce, or participate in this mask mandate. We will defend our businesses’ and our resident’s right to make their own decisions of what’s best for themselves,” said Gingerich. “We’ll tell the county. We urge them not to enter our town to intimidate or harass our businesses or residents. The town of Marilla will use all of its resources to fight back and defend that right.”






    The town of where?

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