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Posts posted by Chilly

  1. What do you guys think of the new girl?


    I wasn't a huge fan of Dennis, but he won me over with his acting tonight. The new girl got put into place like the B word that she is. <_<


    Seriously though, I didn't think she was that good, I prefered Serena. That may change in the future though.

  2. HUH?  The SEC is far and away the best conference in college football.  Auburn would of showed up for this game at least, not phone it in like Oklahoma has done the past two years



    Far and away the best conference in college football? You have to be kidding me.


    They are up there, probably #1, but "far and away"? Not even close to the correct answer.


    Lets look at the big 12: You've got Texas who beat Michigan, Texas Tech who beat #4 Cal in their bowl, and Oklahoma playing (albeit poorly) in the national championship game.


    Oklahoma and Auburn would have been a good matchup. USC is way too much for any other team in college football this year.


    Face it, Auburn *barely* beat Va Tech and weren't even that impressive. Now they are whining about not being considered for the national title.


    Georgia is decent, but no where near Texas.


    Tech and Tennessee are probably about even.


    The only reason why I think that the SEC is a SLIGHTLY bit better then the Big 12 is LSU, they are obviously better than Texas A&M. Other then that, the rest of the SEC sucks and so does the Big 12.


    Oh, and how about all those people who were whining about Mack Brown's "whining"? I have two comments for you guys (you know who you are):


    1.) Why the !@#$ aren't you hypocrites bitching about Tommy Tuberville going TO THE ORANGE BOWL TO ARGUE FOR THE NATIONAL TITLE?


    2.) We beat Michigan. Cal lost to TEXAS TECH. Let me say that again for you idiots that didn't catch that. TEXAS TECH.



  3. Holy sh--, did some people just say that Utah deserved to be in the National Championship game?


    No freaking way. Until Utah proves they can beat someone halfway decent (see: someone better then Pittsburgh, who was the best team they played all year) they don't deserve sh--.

  4. No.


    I'd feel that my school should prove themselves against tougher opponents and be very very thrilled we went to a BCS game and won it.


    You explain it easily: You play in a creampuff conference against creampuff opponents, and you will still be considered a creampuff.

  5. The problem with Young is that he's very inconsistent when he's passing the ball. Sometimes he will be a decent passer, sometimes absolutely atrocious.


    However, he's improving a lot when throwing the ball.


    Young's always been outstanding creating runs when there is seemingly nothing there. I've watched a bunch of UT games in amazement as he bounces around like a pinball cutting through the defense. This is what makes him so good, although I have to say the Rose bowl is probably the best game I've ever seen from him.

  6. If I was Dungy, I'd worry about my team keeping their offense going for next week rather then "picking" who I'm going to play.


    If Indy feels they need to pick their opponent, they will have no shot in the playoffs. Everyone knows confidence is a big part of it, and Dungy cannot afford to send the message to his team that they have to pick their opponent to win.

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