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Posts posted by Chilly

  1. Front office Football rocks, and so does Madden. Both beat ESPN in my book. :)


    Besides, you might as well get used to Madden now, EA Sports is locked in with the NFL exclusively for a long time and they have ESPN's licensing from Sega now too after 2005.

  2. Oh my god, this is the most retarded thread I've seen here.


    For every god damn conservative group, of course theres a god damn liberal group. Its because most of the US are !@#$ing blind and loyal to a party instead of their own brain.


    These people piss me off. As do people that are like "OMG THE LEFT WOULD BAN MORE sh-- THEN THE RIGHT"


    First off the left would never try to make a ban on gay marriage, it'd only be on gun control.


    Both are !@#$ing stupid. The quicker America realizes this the happier I'll be.


    As far as this thread goes, DUH conservatives did something stupid. Look at the War in Iraq, and soon to be War in Iran. But look at what the democrats did stupid: Kerry's campaign.

  3. God damnit, they found out.


    All of us UT students were told when we first came here that it was really a symbol for Satan, and if we were religious in anyway to leave.


    Seems as though everyone's finally exposed us University of Texas students and Texans. :(

  4. I'd rather see his reaction if he's my coach than a Gregg Williams no emotion reaction.


    I think it's great.


    I can guarantee RIGHT NOW the Falcons will represent the NFC in the SB next year. A team that is only one player away.



    Okay. I'll make a monetary (paypal) wager that any team besides the Falcons will win the NFC next year. Put your money where your mouth is.

  5. Don't worry, you still have the professors to hang with.


    One of my sociology professors at Brockport was actually from Austin. Let the indoctrination begin! What a douche he was.



    Thankfully most of our profs AREN'T from Austin originally. If they were from Texas I woulda never left Florida to come here. :devil:

  6. Most college towns are,dummy.



    No !@#$ing sh--?


    I had no idea that college towns are usually liberal.


    Get the !@#$ out of these forums if you are going to call me dummy, you !@#$er. If you aren't smart enough to realize I was giving a funny fact from the governor's head legislative place, not that I was saying it was unusual, you need to get the !@#$ out of these forums.


    Oh, and by the way:


    You are the !@#$ing dumbass here, not me.


    Remember cat in portland: Down the road not across the street.

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